31 FAM - El Nostre Últim Ball - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 31 FAM - El Nostre Últim Ball

El Nostre Últim Ball
Our Last Dance
Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko
Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko
Seguim menjant McDonald's, però veient el Benihana
We're still eating McDonald's, but watching Benihana
Vull crear un imperi com si fos Tony Montana
I wanna build an empire like I'm Tony Montana
No pesar les penes mai més sobre de la tana
Never again carry the weight of sorrows on my shoulders
El nostre últim ball, com l'últim anell de Jordan
Our last dance, like Jordan's last ring
El nostre últim ball, per si avui els cabrons es torcen
Our last dance, in case the bastards turn on us today
El nostre últim ball, i l'últim que sigui etern
Our last dance, and the last one that will be eternal
Les andanes em recorden que ara ja no em puc permetre (Wow, wow)
The platforms remind me that now I can't afford (Wow, wow)
Perdre més temps de la vida per esperar el meu tren (Sheesh)
To waste any more time in life waiting for my train (Sheesh)
Plouen més punyals a l'esquena que bitllets
More daggers are raining down my back than bills
Com us he d'aguantar si no m'aguanto a mi mateix?
How am I supposed to put up with you if I can't even stand myself?
Poca música per art i molta per diners
Little music for art and a lot for money
(La franquícia 31 sonant a tots el carrers)
(The 31 franchise playing on every street)
Ambient al Garden TD
Garden TD vibe
Que em vas dir que no entenia, i ara entenc que c'est la vie
What you told me I didn't understand, and now I understand that's la vie
Vas fer el bartolo amb nosaltres, t'haurem de posar a dormir
You played us dirty, we're gonna have to put you to sleep
Nano, jo entro dins del club, es transforma l'aigua en vi
Shorty, I walk into the club, water turns into wine
He vingut aquí a deixar un llegat enrere
I came here to leave a legacy behind
Cinc anells, actitud de Black Mamba
Five rings, Black Mamba attitude
I formar família unida com Wakanda
And build a united family like Wakanda
Soc com Larry Bird, porto temps corrent per banda
I'm like Larry Bird, I've been running down the sidelines for a while
I no és MVP qui corre més, sinó qui més aguanta corrent
And it's not the MVP who runs the most, but who endures running the most
La mama ja no plora pel seu nen (Ja no plora)
Mama doesn't cry for her boy anymore (She doesn't cry anymore)
La miro als ulls a ella perquè que ara anem fent
I look into her eyes because I know we're making it now
Tranquilitos, deixant marca permanent
Chill, leaving a permanent mark
Fa temps que estem fent crossovers,
We've been doing crossovers for a while,
Breaking ankles a l'oponent (Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko)
Breaking ankles on the opponent (Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko)
Seguim menjant McDonald's, però veient el Benihana
We're still eating McDonald's, but watching Benihana
Vull crear un imperi com si fos Tony Montana
I wanna build an empire like I'm Tony Montana
No pesar les penes mai més sobre de la tana
Never again carry the weight of sorrows on my shoulders
El nostre últim ball, com l'últim anell de Jordan
Our last dance, like Jordan's last ring
El nostre últim ball, per si avui els cabrons es torcen
Our last dance, in case the bastards turn on us today
El nostre últim ball, i l'últim que sigui etern
Our last dance, and the last one that will be eternal
Les andanes em recorden que ara ja no em puc permetre (Wow, wow)
The platforms remind me that now I can't afford (Wow, wow)
Perdre més temps de la vida per esperar el meu tren
To waste any more time in life waiting for my train
M'has fet un kick out, no et trobo a faltar tu (No)
You kicked me out, I don't miss you (No)
Trobo a faltar qui era quan estava a tu la'o
I miss who I was when I was by your side
Tinc l'escola catalana preparant Cola Cao
I got the Catalan school preparing Cola Cao
Ubica referència, Sabadell capital
Get the reference, Sabadell capital
No vaig demanar la fama, ni el foco,
I didn't ask for fame, or the spotlight,
Ni vaines que fan mal de cap (Això són vaines, això són vaines)
Or things that give me headaches (These are things, these are things)
Si no fos per Canco, jo estaria loco,
If it weren't for Canco, I'd be crazy,
Baby, allà m'he criat (Qué lo que, qué lo que)
Baby, that's where I grew up (Qué lo que, qué lo que)
No volia fronteo', ni comes
I didn't want beef, or commas
Ni falses amb la Birkin bag (Zero fake, zero fake, zero fake)
Or fake chicks with a Birkin bag (Zero fake, zero fake, zero fake)
Tot això venia inclòs quan vaig triar fer música i ser recordat
All this came included when I chose to make music and be remembered
Celebrem l'últim tir
Let's celebrate the last shot
Quants balls fan falta perquè no
How many dances are left before
Sigui l'últim ball que fas a prop del Kid?
This isn't the last dance you do near the Kid?
El nostre últim ball per ballar amb
Our last dance to dance with
Els slatts, els minuts finals de partit
The slatts, the final minutes of the game
I et sento encara amb mi, quan volo tot sol (Flying solo)
And I still feel you with me, when I fly solo (Flying solo)
Que vibrem per les nostres penes, teus ullets, hoe, estan de dol
That we vibrate for our sorrows, your little eyes, hoe, are in mourning
Perquè es el nostre últim ball, per si avui els cabrons es torcen
Because it's our last dance, in case the bastards turn on us today
El nostre últim ball, i l'últim que sigui etern
Our last dance, and the last one that will be eternal
Les andanes em recorden que ara ja no em puc permetre
The platforms remind me that now I can't afford
Perdre més temps de la vida per esperar el meu tren
To waste any more time in life waiting for my train
Quants balls fan falta perquè no sigui l'últim ball?
How many dances are left until it's not the last dance?
Jordan with 2 seconds to go
Jordan with 2 seconds to go
Puts it up and scores! At the buzzer!
Puts it up and scores! At the buzzer!
Michael Jordan has won it for Chicago!
Michael Jordan has won it for Chicago!
Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko
Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko

Авторы: Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, Eduard Freixas Palou

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