31 FAM - Make It Rain INTRO - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 31 FAM - Make It Rain INTRO

Make It Rain INTRO
Make It Rain INTRO
Em diuen Brother, on estàs?
They say Brother, where are you?
Ja no ets el que eres abans
You're not the same as you were before
Els hi dic que no canvio, no he canviat
I tell them that I don't change, I haven't changed
Jo només evoluciono i ho faig de forma constant
I just evolve and I do it constantly
Vaig veure que per ser a dalt de tot jo sempre vaig davant
I saw that to be at the top I'm always ahead
I he deixat un par de pussis per veure'ls morir en el fang
And I've left a couple of pussies to watch them die in the mud
Al meu phone només rebo missatges d'on polles estàs? i què fas?
On my phone I only get messages from where are you? and what are you doing?
Em controlen com la factura del gas
They control me like the gas bill
I quan tornis per buscar-me, primo tu ja no em tindràs
And when you come back looking for me, cousin, you won't have me anymore
El que reia del que fèiem, ara pujo a l'escenari
The one who laughed at what we did, now I go up on stage
Jo cobro 5 mil a l'hora i ell s'ho mira des d'abaix
I charge 5 thousand an hour and he watches from below
Arrossego 2 sold outs a Razzmatazz
I drag 2 sold outs to Razzmatazz
Ara volen unes classes per saber seguir el compàs
Now they want some classes to know how to follow the beat
La visió de Steve Nash
The vision of Steve Nash
Si avui jo em fés vell, seguiries on my wave
If I got old today, you'd follow on my wave
Em mantinc a la lane
I stay in my lane
Sóc la veritat entre tant fake, entre tant fake (fake, fake)
I'm the truth among so much fake, among so much fake (fake, fake)
Fa temps que no plou a aquestes terres
It's been a while since it rained in these lands
Però estem fent-ho Make it rain
But we're making it Make it rain
Però estem fent-ho Make it rain
But we're making it Make it rain
Make it rain, yeah, make it rain, yeah
Make it rain, yeah, make it rain, yeah
Make it rain, fent-ho ploure, (billets en el coll), fent-ho ploure
Make it rain, making it rain, (bills on my neck), making it rain
Make it rain, cada dia fent-ho ploure
Make it rain, every day making it rain
Vas vendre palla, la palla va cara al mercat
You sold straw, the straw is expensive on the market
Vaig a per el vostre cap
I'm going for your head
Big Steppa, jugo amb els rappers com si ludoteca
Big Steppa, I play with the rappers as if it were a playroom
No caaap, que som els pares de la nova onada
No caaap, we are the parents of the new wave
Els pares de la caritat, quan tu la puges jo baixo l'escala
The parents of charity, when you can, I go down the stairs
Busco qualitat per sobre quantitat
I look for quality over quantity
Sóc com Tracy McGrady, me'n vaig corrent per la banda
I'm like Tracy McGrady, I'm running down the side
Ningú s'entera de res perquè estem molt amunt
No one knows anything because we are very high up
Em truca el Bandi Com va?, Estic de ressaca i ho sap
Bandi calls me How are you?, I'm hungover and he knows it
Vull evadirme fer-me un filly mirant a la Moon (mirant a la Moon)
I want to evade, get myself a filly looking at the Moon (looking at the Moon)
El Kid Pi és el meu profeta, sempre està fent les lliçons
Kid Pi is my prophet, he's always doing the lessons
Bitch si no entens el missatge estas més fred que dos glaçons
Bitch if you don't understand the message you're colder than two ice cubes
No comprem ice, ni bevem henny, fumem mais
We don't buy ice, we don't drink henny, we smoke corn
Tinc dos beatmakers que es follen els samplers del teu Splice
I have two beatmakers who are blowing up the samplers of your Splice
Estic fent apologia de la nostra màgia
I am making an apology for our magic
Perquè el que és únic, no es podrà tornar a fer igual
Because what is unique, cannot be done again the same
31, no hi ha excusa
31, there is no excuse
Sempre serà la meva religió
It will always be my religion
Ja m'ho va dir l'avi al veurem per televisió
Grandpa told me we'd see it on TV
I vull més or, vull invertir en aquesta vida
And I want more gold, I want to invest in this life
Que després la palmo, baby, se'm fa tard
That then I die, baby, I'm late
De la merda que jo escupo tinc el cor accelerat
From the shit I spit my heart is racing
No ho posarem a vendre perquè mai no ho hem comprat
We're not going to put it up for sale because we never bought it
Si avui jo em fés vell, seguiries on my wave
If I got old today, you'd follow on my wave
Em mantinc a la lane
I stay in my lane
Sóc la veritat entre tant fake, entre tant fake (fake, fake)
I'm the truth among so much fake, among so much fake (fake, fake)
Fa temps que no plou a aquestes terres
It's been a while since it rained in these lands
Però estem fent-ho Make it rain
But we're making it Make it rain
Però estem fent-ho Make it rain
But we're making it Make it rain
Make it rain, yeah, make it rain, yeah
Make it rain, yeah, make it rain, yeah
Make it rain, fent-ho ploure, (billets en el coll), fent-ho ploure
Make it rain, making it rain, (bills on my neck), making it rain
Make it rain, cada dia fent-ho ploure
Make it rain, every day making it rain
Yo he visto cosas que vosotros no creeríais
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe
Todos esos momentos se perderán como lágrimas en la lluvia
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

Авторы: Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, Dídac Serra Franzi, Eduard Freixas Palou

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