31 FAM - Touchdown - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 31 FAM - Touchdown

(Joey C)
(Joey C)
I ara tots són dolents com bandolers per la ciutat (wow)
Now they are all bad like bandits in the city (wow)
Vesteixen marca que no saben ni com l′han pagat
They wear brands they don't even know how they paid for
Tenim tots deutes d'una vida que ens fa mal de cap
We all have debts from a life that gives us a headache
Tenim els haters parlant per l′esquena
We have haters talking behind our backs
Després es confessen perquè els perdonem
Then they confess because we forgive them
Sempre vam aprendre a perdre però avui ens toca guanyar
We always learned to lose but today we have to win
Tinc la família addicta I mai ho podrem valorar
I have my family addicted and we will never be able to appreciate it
Intento tenir bona vida, però no soc capellà
I try to have a good life, but I'm no priest
Respecte per la gent del barri que creix sense ajuda
Respect for the people of the neighborhood who grow up without help
Diga-li a la meva mami si algun cop l'he fallat
Tell my mommy if I ever failed her
I si ho he fet ha sigut per trobar la meva pròpia cura
And if I did it was to find my own cure
Perquè jo que el meu cap m'està fent pensar pecats (pecats)
Because I know my head is making me think sins (sins)
Me río y no entiendo cómo va esta vida
I laugh and I don't understand how this life goes
Muchas diferencias el de abajo y arriba
Many differences between the bottom and the top
Me tiré en el pozo y no había salida
I threw myself into the well and there was no way out
Me encuentro encerrado y nadie me motiva
I find myself locked up and no one motivates me
Entro al estudio y desconecto
I enter the studio and disconnect
Hace mucho tiempo no escucho al resto
I haven't listened to the rest for a long time
Me he engordado y eso por supuesto
I've gotten fat and that's for sure
Que saqué mi flow y ahora que peso y
That I took out my flow and now I really weigh and
Run, run, solo puesto pa′ la FAM, FAM
Run, run, only ready for the FAM, FAM
Muchos envidiosos que hablan, apunto y disparo y touchdown
Many envious people who talk, I aim and shoot and touchdown
I run, run, només estic per la FAM, FAM
I run, run, I'm only here for the FAM, FAM
Cantant a la casa amb el Bandam, li tiro com Beckham, faig touchdown
Singing at home with the Bandam, I throw it like Beckham, I score a touchdown
Fuera los falsos, prefiero estar solo
Out with the fake ones, I prefer to be alone
Me he hecho muy fuerte, ni por pena lloro
I've become very strong, I don't even cry out of pity
Yo soy de alta gama, comparado con oro
I am high-end, compared to gold
Bolsillos vacíos, pero poco a poco
Empty pockets, but little by little
No quiero la moda porque soy la moda
I don't want fashion because I am fashion
Creciendo barriga, me siento el Poppa
Growing belly, I feel like the Poppa
Viene la victoria y tu culo en pompa
Victory is coming and your ass is pumped
(Eh, eh, eh)
(Eh, eh, eh)
I ara tots són dolents com bandolers per la ciutat (wow)
Now they are all bad like bandits in the city (wow)
Vesteixen marca que no saben ni com l′han pagat
They wear brands they don't even know how they paid for
Tenim tots deutes d'una vida que ens fa mal de cap
We all have debts from a life that gives us a headache
Tenim els haters parlant per l′esquena
We have haters talking behind our backs
Després es confessen perquè els perdonem
Then they confess because we forgive them
Sempre vam aprendre a perdre però avui ens toca guanyar
We always learned to lose but today we have to win
Tinc la família addicta i mai ho podrem valorar
I have my family addicted and we will never be able to appreciate it
Intento tenir bona vida, però no soc capellà (no)
I try to have a good life, but I'm no priest (no)
Didi, Bandam, melodia selecta
Didi, Bandam, selected melody
Quan treiem tema al teu cap directe
When we release a song to your head directly
Abans des de zero I ara pujant recte
Before from scratch and now going straight up
Érem l'alumne I ara som el mestre
We were the student and now we are the master
Per la ciutat se me′n va la memòria (ey, ey)
For the city my memory goes away (ey, ey)
Una casa blanca que em dongui la glòria
A white house that gives me glory
Al desert o a la costa, enmig de la posta de Califòrnia
In the desert or on the coast, in the middle of the Californian sunset
'Tamos metío′ en la movie
We are in the movie
Nadie lo buscaba, pero ahora es así
Nobody was looking for it, but now it is like this
Que yo quiero buscarme mi money
That I want to find my money
No perdí mi tiempo, solo lo invertí
I didn't waste my time, I just invested it
No paro hasta que esté shinning
I don't stop until I'm shining
Mucha gente falsa around me
Many fake people around me
Manín, ser humilde es gratis
Man, being humble is free
Cruzando esquinas, soy alfil
Crossing corners, I'm a bishop
I ara tots són dolents com bandolers per la ciutat
Now they are all bad like bandits in the city
Vesteixen marca que no saben ni com l'han pagat
They wear brands they don't even know how they paid for
Tenim un pacte amb la vida que no ens hem guanyat
We have a pact with life that we haven't earned
Tenim els haters parlant per l'esquena I mai s′han confessat
We have haters talking behind our backs and they have never confessed

Авторы: Dídac Serra Franzi, Ferran Vilalta Aguilar, Joel Cosp Mcgettigan

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