5'nizza - Сон - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 5'nizza - Сон

The Dream
Я смотрю один и тот же сон
I keep having the same dream,
Такого не видел и Люк Бессон
Even Luc Besson hasn't seen anything like it.
Если бы закрыл глаза
If you closed your eyes,
Небо как помятая фольга
The sky would be like crumpled foil,
Ярко-красные снега
With bright red snow.
Все всегда здесь только за
Here, everything is always just "for",
На месте солнца пятиконечная звезда
Instead of the sun, a five-pointed star.
Все боятся опоздать
Everyone's afraid to be late,
Песню бы допеть успеть
To finish the song in time.
Всех строят строем
Everyone's lined up in a row,
Страдают геморроем роем
Suffering from hemorrhoids in swarms.
Могилы роют, ноют
They dig graves, they whine,
Чтобы ближе быть к земле
To be closer to the earth.
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well
Перекрашены параши
The toilets are repainted,
В городе наши
In our city.
Лизергиновые каши
Lysergic porridges,
Плачут Маши на параде
Masha's crying at the parade,
Бога ради
For God's sake,
Выключайте радио активные
Turn off the radioactive ones.
Мы можем
We can
Даже дышать... порами кожи
Even breathe... through the pores of our skin,
Если затянуть петлю потуже
If we tighten the noose,
Или же заклеить рты
Or seal our mouths shut.
Перевёрнутое заперто
The upside down is locked,
Наши пра-пра-предки
Our great-great-ancestors
Оставили свои метки
Left their marks,
Медные монетки
Copper coins,
Наглaдные пособия
Visual aids,
Рождённые в клетке
Born in a cage,
Кровоточит троеточие
An ellipsis bleeds.
С утра до ночи я рублю дрова
From morning till night I chop wood,
Wow! Под топор попала голова
Wow! A head fell under the axe.
Game o-ver!
Game over!
Game o-ver!
Game over!
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well
Давно ли ли вы были на лесоповале?
Have you been to the logging site lately?
Стволы валили? Руки омывали
Felled trees? Washed your hands,
Реки крови
In rivers of blood,
Да усы, да брови густые
With thick mustaches and eyebrows,
Копыта, хвосты (yeah)
Hooves, tails (yeah)
Падали кресты, костры горели
Crosses fell, bonfires burned,
Хором мы пели
We sang in chorus,
Но на самом деле - спали
But in fact - we were sleeping,
Нас палили, чтобы
They set us on fire, so that
Всё выше и выше и выше
Higher and higher and higher
Было пламя
The flame would be,
Красное знамя над нами
A red flag above us,
Красное знамя! (yeah)
A red flag! (yeah)
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well, well
Well, well, well...
Well, well, well...

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