8 Ball - Main Ke Rumahmu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 8 Ball - Main Ke Rumahmu

Main Ke Rumahmu
Your Place
Rumahmu sepi kamu sendiri
Your place is empty, you're all alone
Boleh gak aku datang menemani
Can I visit you and keep you company?
Kita main ular tangga atau petak umpet
Let's play Snakes and ladders or hide and seek
Main yang lainnya kalau masih sempet
Anything else if we still have time
Di dalam adem, di luar panas
It's cool inside, it's hot outside
Siang bolong gini mataharinya ganas
The sun is scorching in the afternoon
Buatin minum yang seger-seger
Make me a refreshing drink
Berduaan tapi jangan sampai keblinger
Let's be alone but don't let it get out of hand
Nyalain TV mari menonton kartun
Let's turn on the TV and watch cartoons
Kita buktiin masih ngerti sopan santun
We'll prove that we still have manners
Duduk agak jaga jarak gak boleh deketan
Sit a bit apart, don't get too close
Kalo kumendadak mepet tolong diingatkan
If I suddenly get too close, please remind me
Kata orang kalau lagi berduaan
People say that when you're alone
Pihak yang ketiga itu adalah setan
The third party is the devil
Maka kita harus bisa jaga diri
So we must be able to control ourselves
Supaya bisa main lagi lain hari
So that we can play again another day
Bapakmu lagi keluar, ibumu ikut keluar
Your dad is out, your mom is out
Kakakmu juga keluar, kamu di rumah gak di luar
Your brother is out too, you're home, not out
Teriak hore (hore) main sampai sore (sore)
Shout hooray (hooray) play until evening (evening)
Teriak hore (hore) main sampai sore (sore)
Shout hooray (hooray) play until evening (evening)
Setan itu ada di mana-mana
The devil is everywhere
Gak cuma jadi pihak ketiga antara kita
Not just the third party between us
Jadi tenang darling aku gak lebih (no no no)
So calm down darling, I'm not that way (no no no)
Meski kondisi rumahmu lagi sepi
Even though your house is empty
Paling duduk dempet itu pun kalau mau
At most we'll sit close if you want
Tapi kalau gak sudi duduknya agak jauh
But if you don't want to, let's sit far apart
Mata saling pandang aku udah senang
Looking into each other's eyes makes me happy
Apalagi kalau tanganmu bisa kupegang
Especially if I can hold your hand
Gak kebayang pas lagi, uhuk uhuk bapakmu datang
I can't imagine if, cough cough, your dad comes home
Bogem mentah ke muka ini bisa melayang
His fist could fly into my face
Lebih baik kita mawas
We'd better be careful
Terus duduk-duduk di teras
Just sit on the porch
Biar pas mereka pulang gak curiga
So that when they come home they won't suspect anything
Dan tahu anak perawannya aman kujaga
And know that their little girl is safe with me
Meski banyak kesempatan buat kita berdua
Even though there are many opportunities for us
Tapi nama kita 'kan belum sah di KUA
But our names aren't official at the KUA yet
Bapakmu lagi keluar, ibumu ikut keluar
Your dad is out, your mom is out
Kakakmu juga keluar, kamu di rumah gak di luar
Your brother is out too, you're home, not out
Teriak hore (hore) main sampai sore (sore)
Shout hooray (hooray) play until evening (evening)
Teriak hore (hore) main sampai sore (sore)
Shout hooray (hooray) play until evening (evening)
Bapakmu lagi keluar, ibumu ikut keluar
Your dad is out, your mom is out
Kakakmu juga keluar, kamu di rumah gak di luar
Your brother is out too, you're home, not out
Teriak hore (hore) main sampai sore (sore)
Shout hooray (hooray) play until evening (evening)
Teriak hore (hore) main sampai sore (sore)
Shout hooray (hooray) play until evening (evening)

Авторы: Jozzi Gesiradja, Muhammad Iqbal

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