八三夭 - 最後的831 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 八三夭 - 最後的831

The Last of 831
未來的 那個你 是否活得過癮
In the future, would you be living life to the fullest?
比現在 這個我 更喜歡那個自己
Would you love yourself more than the me of today?
有沒有 遺忘了 曾許下的約定
Have you forgotten the promises we made?
絕不要 辜負此刻的自己
Never let down the self of today,
The last of August 31st.
毎一個被揮霍的夏季 連鬧鐘都賴到自然醒
Every summer I've squandered, I'd wake up naturally, even ignoring my alarm
時間忘了今天星期幾 人生忘了要前進
Time has forgotten what day it is, and life has forgotten to move forward
曾經說好的環島旅行 像那空白的暑假習題
The island tour we promised, like the summer homework we left blank
那段還沒告白的戀情 像電影遺憾的劇情
The love I never confessed, like the regretful plot of a movie
暑假 不知不覺 離開青春場景
Unbeknownst to me, summer has bid the scene of youth farewell
人生 後知後覺 跟著換季
Unbeknownst to me, life has changed with the seasons
明天後 的自己 是不是我憧憬
The me after tomorrow, is it the one I have always yearned for?
未來的 那個你 是否活得過癮
In the future, would you be living life to the fullest?
比現在 這個我 更喜歡那個自己
Would you love yourself more than the me of today?
有沒有 遺忘了 曾許下的約定
Have you forgotten the promises we made?
絕不要 辜負此刻的自己
Never let down the self of today,
The last of August 31st.
總以為未來遙不可及 才發現青春像冰淇淋
I always thought the future was far, far away, only to find that youth is like ice cream
融化的讓我措手不及 最後的八月三十一
Melting before I know it, the last of August 31st
小時候夢得不切實際 長大後卻要學著實際
When I was young, I had unrealistic dreams, but as I grew older, I had to learn to be practical
我們討厭那樣的自己 無奈卻無能為力
We hated that part of ourselves, but there was nothing we could do
應該 厚著臉皮 活在他們期許
Should I shamelessly live up to their expectations?
還是 硬著頭皮 做我自己
Or stubbornly be myself?
哪一種 的結局 是我一生回憶
Which ending would be a memory I would cherish for life?
未來的 那個你 是否活得過癮
In the future, would you be living life to the fullest?
比現在 這個我 更喜歡那個自己
Would you love yourself more than the me of today?
有沒有 遺忘了 曾許下的約定
Have you forgotten the promises we made?
絕不要 辜負此刻的自己
Never let down the self of today,
那一年 那個 八月三十一
That year, that August 31st
約好了 一直 這樣唱下去
We promised to keep singing like this
就算失敗了 也是種榮譽 我還能 驕傲回憶
Even if we failed, it would be an honor. I could still remember it with pride
未來的 那個你 擁有什麼表情
In the future, what emotions will you have?
是快樂 或傷心 有沒有無愧我心
Will you be happy or sad? Will you have lived a life you're proud of?
就算你 已放棄 曾追逐的風景
Even if you have given up on the dreams you once chased,
別忘記 唱這首歌的自己
Don't forget yourself who sang this song.
The last of August 31st.
這一首歌 讓我送給自己 唱一首歌 給未來的你聽
I dedicate this song to myself, a song for my future self
請不要忘記 請不要忘記 這首歌裡的自己
Please don't forget, please don't forget the self in this song
這一首歌 讓我送給自己 唱一首歌 給未來的你聽
I dedicate this song to myself, a song for my future self
請不要忘記 請不要忘記 唱這首歌的你
Please don't forget, please don't forget yourself who sang this song.

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