98.20.11 - Demeter - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 98.20.11 - Demeter

Hola veganos y come hiervas...
Hello vegans and herbivores...
Bienvenidos a destripando la historia con Pascu y Rodri...
Welcome to gutting the story with Pascu and Rodri...
Hoy le traemos a la diosa de la agricultura...
Today we bring you the goddess of agriculture...
Su papá de la comió...
Her father ate her...
Su hermanito la salvó...
her little brother saved her...
Lucha contra fieros titanes a todos derrotó...
Fights against fierce titans that everyone defeated...
Se reparten toda la tierra,pero con ella no...
They share all the land, but not with her.
Diosa de la cosecha y el pan...
Goddess of the harvest and bread...
Sus misterios no te piensa contar...
His mysteries don't think he can tell you...
Fueron a una boda!
They went to a wedding!
Se enamora de su sobrino Iasion!
She falls in love with her nephew Iasion!
A Zeus no le mola!
Zeus is not happy!
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Y le lanza un rayo destructor!
And he throws her a thunderbolt!
Se acuesta con ella!
She sleeps with her!
Y luego la preña!
And then impregnates her!
A una hermosa niña pario!
She gave birth to a beautiful girl!
La pobre Demeter...
Poor Demeter...
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Oh oh...
Oh oh...
Pero Zeus la regalo...
But Zeus gave her away...
¿Buscas esposa? Quédate a mi hija...
Are you looking for a wife? Stay with my daughter...
¿En serio?
Of course!
Hades fue y la secuestró...
Hades went and kidnapped her...
Fue a buscarla por todas partes...
He went to look for her everywhere...
Pero no la encontró...
But I didn't find her...
Vi a tu hermano se la llebava Zeus lo consintió...
I saw your brother Zeus consent...
Enfadada abandona su hogar...
Angry, she leaves her home...
Y la tierra se empieza a secar...
And the earth begins to dry...
Se pone al servicio!
He puts himself at the service!
De un famoso rey que la acepto!
Of a famous king who accepted her!
Cuida de sus hijos!
Take care of their children!
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Se encariña mucho de los dos!
He takes a lot of affection from the two!
A uno le hornea,en la chimenea!
One of them bakes, in the chimney!
Para convertirlo en un dios!
To turn him into a god!
La pobre demeter!
Poor Demeter!
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Oh oh...
Oh oh...
Uh... que pasa aqui?...
Uh... what's going on here?...
(La gente se muere...)
(People are dying...)
Demeter regresa a mi...
Demeter come back to me...
(La gente se muere...)
(People are dying...)
Que alguien la haga salir...
Somebody get her out...
(La gente se muere!)
(People are dying!)
No se que hacer sin ti!
I don't know what to do without you!
Suelta a mi pequeña...
Let go of my little girl...
Dejala volver y se acabo...
Let her go back and it's over...
Hades la livera...
Hades liberates her...
Oh oh...
Oh oh...
Con una ligera condición...
With a slight condition...
Ella cada invierno volvera a mi reino!
She will return to my kingdom every winter!
Y su madre al fin se calmo...
And his mother finally calmed down...
Le dejo su carro!
He left him his chariot!
A uno de los niños que cuido!
To one of the children he took care of!
Lo lleno de granos!
He filled it with grain!
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Y le enseñó a ser agricultor!
And he taught him to be a farmer!
Y con mucho empeño! Enseña sus misterios!
And with great effort! He teaches his mysteries!
Y por toda Grecia voló!
And flew all over Greece!
Fiestas a demeter!
Parties with Demeter!
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Oh oh...
Oh oh...

Авторы: 98.20.11, Johan Medina Cornejo

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