A-Lin - 我不想他 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни A-Lin - 我不想他

I Don't Want Him
I Don't Want Him
English lyrics: Your Name
今天原來會是一個好天氣 莫名其妙 下了一點雨
Today was supposed to be a good day, inexplicably, a little rain came down
拿一把雨傘擋住一切關於你的爛天氣 我只想要 萬里都無雲
I hold an umbrella to block out all the bad weather that has to do with you, I just want万里都无云 (万里 are 10,000 li, a traditional Chinese unit of distance.)
不愛沒關係 裝笨裝失憶 沒愛了不起
It's okay not to love, to pretend to be stupid, to lose memory, to not love
愛得太用力 誰都輸不起
To love too hard, neither of us can afford to lose
我真的不想他 雖然眼淚還是會想他
I really don't want him, even though my tears still think of him
哭到自己像個傻瓜 痛到自己說放得下
Crying until I look like a fool, aching until I say I can let go
放開自己真的不想他 誰的寂寞明天會沙啞
Letting go of myself, really not wanting him, whose loneliness will be hoarse tomorrow
我沒想像中那麼傻 只是思念 默默的問 要怎麼答
I'm not as silly as I thought, just missing him, silently asking, how do I answer
手機剛剛收到他傳來簡訊 問我最近 是否過得去
Just now, my phone received a text message from him, asking me how I've been doing recently
雖然現在只剩我一個人旅行 謝謝關心 我會堅強走下去
Even though now it's just me traveling alone, thank you for your concern, I will continue to be strong
不愛沒關係 裝笨裝失憶 沒愛了不起
It's okay not to love, to pretend to be stupid, to lose memory, to not love
愛得太用力 誰都輸不起
To love too hard, neither of us can afford to lose
我真的不想他 雖然眼淚還是會想他
I really don't want him, even though my tears still think of him
哭到自己像個傻瓜 痛到自己說放得下
Crying until I look like a fool, aching until I say I can let go
放開自己真的不想他 誰的寂寞明天會沙啞
Letting go of myself, really not wanting him, whose loneliness will be hoarse tomorrow
我沒想像中那麼傻 只是思念 默默的問 要怎麼答
I'm not as silly as I thought, just missing him, silently asking, how do I answer
灰色天空 狠狠哭完了 大雨卻帶不走迷惑
The gray sky, I've cried my heart out, but the heavy rain still can't wash away the confusion
鬆開的手 還有多久才會忘記他的溫柔
The hands I let go, how long will it be before I forget the gentleness of his touch
我真的不想他 雖然眼淚還是會想他
I really don't want him, even though my tears still think of him
哭到自己像個傻瓜 痛到自己說放得下
Crying until I look like a fool, aching until I say I can let go
放開自己真的不想他 誰的寂寞明天會沙啞
Letting go of myself, really not wanting him, whose loneliness will be hoarse tomorrow
我沒想像中那麼傻 只是思念 要怎麼答
I'm not as silly as I thought, just missing him, how do I answer
我真的不想他 開始懷疑我還是想他
I really don't want him, starting to wonder if I still want him
矛盾的心像個傻瓜 愛過的人傻得可怕
My contradictory heart is like a fool, loving someone foolishly
好吧其實真的很想他 因為我是真的愛過他
Okay, in truth, I really do want him, because I truly loved him
瘋瘋癲癲滿是傷疤 還是得學會瀟灑 用力忘記他
Crazy and full of scars, I still have to learn to be灑脫(潇洒/Shāo suǒ, elegant, unrestrained), to forcefully forget him

Авторы: Vincent Degiorgio, Robbie Patterson & Ron Lopata

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