A banda da Loba - Fiestras abertas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни A banda da Loba - Fiestras abertas

Fiestras abertas
Open Windows
A amizade ten flor que rebenta nas paredes
Friendship has a flower that bursts through walls
Sobrevive da podremia mutua
It survives on mutual decay
E precisa das fiestras abertas
And only needs open windows
Onde nace e se deita o sol de dentro
Where the inner sun is born and sets
A amizade precisa das fiestras abertas
Friendship only needs open windows
Compartir as cordas de tender a roupa
To share the clotheslines
Vibrantes de emoción e de necesidade
Vibrating with emotion and need
Por aquelas cousas que a auga da vida
For those things that the water of life
Non lavado, pola dor que as esfrega
Doesn't wash away, for the pain that scrubs them
Deteriora, volve inúteis
Deteriorates, makes them useless
E entón hai que poñelas a secar
And then you have to put them out to dry
Ao ar das bocas abertas, xanelas asustadas
In the air of open mouths, frightened windows
A amizade precisa das fiestras e as bocas abertas
Friendship only needs open windows and open mouths
Das cordas de tender
Vibrantes de emoción
Vibrating with emotion
E de necesidade
And need
Non é amor no sentido estricto da palabra
It's not love in the strict sense of the word
Senón amor de luz, esa grande indiferencia
But a love of light, that great indifference
Que produce estar ao alcance
That comes from being within reach
Estar ao alcance
Being within reach
Porta con porta, vida con vida
Door to door, life to life
Coas cordas frouxas destensadas
With loose, slackened ropes
Máis e máis a medida que a auga do tempo
More and more as the water of time
Amolece o tecido irreversíbel
Softens the irreversible fabric
Destes nosos corpos,
Of these bodies of ours,
O único que somos
The only thing we are
A amizade precisa das fiestras e as bocas abertas
Friendship only needs the windows and mouths open
Das cordas de tender frouxas, destensadas
The loose, slackened clotheslines
De emoción
With emotion
E de necesidade
And need
De emoción
With emotion
E de necesidade
And need
De emoción
With emotion
E de necesidade
And need
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Abrir as fiestras
Open the windows
Ah, ah,ah
Ah, ah, ah
Abrir as fiestras
Open the windows
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Fiestras abertas
Open windows

Авторы: Andrea Porto, Estela Rodríguez, Inés Mirás, Marcela Porto, Xiana Lastra

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