Sve sam ti dao u ovom svetu stradanjasve sam ti dao i prosjak post′opijanac bez nadanja Ref.
I gave you everything in this world of sufferingI gave you everything and became a beggar, a hopeless drunkardRef.
Poljem se siri miris tamjanamirise cvece ko moja draganaa male laste s juga dolazeko da mi tvoju ljubav donose U ovom gradu ja nemam nikogaumrecu duso ako si njegovaneka te prate stotine tamburaumrecu duso na tvojim rukama Ja nista necu sto sam ti dao od srcaja nista necu jer ne znam da li si zena il' svetica Ref.
The fragrance of incense spreads through the fieldthe flowers are like my lovebeautiful birds come from the southto bring me your loveIn this city, I have nobodymy soul will die if it is not yoursmaybe hundreds of tambourines follow youmy soul will die on your handsI want nothing that I gave you from my hearti want nothing because I do not know if you are a woman or a saintRef.
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