Bas u minut dva pre zatvaranja kad sam prestao da brojim greske i vec sisao sa vrteske Svratila si ti da zavrtis krugda me nateras da opet igram i da napravim jos jedan dug Od tada ne zakljucavam vratajer sam vec svaku zakljucao nadu Da posle tebe ovde ima neceg neceg vrednog sto bi mogli jos da mi ukradu Ref.
Just two minutes before closing time when I stopped counting my mistakes and was already sippin' from the bottle,You came by to spin around and made me dance again and incur another debt.Since then I haven't locked the door, I've already locked away every hope,That after you there would be something here, something precious that could still be stolen from me.Ref.
Ode kapara, ode s tobom sveode da me seti na sramotu prosao sam lose u zivotu Iluzije sve popijene sutrezan cekam na novo upoznanstvoti si bila poslednje pijanstvoode kapara
The deposit is gone, everything is gone with you, to remind me of my shame, I've failed in life.All illusions have been drunk, sober I await a new acquaintance, you were my last night's booze, the deposit is gone.
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