ADDA - Mamă Soacra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ADDA - Mamă Soacra

Mamă Soacra
Anii mei, anii mei, anii mei vreau sa se intoarca
My years, my years, my years I want them back
Anii mei, anii mei, anii mei vreau sa se intoarca
My years, my years, my years I want them back
Eu am 20 de ani si un suflet plin cu vise
I'm 20 years old and my soul is full of dreams
Vreau sa stau la bratul lui, toata viata stiu ca ti se
I want to be on his arm, I know that you feel like
Pare ca ti l-am furat si l-am ametit de cap
It seems like I stole him from you and made him dizzy
De-ai stii cat ne-am asteptat, atatia ani ne-am cautat
If you only knew how long we waited, for so many years we searched
Si e bine, avem stelele pe cer si muzica si dansul
And it's good, we have the stars in the sky and music and dance
Si iubirea noastra e cea mai frumoasa
And our love is the most beautiful
Mama, mama soacra, anii mei n-o sa se intoarca
Mother, mother, mother-in-law, my years will never return
Mai stii cand ai fost ca mine si luptai pentru iubire
Do you remember when you were like me and fought for love
Mama, mama soacra, anii mei n-o sa se intoarca
Mother, mother, mother-in-law, my years will never return
Anii mei si tineretea, zambetul si frumusetea
My years and youth, my smile and beauty
Anii mei, anii mei, anii mei vreau sa se intoarca
My years, my years, my years I want them back
Il iubesc de nu mai pot, il iubesc si doar in vise
I love him so much I can't, I love him and only in dreams
Am crezut ca o sa zbor cu aripile deschise
I thought I could fly with my wings open
Poate crezi ca e nedrept sa ma tina strans la piept, dar
Maybe you think it's unfair to hold me tight to your chest
Si pe-ai mei poate ca-i doare, fata lor s-a facut mare
And maybe my parents are hurting, their face has become big
Mama, mama soacra, anii mei n-o sa se intoarca
Mother, mother, mother-in-law, my years will never return
Mai stii cand ai fost ca mine si luptai pentru iubire
Do you remember when you were like me and fought for love
Mama, mama soacra, anii mei n-o sa se intoarca
Mother, mother, mother-in-law, my years will never return
Anii mei si tineretea, zambetul si frumusetea
My years and youth, my smile and beauty
O sa treaca anii cum trece o clipa
The years will pass like a moment
Vreau sa stiu ca-s fericita, asa cum visam de mica
I want to know that I'm happy, like I dreamed of as a child
Vreau sa lupt pentru iubire, stiu ca o merit pe toata
I want to fight for love, I know I deserve it all
Si nu am niciun regret, imi ascult inima, iata
And I have no regrets, I listen to my heart, behold
Pasii ei si pasii lui pe acelasi drum se indreapta
Her steps and his steps are heading in the same direction
Era mereu in visul lui o fata in rochie alba
There was always a girl in a white dress in his dream
Mama, mama soacra, anii mei n-o sa se intoarca
Mother, mother, mother-in-law, my years will never return
Mai stii cand ai fost ca mine si luptai pentru iubire
Do you remember when you were like me and fought for love
Mama, mama soacra, anii mei n-o sa se intoarca
Mother, mother, mother-in-law, my years will never return
Anii mei si tineretea, zambetul si frumusetea
My years and youth, my smile and beauty

Авторы: adda

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