ADDA - Oglindă, Oglinjoară - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ADDA - Oglindă, Oglinjoară

Oglindă, Oglinjoară
Mirror, Little Mirror
Te ating, esti atat de rece
I touch you, you are so cold
Si atat de tare, ca nimeni nu te intrece
And so hard, that no one surpasses you
Jur ca te-as sparge, uneori, in bucatele
I swear I would sometimes smash you into pieces
Ca sa dispara tot din gandurile mele
To make everything disappear from my thoughts
Atatea voci ma invata cum sa zbor
So many voices teach me how to fly
Cum sa zambesc, cum sa traiesc si cum sa mor
How to smile, how to live, and how to die
Si m-au dat jos, dar au fugit cand sa ma prinda
And they dragged me down, but ran away when I was about to catch them
Si-am ramas singura-n oglinda
And I was left alone in the mirror
Oglinda, oglinjoara
Mirror, little mirror
Zi-mi ca sunt cea mai frumoasa din tara
Tell me that I am the most beautiful in the land
Oglinda, oglinjoara
Mirror, little mirror
Uneste-ma cand altii ma destrama
Unite me when others tear me apart
Ridica-ma cand lumea ma doboara
Lift me up when the world knocks me down
Iubeste-ma si fa sa nu ma mai doara
Love me and make it so that I no longer hurt
Little mirror
Zi-mi ca sunt cea mai frumoasa din tara
Tell me that I am the most beautiful in the land
Mi-e dor de mine, mi-e dor de-un zambet
I miss myself, I miss a smile
Ce stralucea pe buze si era din suflet
That shone on my lips and came from my soul
Jur, m-as intoarce iarasi in copilarie
I swear, I would go back to childhood again
Doar ca sa crezi in om cu mai multa mandrie
Just to believe in man with more pride
Mi-e dor de mama, mi-e dor de tata
I miss my mother, I miss my father
Si de-un copil care stia ca nu lupta degeaba
And a child who knew that he was not fighting in vain
Ce s-a intamplat de m-am pierdut pe drum
What happened that I lost my way
Oglinda, ajuta-ma acum
Mirror, help me now
Ca ma cert atat de tare cand gresesc
Because I get so angry with myself when I make a mistake
In loc sa ma strang in brate si sa ma iubesc
Instead of embracing myself and loving myself
Oglinda, oglinjoara
Mirror, little mirror
Zi-mi ca sunt cea mai frumoasa din tara
Tell me that I am the most beautiful in the land
Oglinda, oglinjoara
Mirror, little mirror
Uneste-ma cand altii ma destrama
Unite me when others tear me apart
Ridica-ma cand lumea ma doboara
Lift me up when the world knocks me down
Iubeste-ma si fa sa nu ma mai doara
Love me and make it so that I no longer hurt
Little mirror
Zi-mi ca sunt cea mai frumoasa din tara
Tell me that I am the most beautiful in the land

Авторы: Ada Alexandra Rizea, Serban Ionut Cazan, Florin Stelian Boka, Victor Lucian Albert Nagy

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