ADDA - Se Vede Pe Faţa Ei - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ADDA - Se Vede Pe Faţa Ei

Se Vede Pe Faţa Ei
She Is Getting Married for Money
Se vede pe fata ei
It shows on her face
Se marita pentru lei
She's getting married for money
Mama i-a zis fata mea
Her mother told her, my daughter
Nu e buna dragostea nu te lua dupa mine
Love is no good, don't follow in my footsteps
L-am iubit pe tac-tu si nu mi-a fost bine
I loved your father and it didn't end well for me
Avem in griji facturile si ziua de maine
We had to worry about the bills and the future
Mama i-a zis nu plange fata mea
Her mother told her, don't cry, my daughter
Maturizeaza-te orienteaza-te
Mature, get your bearings
Fa-te frumoasa si machiaza-te
Get beautiful and put on makeup
Slabeste, imbraca-te, atrage-l
Lose weight, dress up, attract him
Asculta-mi sfaturile, ia-ti tocurile
Listen to my advice, get out your heels
Schimba cercurile de prieteni ce nu te duc nicaieri
Change the circles of friends that lead you nowhere
Sa poti sa speri la o viata buna
So you can hope for a good life
Excursii luna de luna, haine scumpe nu nu, nu-i gluma
Monthly trips, expensive clothes, no, no, it's no joke
Tu poti sa sa le ai si o sa le ai
You can have them and you will have them
Daca ma asculti te vei plimba in masini nu in tramvai
If you listen to me, you'll drive in cars, not trams
Spune bye byeee iubirii, s-o ia naiba
Say bye bye to love, to hell with it
Ea nu-ti aduce banii si faima.
It won't bring you money and fame.
Se vede pe fata ei
It shows on her face
Se marita pentru lei
She's getting married for money
Nici un zambet macar
Not even a smile
In timp ce merge spre altar.
As she walks down the aisle.
Fata i-a zis mama mea
The girl said to her mother
Da te-am ascultat stiu nu e buna dragostea
Yes, I listened to you, I know love is no good
Nu m-am luat dupa tine l-am gasit pe el l-am luat de bine
I didn't follow in your footsteps, I found him and took him for good
Nu e frumos nici urat dar are cecurile
He's not handsome or ugly but he has the checks
Fata i-a zis fii fericita mama mea
The girl said, be happy, my mother
Te invit la nunta mea uite inelul, uite hotelul
I invite you to my wedding, look at the ring, look at the hotel
In care vom merge in luna de miere
Where we'll go on our honeymoon
Uite camerele, peisajele, toate femeile
Look at the rooms, the scenery, all the women
Intorc capul dupa el vor si ele tot ce are in portofel
I turn my head after him, they want everything he has in his wallet
Si toti barbatii inseala, mie nu-mi pasa
And all men cheat, I don't care
Ca am ales o casa intr-o zona luxoasa
Because I chose a house in a luxurious area
Cu gradina piscina plina de bijuterii
With a garden, a pool, and plenty of jewelry
Voi fi in ziua cea mare sper ca va fi soare
It will be a great day, I hope it will be sunny
Si perfect eu nu zambesc versuri-lyrics. info
And perfect, I won't smile, versuri-lyrics. info
Zambeste in locul meu mama ma casatoresc.
Smile for me, mother, I'm getting married.
Se vede pe fata ei
It shows on her face
Se marita pentru lei
She's getting married for money
Nici un zambet macar
Not even a smile
In timp ce merge spre altar
As she walks down the aisle
Se vede pe fata ei
It shows on her face
Se marita pentru lei
She's getting married for money
Nici un zambet macar
Not even a smile
In timp ce merge spre altar
As she walks down the aisle
Banii si faima, banii si faima
Money and fame, money and fame
Ai da orice pentru o zi sa le ai
You'd give anything for a day to have it
Dar stii ca in realitate
But you know that in reality
Strica sufletele toate
It ruins all souls
Banii si faima, banii si faima
Money and fame, money and fame
Ai da orice pentru o zi sa le ai
You'd give anything for a day to have it
Dar stii ca in realitate
But you know that in reality
Strica sufletele toate
It ruins all souls
Se vede pe fata ei
It shows on her face
Se marita pentru lei
She's getting married for money
Nici un zambet macar
Not even a smile
In timp ce merge spre altarrr
As she walks down the aisle
Se vede pe fata ei
It shows on her face
Se marita pentru lei
She's getting married for money
Nici un zambet macar
Not even a smile
In timp ce merge spre altarrr
As she walks down the aisle

Авторы: Marius Moga

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