ADDA feat. Killa Fonic - Arde - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ADDA feat. Killa Fonic - Arde

Arde toata casa, ma gndesc la tine
The whole house is burning, but I'm thinking of you
Arde trupul meu pana ma fac scrum
My body is burning until I turn to ash
Arde tot in jur, da' tine minte
Everything around is burning, but remember
Nimic nu arde cum ma arzi tu
Nothing burns the way you burn me
Hai, spune-mi cum, tu dintre toti
Come on, tell me how, out of all of them
M-ai ranit atat de rau, cand m-asteptam cel mai putin
You hurt me so bad, when I least expected it
Hai, spune-mi cum, tu dintre hoti
Come on, tell me how, out of all the thieves
Ai furat ce nu se fura, pana cand m-ai scos din minti
You stole what can't be stolen, until you drove me out of my mind
Hai, spune-mi cum, invata-ma
Come on, tell me how, teach me
Cum se razbuna dragostea si ura stransa in inima
How revenge mixes love and hate in the heart
E clar ca eu
It's clear that I
N-o sa mai iubesc in curand la fel
Will never love the same way again soon
Ardem, dar ochii nu-mi vad flacara, nici pielea n-o mai simte
We're burning, but my eyes don't see the flame, nor does my skin feel it
Caldura ta sa-mi dai
Give me your warmth
Cand sting lumina, alte lumini instant in camera se-aprind
When I turn off the light, other lights instantly turn on in the room
Dar cred ca-i doar reflexia ta
But I think it's just your reflection
Sa mai simti la fel vreodata, nu
To ever feel the same way again, no
Zburam si nu mai aselenizam
We're flying and we're not landing
Arde toata casa, ma gandesc la tine
The whole house is burning, but I'm thinking of you
Arde trupul meu cand arunci haina de pe tine
My body burns when you throw your coat off
Arde toata casa, ma gandesc la tine
The whole house is burning, but I'm thinking of you
Arde trupul meu pana ma fac scrum
My body is burning until I turn to ash
Arde tot in jur, da' tine minte
Everything around is burning, but remember
Nimic nu arde cum ma arzi tu
Nothing burns the way you burn me
Arde toata casa, ma gandesc la tine
The whole house is burning, but I'm thinking of you
Arde trupul meu pana ma fac scrum
My body is burning until I turn to ash
Arde tot in jur, da' tine minte
Everything around is burning, but remember
Nimic nu arde cum ma arzi tu
Nothing burns the way you burn me
Spune-mi de ce mi-e atat de dor
Tell me why I miss you so much
Sa ma ridici pana la cer si sa-mi dai drumul pe covor
To lift me up to the sky and drop me on the carpet
Hai spune-mi ce, ce farmece
Come on, tell me what, what magic
Mi-ai facut sa nu ma arda nimic decat buzele
You did to me that nothing burns me but your lips
Si mainile tale imi stiu
And your hands know me
In detalii toate curbele si slabiciunile
In detail all my curves and weaknesses
E clar ca eu
It's clear that I
N-o sa te uit niciodata, nu
Will never forget you, no
N-ai sa ma uiti niciodata, clar, si eu la fel
You'll never forget me, it's clear, and me neither
Probabil, inevitabil, caci am jurat etern
Probably, inevitably, because I swore forever
Probabil, inseparabil, dar uite cum devin
Probably, inseparably, but look how I'm becoming
Ard si oasele din mine, ard si farmece
My bones are burning inside me, my charms are burning
Ard atat de multe in noapte, amintirile
So many things burn in the night, memories
Cum ma domina si cum schimbam si rolurile
How they dominate me and how we change roles
Curg ceas cu ceas din nou si nu sesizez
They flow hour by hour again and I don't notice
Curg ceas cu ceas din nou pe beat si stiu ca si la tine
They flow hour by hour again on the beat and I know that you too
Arde toata casa, ma gandesc la tine
The whole house is burning, but I'm thinking of you
Arde trupul meu pana ma fac scrum
My body is burning until I turn to ash
Arde tot in jur, da' tine minte
Everything around is burning, but remember
Nimic nu arde cum ma arzi tu
Nothing burns the way you burn me
Ardem noi
We're burning
Trupul meu pe trupul tau, arme in acest razboi
My body on your body, weapons in this war
Ardem noi
We're burning
Ne vindecam unul de altul doar atunci cand suntem goi
We heal each other only when we are naked
Ne vindecam unul de altul, arde sub blur
We heal each other, burning under blur
De ce sa ne chinuim sinele cand putem fi iar noi
Why torture ourselves when we can be us again
Arde toata casa, ma gandesc la tine
The whole house is burning, but I'm thinking of you
Arde trupul meu pana ma fac scrum
My body is burning until I turn to ash
Arde tot in jur, da' tine minte
Everything around is burning, but remember
Nimic nu arde cum ma arzi tu
Nothing burns the way you burn me
Arde toata casa, ma gandesc la tine
The whole house is burning, but I'm thinking of you
Arde trupul meu pana ma fac scrum
My body is burning until I turn to ash
Arde tot in jur, da' tine minte
Everything around is burning, but remember
Nimic nu arde cum ma arzi tu
Nothing burns the way you burn me

Авторы: Adda

ADDA feat. Killa Fonic - Arde
дата релиза

1 Arde

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