ADIONE - Habiendo Tantos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ADIONE - Habiendo Tantos

Habiendo Tantos
Hating So Much
Odio tus gustos, niña
I hate your tastes, girl
Odio que te maquilles, pues odio querer correrte el labial y solo dejarte el rimel
I hate that you wear makeup, because I hate wanting to wipe off your lipstick and leave only the mascara
Cuando me mires
When you look at me
Odio que no comprendas y compres prendas y las quieras lucir
I hate that you don't understand and buy clothes and want to show them off
Porque tarde o temprano alguna mano de querra desvestir
Because sooner or later some hand will want to undress you
Odio tus besos vivos, cautivos y mordidos
I hate your lively, captive, and bitten kisses
pues su sonido no los sienten mis labios solo mis oidos
Because their sound is not felt by my lips, only my ears
Odio tu perfección y tu descaro
I hate your perfection and your audacity
y ese perfume barato que huelo y me sale caro
And that cheap perfume that I smell and it costs me dearly
Odio que el odio no sea mas que el amor da o vuelta y como el mundo da vueltas te ame sin reparos
I hate that hate is nothing more than love turned around and like the world turns, I loved you without reservations
Habiendo tantos habitantes en la tierra, tantas camas en las tiendas, tantos soldados en guerra
With so many inhabitants on earth, so many beds in stores, so many soldiers at war
Habiendo tantos dulces labios en espera, tantos ojos en ceguera, tantos corazones ahi afuera
With so many sweet lips waiting, so many blind eyes, so many hearts out there
Habiendo tanto de lo mencionado y mas, tuviste que disparar justo donde no debias
With so much of the above and more, you had to shoot right where you shouldn't
Habiendo. tonto tonto! por ilusionarme tuviste que apuntar y aqui estoy dando mi vida
With so much... fool, fool! for falling for me, you had to aim and here I am giving my life
Por eso odio que mis piernas no quieran hacerme caso y solo quieran correr a donde me puedan sostener tus brazos
That's why I hate that my legs don't want to listen to me and just want to run to where your arms can hold me
Odio pensar que pudieramos ser felices tanto de llegar a odiarme por tener que amarte tanto
I hate to think that we could be so happy that I come to hate myself for having to love you so much
Odio amarte tanto ×2
I hate loving you so much ×2
Odio amarte ×2
I hate loving you ×2
Odio amarte tanto ×2
I hate loving you so much ×2
Odio amarte ×2
I hate loving you ×2
Odio que vivas pero muero si no estuvieras
I hate that you live but I die if you weren't here
Y es que si te fueras, te busco hasta con las esferas
And if you left, I would search for you even with the dragon balls
Odio saber que me esperan todas tus primaveras, aunque saben que soy espinas y orquideas pa' tus praderas
I hate knowing that all your springs await me, even though they know I am thorns and orchids for your meadows
Odio que nuestros impulsos sean parecidos, que no se den y se den de todo menos por vencidos
I hate that our impulses are similar, that they don't give in and they give in to everything except defeat
Odio que mis latidos se hayan reproducido con el mismo mp3 que suenan tus besos prohibidos
I hate that my heartbeats have reproduced with the same mp3 that your forbidden kisses sound like
Odio que tus gemidos se disfraen de alegria pensando que estan conmigo, que yo soy el que los malcria
I hate that your moans disguise themselves as joy thinking that they are with me, that I am the one who spoils them
Odio que tu presencia sea el mejor yodo, porque tu aucensia es la enfermedad que hace que muera todo
I hate that your presence is the best iodine, because your absence is the disease that makes everything die
Odio tanto lo que esta pasando entre nosotros
I hate so much what is happening between us
Que tu mueras por mi pero estes viviendo con otro, que tambien me ames y quieras estar conmigo porque tu no estas sola, estas con mi mejor amigo
That you die for me but you're living with another, that you also love me and want to be with me because you're not alone, you're with my best friend
Odio amarte tanto ×2
I hate loving you so much ×2
Odio amarte ×2
I hate loving you ×2
Odio amarte tanto ×2
I hate loving you so much ×2
Odio amarte ×2
I hate loving you ×2
Lo odio!
I hate it!

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