ADIONE - Señor Profesor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ADIONE - Señor Profesor

Señor Profesor
Mr. Professor
Señor profesor ayer me llamo mediocre
Mrs. Professor, yesterday you called me mediocre
Por estar con audifonos mientras usted hablaba fuerte
For wearing headphones while you were speaking loud
Si supiera que escuchaba música de delincuente
If you only knew I was listening to music by a delinquent
Que en tres canciones me enseñan lo que usted en diez semestres
Who taught me in three songs what you couldn't in ten semesters
Yo se que tiene licenciado y doctorado
I know you have a bachelor's and a doctorate
Lo mismo que tenía el abogado que le robo a mi abuela el año pasado
The same as the lawyer who robbed my grandma last year
Asi que deje de ofenderme diciendo que para nada sirvo
So stop offending me by saying I'm good for nothing
Que ahora le explico las materias que no salen en ningún libro
Let me explain the subjects that aren't in any book
Mis matemáticas, el inpar, mi actitud al cubo,
My mathematics, the odd, my attitude cubed,
manteniendo mi raíz cuadra como muro y escudo,
keeping my square root as a wall and shield,
pues no se de potencias y exponentes negativos,
because I don't know about negative powers and exponents,
pero soy un exponente con potencia en lo escribo
but I'm an exponent with power in what I write
Matematica mente hablando soy un cero a la izquierda,
Mathematically speaking, I'm a zero on the left,
si le sumas poesía soy un número "sin 0" pero gracias a que somos
if you add poetry, I'm a number "without 0" but thanks to the fact that we are
números con todo y decimales dejeme
numbers with all and decimals let me
contarle que pertenezco a los números reales
tell you that I belong to the real numbers
También racionales pero pasemo a castellano,
Also rational but let's move on to Spanish,
mi comunicación es la expresión de mi corazón en manos, pu
my communication is the expression of my heart in hands, well
es mi literatura fue una literatura de poemas,
because my literature was a literature of poems,
antes de ser emisor fui receptor de mis problemas
before being a sender I was a receiver of my problems
Ahora si vamo a hablar de ciencias prefiero ponerle
Now if we're going to talk about science I prefer to put
un cono, osea tener consciencia es mi teoría de la razón
a cone, that is, having awareness is my theory of reason
Estudiar con la que tengo química es mi teoría del corazón
Studying with the one I have chemistry with is my theory of the heart
Como ve su ciencia vale menos que mi opinión
As you can see your science is worth less than my opinion
Si hubiese una asignatura de
If there was a subject of
escritura y cultura como cree que me iría profe
writing and culture how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si los versos valdrian lo mismo que
If the verses were worth the same as
potencia y logaritmos como cree que me iría profe
powers and logarithms how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si las rimas en mi boca llevasen una nota que promedio sacaria profe
If the rhymes in my mouth carried a grade, what average would I get, teacher?
Si el trabajo de esta clase fuera montarse una
If the job of this class was to build a
base yo creo que otro aqui seria el profe o no
base, I think someone else would be the teacher, wouldn't they?
Si hubiese una asignatura de
If there was a subject of
escritura y cultura como cree que me iría profe
writing and culture how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si los versos valdrian lo mismo que
If the verses were worth the same as
potencia y logaritmos como cree que me iría profe
powers and logarithms how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si las rimas en mi boca llevasen una nota que promedio sacaria profe
If the rhymes in my mouth carried a grade, what average would I get, teacher?
Si el trabajo de esta clase fuera montarse una
If the job of this class was to build a
base yo creo que otro aqui seria el profe o no
base, I think someone else would be the teacher, wouldn't they?
Si van a enseñarme artes visuales,
If you're going to teach me visual arts,
visualizen el arte entera y no hagan repetir al artista que
visualize the whole art and don't make the artist repeat that
matemáticas no quedan si van a enseñarme ingles, m
mathematics is not left if you're going to teach me English, m
apudungün que sea primera,
apudungün let it be first,
si no se hablar con mis guerreros como ir a guerrear pa afuera
if I don't know how to speak to my warriors how can I go to war outside
Ahora vienen con fechas para hablarme de historia,
Now they come with dates to talk to me about history,
linda asignatura pa reforzar la memoria, hablar de penas y glorias,
nice subject to reinforce memory, talk about sorrows and glories,
triunfos derrotas se dicen na,
triumphs defeats are said na,
no hay peor historia que la que esconde una sonrisa,
there is no worse story than the one that hides a smile,
pues no somo ohiggin, carrera ni portales, pero sepa,
because we are not ohiggin, career or portals, but know,
que en esta carrera hay que abrir portales a punta de chuleta,
that in this race you have to open portals at the point of a chop,
al fin y al cobo somo esclavos de españoles varos,
in the end we are slaves of Spanish dudes,
que son dueños del agua y luz y hasta por donde transitamos,
who own the water and light and even where we transit,
pero no la culpo, usted solo estudió,
but I don't blame her, you just studied,
pa cumplir y darle a su hijo lo que quizás mamá no le dió, pe
to fulfill and give your son what maybe mom didn't give you, pe
ro me da lo mismo su educación y empleo,
ro I don't care about your education and employment,
si no va a tratar igual al director con la que hace el aseo
if you're not going to treat the principal the same as the one who does the cleaning
Primero somos personas,
First we are people,
no se agrande tanto por ese cartón que tiene en la
don't get so big for that cardboard you have on the
pared, no, mire que un cartonero tiene mas cartones que usted
wall, no, look that a cardboard collector has more cardboards than you
Si hubiese una asignatura de
If there was a subject of
escritura y cultura como cree que me iría profe
writing and culture how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si los versos valdrian lo mismo que
If the verses were worth the same as
potencia y logaritmos como cree que me iría profe
powers and logarithms how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si las rimas en mi boca llevasen una nota que promedio sacaría profe
If the rhymes in my mouth carried a grade, what average would I get, teacher?
Si el trabajo de esta clase fuera montarse una
If the job of this class was to build a
base yo creo que otro aqui sería el profe o no
base, I think someone else would be the teacher, wouldn't they?
Si hubiese una asignatura de
If there was a subject of
escritura y cultura como cree que me iría profe
writing and culture how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si los versos valdrian lo mismo que
If the verses were worth the same as
potencia y logaritmos como cree que me iría profe
powers and logarithms how do you think I would do, teacher?
Si las rimas en mi boca llevasen una nota que promedio sacaría profe
If the rhymes in my mouth carried a grade, what average would I get, teacher?
Si el trabajo de esta clase fuera montarse una
If the job of this class was to build a
base yo creo que otro aqui sería el profe o no
base, I think someone else would be the teacher, wouldn't they?

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