ALI PROJECT - Kinjirareta Asobi (Strings Ver.) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ALI PROJECT - Kinjirareta Asobi (Strings Ver.)

Kinjirareta Asobi (Strings Ver.)
Forbidden Game (Strings Ver.)
薔薇の首輪つなげて 銀の鎖くわえて
A rose collar connects us, a silver chain I bite,
今宵もひとり果てる あなたが憎らしい
Tonight, I perish alone, I resent you so,
跪いてお甞めよ 苦い愛の雫を
Kneel and lick the bitter drops of love,
A blue dressage performed upon an angel.
自己と云う柩の中 魂はまだ動いてる
Within the coffin of self, my soul still stirs,
千切れた翅は月光に 生き返り 潤むわ
My torn wings revive and glisten in the moonlight.
闇よりも 怖いのは孤独
More frightening than darkness is solitude,
ふたりの証 十字架の元で 貪りましょう
Beneath the cross, a testament to us two, let us indulge.
薔薇の手錠はずして 白い手首かさねて
Unlocking the rose handcuffs, our white wrists entwined,
触れ合うことの奇跡 あなたが愛おしい
The miracle of touch, I cherish you so,
跪いて捧げよ 痛い愛の言葉は
Kneel and offer the painful words of love,
A red arabesque bleeding onto the bandages.
罪でもいい 好きと言って 禁断のくちびるを
Even if it's a sin, say you love me, with your forbidden lips,
世界は聳え建つお城 門を開けるのは神
The world is a towering castle, only God can open its gates.
Continue to guide me in such a way,
そしてわたしの目を 塞いだら
And when you cover my eyes,
誰よりやさしく 名前を呼んで
Call my name more tenderly than anyone else,
その時知るでしょう 永遠の意味を
Then I will know the meaning of eternity.
薔薇の指輪まじえて 革のリボンむすんで
A rose ring exchanged, a leather ribbon tied,
鏡の間の舞踏会 すべてが狂おしい
A ball in the hall of mirrors, everything is intoxicating.
Lost within, understand the cyclical history of love,
Let us adorn it with tears, a black marriage.
嘘では嫌 好きと言って 純潔のくちびるで
Lies won't do, say you love me, with your pure lips,
薔薇の首輪つなげて 銀の鎖くわえて
A rose collar connects us, a silver chain I bite,
今宵もひとり果てる あなたが憎らしい
Tonight, I perish alone, I resent you so,
跪いてお甞めよ 苦い愛の雫を
Kneel and lick the bitter drops of love,
A blue dressage performed upon an angel.
薔薇の手錠はずして 白い手首かさねて
Unlocking the rose handcuffs, our white wrists entwined,
触れ合うことの奇跡 あなたが愛おしい
The miracle of touch, I cherish you so,
跪いて捧げよ 痛い愛の言葉は
Kneel and offer the painful words of love,
A red arabesque bleeding onto the bandages.
心から 好きと言うわ 穢れなきくちづけを
From the bottom of my heart, I say I love you, with an immaculate kiss.

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