Walau suaraku tenggelam di tengah berjuta orang kau perlu dengar cakap aku,
Though my voice is drowned out amidst millions of people, you need to heed my words,
Hati singapura hati kota kuala lumpur
2 pagi kurang laju 80 lalu pandu,
Heart of Singapore, heart of Kuala Lumpur, 2am, going less than 80mph then drive,
Ingat kata wan mokhtar klau nak pandang waktu subuh mama doa yang terbaek untuk anaknya sulung,
Remember the words of Wan Mokhtar, if you want to look at the time of dawn, mom prays the best for her eldest child,
Mama faham yang ku di bawah tekanan,
Mom understands that I'm under pressure,
Pesekitaran kerja maen peranan, dan laman sosial sudah kenyataan harus di asingkan dan mama tolong jangan baca komen mereka cuma luahkan perasaan, aku di didik tukk bersabar, keje mana yg memastikan takde masalah, kene maki holo holo sekiranya tersangkut
The work environment plays a role, and social media is a reality, must be set aside and Mom please don't read their comments, just let go of your feelings, I was taught to be patient, what work ensures that there are no problems, I have to be scolded, scolded if I get into trouble
Lirik berulang kali budak ni takde ilham kot
Repeating lyrics, this kid has no inspiration,
Lagu bodoh lagu hambar siapa nyanyi dia baru 1minit 8saat di buat silent lu menari
Stupid song, bland song, whoever sang it was muted after
1 minute and
8 seconds, men you dance
Kalau orang tua baca sudah pasti sakit dah terhilang kemajuan yang telah lama ku cari, tak mengapa asalkan rezeki di cari secara
If the elders read it, they will definitely be hurt and lose the progress I have been looking for for a long time, it doesn't matter as long as the sustenance is searched for
Asalkan muat turun secara
As long as it is downloaded
Asal asalnya tulen dari akal sah
As long as the origin is pure from genuine intellect
Berlatih memberi sebanyak yang diterima
Practice giving as much as you receive
Latih beri hormat walau dihina
Practice being respectful even if you are despised
Takkan abis klau asyik mengira
It will never end if you keep counting
Cerita benar sangat benar lagu yang berikut dan seterusnya benar pengalaman campur perasaan waktu kecemasan ku pendam
True story, very true, the following song and so on true experiences, mixed emotions during my anxiety, I keep them to myself
Bukan dendam
Not out of spite
Ini instagram aku, twitter aku, ini facebook ini chatbook untuk setiap kali kau mengata okay
This is my Instagram, my Twitter, this is Facebook, this is Chatbook for every time you say okay
Alif dengar
Alif, listen
Hanya aku tahu apa yang terbaek untuk kamu,
Only I know what's best for you,
Walau suaraku tenggelam di tengah berjuta orang kau perlu dengar cakap aku,
Though my voice is drowned out amidst millions of people, you need to heed my words,
Hati singapura hati kota kuala lumpur
2 pagi kurang laju 80 lalu pandu,
Heart of Singapore, heart of Kuala Lumpur, 2am, going less than 80mph then drive,
Ingat kata wan mokhtar klau nak pandang waktu subuh mama doa yang terbaek untuk kota kuala lumpur.
Remember the words of Wan Mokhtar, if you want to look at the time of dawn, mom prays the best for her eldest child.
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