AMBKOR, Artes, Demo, Zeidah, Noult, ZPU & Dj Joaking - Nada original - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни AMBKOR, Artes, Demo, Zeidah, Noult, ZPU & Dj Joaking - Nada original

Nada original
Nothing original
Epa!, cuantos quedan originales y genuinos por aý,
Hey!, how many originals and genuine are left out there,
Ni una misera sudadera te va a dar lo original que seas,
Not a single sweatshirt is going to give you how original you are,
Eso se lleva por dentro tio.
That is carried inside, man.
Original MC's Madrid BCN se juntan
Original MC's Madrid BCN get together
Para que tu percha, tus bambas y tus creencias se fundan
So that your hanger, your sneakers and your beliefs merge
Lo unico es unico, tu, tu solo copias y finges
The unique is unique, you, you only copy and pretend
Ser un viajero en el tiempo como en la serie de Fringe
To be a time traveler like in the Fringe series
Azlo grande y construye tu pieza de fabrica genuina
Make it big and build your genuine factory piece
Que todos quieran tener, y no se parezca a ninguna
That everyone wants to have, and does not look like any
YO rondo la idea y tu la mareas, yo vivo el presente
I go around the idea and you blur it, I live the present
De cerca y tu de lejos mientras lo tineas
Up close and you from afar while you taint it
HAY algo mas allá del tráfico aéreo
THERE is something beyond air traffic
Lo hetereo, de azerlo de emisfero a emisfereo
The hetero, of doing it from hemisphere to hemisphere
PORQUE la diferencia entre tu y yo soy yo
BECAUSE the difference between you and me is me
La A bien grande, lo genuino ya volvió.
The A very large, the genuine is back.
Necios en el inicio caen por vicio por cualquier precio
Fools at the beginning fall by vice for any price
Acaricio los contras y los pros vajo mi juicio
I caress the cons and pros under my judgment
Sensacion MC socios asi que dejame espacio
MC Sensation partners so give me space
Camina despacio hacia tu propio precipicio
Walk slowly towards your own precipice
Movimientos ficticios que me puedas contar
Fictional movements that you can tell me
Donde te puedan adular te puedo anular sin dudar
Where they can flatter you I can cancel you without hesitation
Asi no vas a durar medio minuto en este oficio
That way you're not going to last half a minute in this trade
Esto biene de lejos como el graffiti en edificios
This comes from afar like graffiti on buildings
Ejercicio vital, transparente cual cristal
Vital exercise, transparent as glass
Y tu y tu plan crees que es tu concepto original
And you and your plan think it's your original concept
Vas mal chabal, y vale mas que agas un reset
You're going wrong kid, and it's better if you reset
Antes de que se te suba o antes de que te estreses.
Before it gets to your head or before you get stressed.
El original, quieres volar? coje el microfono y si te
The original, you wanna fly? take the microphone and if you
Caes, bueno, no fuerzo caligrafia
Fall, well, I don't force calligraphy
Tienen un flow super mega estelar, dame un segundo,
They have a super mega stellar flow, give me a second,
Pero quien te creeras?
But who will believe you?
Que les jodan yo yebo ropa mas nueva, ago que tu mejor
Fuck them I wear newer clothes, I make your best
MC pierda, el original.
MC lose, the original.
Detraas de esa rima inalcanzable construi mi nombre
Behind that unattainable rhyme I built my name
Despues de todo es normal que no se te borre, hombre
After all, it's normal that it doesn't fade from you, man
Estoy con estos robles, porque soy la homer
I'm with these oak trees, because I'm the homer
Cuentame cual es el lugar que me corresponde
Tell me what is the place that corresponds to me
DAN, DAN, menos de lo que cuentan
GIVE, GIVE, less than they count
VAN, VAN, hacia un plan desde que no regresan
GO, GO, towards a plan since they don't come back
EsTAN, TAN, frios como mi nevera
They ARE, SO, cold as my refrigerator
La real dama de la fiesta se que no hay otra igual
The real lady of the party I know there is no other like it
Es una pena intentan disuadirme
It's a shame they try to dissuade me
Sigo en la misma direccion desde que empece
I'm still going in the same direction since I started
No uso la pose pa vestirme todos somos libres
I don't use the pose to dress we are all free
Tu puedes etiquetarme pero haré la misma mierda
You can label me but I'll do the same shit
Asta que tenga que morirme.
Until I have to die.
De calle puede ablar cualquiera
Anyone can talk about the street
De bloqes, de lios, de esquinas, de aceras, cualquiera
Of blocks, of messes, of corners, of sidewalks, anyone
Pero cualquiera no es creible
But anyone is not credible
Ay muchos que rapean como un cualquiera INCREIBLE
There are many who rap like anyone AMAZING
Nadie resalta en esta 'skait' light
No one stands out in this 'skate' light
Son 'hait' likes del 'jait' que nos venden
They are 'hate' likes of the 'hype' that they sell us
Que los MCs no mienten? se entiende
That MCs don't lie? it is understood
Siempre que busquen publico en vez de clientes (shh)
Whenever they look for an audience instead of clients (shh)
Y siguen sin salirles las cuentas
And they still can't make ends meet
De cuantas vezes afirman estar de vuleta
How many times do they claim to be back
Con nueva crew, nuevos juks, nuevas poses
With new crew, new jukes, new poses
Con nuevo look, nuvas looks nuevas vozes
With new look, new looks new voices
Se olvidaron de los senseis
They forgot about the senseis
Pero todos los cagamos
But we all shit them
Lo que hay es lo que ves
What there is is what you see
Sigue probando chico, you are fresh
Keep trying kid, you are fresh
El original, quieres volar? coje el microfono y si te caes,
The original, you wanna fly? take the microphone and if you fall,
Bueno, no fuerzo caligrafia
Well, I don't force calligraphy
Tienen un flow super mega estelar, dame un segundo, pero
They have a super mega stellar flow, give me a second, but
Quien te creeras?
Who will believe you?
Que les jodan yo yebo ropa mas nueva, ago que tu mejor MC
Fuck them I wear newer clothes, I make your best MC
Pierda, el original.
Lose, the original.
Cada nuevo bajo el sol un bit bueno si lo cato
Every new one under the sun a good beat if I try it
No me creo tu farol fuera hay tanto ingrato
I don't believe your bluff there's so much ungrateful out there
Tanto bato, loco, los que bajo el foco, lo, comun es que
So much bato, crazy, those who under the spotlight, lo, common is that
They pretend
Si no noto ajo de aqui no quiero saber na
If I don't notice garlic from here I don't want to know anything
Parto las sonrisas de jerna la esencia del hip-hop no es
I split the jerky smiles the essence of hip-hop is not
La musica moderna es eterna
Modern music is eternal
Como luz de una lucierna caer su rap es como caminar sin
Like the light of a firefly falling their rap is like walking without
Una pierna
A leg
Si sigo siendo yo 3 discos despues, aunque les cueste asumirlo
If I continue to be me 3 albums later, even if it costs them to assume it
PUEDEN fardar y no largan lo que deben
THEY CAN brag and they don't release what they should
Y luego viven con mujeres mas abiertas que un seven eleven
And then they live with women more open than a 7-Eleven
Le disteis la apariencia de una Barbie, la casa con jardin
You gave it the look of a Barbie, the house with a garden
Y su novio en una harley
And her boyfriend on a Harley
La de 40 quiere ser un angel de Charlie, el unico y realmente original era Bob Marley
The 40 year old wants to be a Charlie's Angel, the one and only truly original was Bob Marley
Hasta aquie llegó la cinta, chica
This is where the tape ends, girl
No soy purista pero el rap para bailar en pistas
I'm not a purist but rap to dance on tracks
Que lo haga otro artista, oportunista
Let another artist, opportunist do it
Lo mas cenca que estaras de Ceini Weast
The closest you'll get to Kanye West
Es luciendo esas gafunis con las que no ves
Is wearing those glasses you can't see with
En mi MP3 suenan pepinos que no caben en el tuyo
On my MP3 player cucumbers sound that don't fit in yours
Antes te aludo que escuchar un bolo de tu grupo
I'll hail you before listening to a gig from your group
Escupo rap sin mas, acerlo puro y te juro
I spit rap without further ado, make it pure and I swear to you
Que antes me veras pagando maques que vendiendo el culo (son)
That you'll see me paying maques before selling my ass (son)
Leyes de vida para mi principios basicos
Laws of life for my basic principles
Os combierto temas nuevos en clasicos fanaticos
I turn new themes into classic fanatics for you
Escuchan escondidas quieren ser mi fotocopia
They listen hidden they want to be my photocopy
Soy Ambkor el unico underground con gira propia
I am Ambkor the only underground with its own tour
El original, quieres volar? coje el microfono y si te caes,
The original, you wanna fly? take the microphone and if you fall,
Bueno, no fuerzo caligrafia
Well, I don't force calligraphy
Tienen un flow super mega estelar, dame un segundo, pero
They have a super mega stellar flow, give me a second, but
Quien te creeras?
Who will believe you?
Que les jodan yo yebo ropa mas nueva, ago que tu mejor MC
Fuck them I wear newer clothes, I make your best MC
Pierda, el original.
Lose, the original.
Ah, yeah, Artes, esto es Amkor, loco,
Ah, yeah, Artes, this is Amkor, dude,
Zeidah, cria cuervos, es Demo, ZPU
Zeidah, raise ravens, it's Demo, ZPU
N-o-u-l-t, sueña que no estas triste
N-o-u-l-t, dream you're not sad
Nada original, solo rap original blogstar
Nothing original, only original rap blogstar
Es lo que hay, seis MCs en tu cara, aqui lo tienes.
It is what it is, six MCs in your face, here you have it.

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