AMBKOR - Personas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни AMBKOR - Personas

Personas (People)
Hay personas que se callan, que esconden un secreto
There are people who stay silent, hiding a secret
Otras que hablan, necesitan un consejo
Others who speak, needing advice
Hay personas que se miran sin complejo y se creen Dios
There are people who look at themselves without a complex, believing they are God
Otras se miran al espejo y no soportan ser quien son
Others look in the mirror and can't stand who they are
Hay personas corazón que no dudan casi nunca
There are people with hearts that rarely hesitate
Y hay personas que te juzgan
And there are people who judge you
Por qué casi siempre dudan
Because they almost always doubt
Hay personas que no escuchan y que mienten sin querer
There are people who don't listen and lie unintentionally
Y acaban viviendo en un cuento perfecto que nadie ve
And end up living in a perfect story that no one sees
Hay quién no puede dormir sin su mujer
There are those who can't sleep without their woman
Y hay quién dormirá con otra cada vez que su mujer no esté
And there are those who will sleep with another every time their woman isn't around
También hay quién sabe valorar lo que tiene día a día
There are also those who know how to value what they have every day
Y está el que lo pierde todo por saber lo que tenía
And there are those who lose everything to find out what they had
Hay quién se exilia entre tragos de amargura
There are those who exile themselves among sips of bitterness
Y hay quién se bebe unos tragos celebrando su fortuna
And there are those who take a few drinks celebrating their fortune
Hay quién se escuda y se excusa en su personalidad
There are those who shield and excuse themselves with their personality
Y hay quién apunta sus errores para poder mejorar
And there are those who note their mistakes so they can improve
Una por una, cada persona busca su momento
One by one, each person searches for their moment
Hay alguna que no sabe si algún día tendrá el suyo
There are some who don't know if they'll ever have theirs
Si nunca tendrá uno para dar lo que es seguro
If they'll ever have one to give what they surely
Tiene guardado para sorprender al resto
Have stored to surprise the rest
Pasarás la vida buscando
You'll spend your life searching
Un hogar, un lugar de descanso
For a home, a place of rest
Seguirás buscando detrás de esa puerta
You'll keep searching behind that door
Lo bueno no es tenerte siempre, es tenerte cerca
The good thing isn't having you always, it's having you near
Y pasarás la vida buscando
And you'll spend your life searching
Un hogar, un lugar de descanso
For a home, a place of rest
Diferentes nombres, diferentes caras
Different names, different faces
Mismos motivos para sonreír mañana
Same reasons to smile tomorrow
Hay personas que se creen tan importantes
There are people who believe themselves so important
Que acomplejan a los débiles
That they make the weak feel inferior
Los convierten en satélites
They turn them into satellites
Hay personas duras, hay personas frágiles
There are tough people, there are fragile people
Hay personas que ni saben ni quieren saber
There are people who neither know nor want to know
Hay personas que se muestran y que lloran en directo
There are people who show themselves and cry openly
Y hay personas que aparentan y se esconden para hacerlo
And there are people who pretend and hide to do it
Luego estallan, suele pasar
Then they explode, it usually happens
Que el que más aguanta
That the one who endures the most
Tiene un nudo en la garganta
Has a knot in their throat
Que tendrá que desatar
That they will have to untie
Hay personas que calculan y son frías como el mar
There are people who calculate and are cold as the sea
Y hay personas que te abrazan y deshacen cualquier mal
And there are people who embrace you and undo any harm
Hay personas de verdad transparentes como el agua
There are truly transparent people like water
Y hay personas que por mucho que las mires no ves nada
And there are people who, no matter how much you look at them, you see nothing
Y quién se para antes de nada y luego actúa
And who stops before anything and then acts
También hay quien se lanza sin pensar y luego pide ayuda
There are also those who jump in without thinking and then ask for help
Hay mucha gente que se muere simplemente
There are many people who simply die
Otras viven para siempre en el recuerdo de su gente
Others live forever in the memory of their people
Pasarás la vida buscando
You'll spend your life searching
Un hogar, un lugar de descanso
For a home, a place of rest
Seguirás buscando detrás de esa puerta
You'll keep searching behind that door
Lo bueno no es tenerte siempre, es tenerte cerca
The good thing isn't having you always, it's having you near
Y pasarás la vida buscando
And you'll spend your life searching
Un hogar, un lugar de descanso
For a home, a place of rest
Diferentes nombres, diferentes caras
Different names, different faces
Mismos motivos para sonreír mañana
Same reasons to smile tomorrow
Hay personas que se hunden y se esconden cuando tienen miedo
There are people who sink and hide when they are afraid
de otras que no saben lo que es eso
I know others who don't know what that is
Y las envidio, lo confieso
And I envy them, I confess
Yo tengo miedo y soy propenso
I am afraid and prone
A perder el peso de mi alma y de mi cuerpo y siendo honesto
To lose the weight of my soul and body and being honest
No creo en nadie y creo en todos a la vez
I don't believe in anyone and I believe in everyone at the same time
Yo intento serme fiel de la calle hasta el papel
I try to be true to myself from the streets to the paper
Y creo que no soy ningún fracaso al día de hoy (no)
And I believe that I am not a failure today (no)
Seré un fracaso cuando piense que lo soy
I will be a failure when I think I am
Pasarás la vida buscando
You'll spend your life searching
Un hogar, un lugar de descanso (somos personas)
For a home, a place of rest (we are people)
Seguirás buscando detrás de esa puerta (esto es Ambkor)
You'll keep searching behind that door (this is Ambkor)
Lo bueno no es tenerte siempre, es tenerte cerca
The good thing isn't having you always, it's having you near
Y pasarás la vida buscando
And you'll spend your life searching
Un hogar, un lugar de descanso
For a home, a place of rest
Diferentes nombres, diferentes caras
Different names, different faces
Mismos motivos para sonreír mañana
Same reasons to smile tomorrow
Son personas
They are people

Авторы: Oscar De La Torre Galvan

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