AR刘夫阳 feat. Ice Paper - 悟空 Flow (ft. Ice Paper) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни AR刘夫阳 feat. Ice Paper - 悟空 Flow (ft. Ice Paper)

悟空 Flow (ft. Ice Paper)
Goku Flow (ft. Ice Paper)
學習着 從古至今
Study from the ages past
從未在私塾 讀四書五經
Never in a private school, reading the Four Books and Five Classics
卻足以用象形文字 給字母注音
But enough to use pictographs to annotate the alphabet
The knowledge instilled is enough to pierce bones and muscles
彈着古琴 向祖先和遠古致敬
Playing the guqin, paying homage to the ancestors and the ancient
Read the Book of Poetry
In the jungle, compete with weapons and thorns
Until we are exhausted
我們曆盡 讓詞語變得精辟
We go through hardships, to make our words sharp
沒有心氣 我的虛心 讓對手心虛
With no courage, my humility humbles my opponents
挑着水桶 爬到寺院外的山頂
Carrying a water bucket, climb to the top of the mountain outside the temple
你看不到我的人形 你只看到我的幻影
You can't see my human form, you only see my phantom
對着清澈湖面反省 讓這水醍醐灌頂
Reflecting in the clear lake, let this water douse me
在盤形的山峰 如蜈蚣般攀行
Climb on the disc-shaped mountain, like a centipede
巨石 往我身上砸
Giant rocks smash me
把太上老君的爐 當蒸桑拿
Treating Tai Shang Lao Jun's furnace like a sauna
我的 輪滑級別是 哪吒
My skateboarding level is Nezha
輕功 蜻蜓點水 雲朵如荷花
Lightness, dragonfly skimming the water, clouds like lotus
走路邁的 步子寬
Walking with wide strides
Let the fans below lift the Five Finger Mountain
對我虎視眈眈的對手 劣跡斑斑
Opponents who are glaring at me, have a poor record
我保證我會讓他們 淚跡斑斑
I promise I'll make them cry
馬步穩如泰山 兄弟大腳板
Horses have a firm stance like Mount Tai, brothers have big feet
乘涼用 牛魔王的芭蕉扇
Use the Bull Demon King's banana fan to cool off
喝的酒瓶填個海 寫的押韻堆成山
The wine bottles I drink fill an ocean, the rhymes I write pile into a mountain
每次搬家我的兄弟 愚公移山
Every time I move, my brothers move mountains
踩着筋鬥雲 飛到了天空
Riding on 筋斗雲, flying into the sky
用麥克風當棍棒 大鬧天宮 Aye
Using the microphone as a staff, causing a ruckus in the Heavenly Palace Aye
夏日閉關在我的 水簾洞
Spending my summer retreat in my Water Curtain Cave
我炸開巨石 後力把你牽動
I blast open the giant rock, the force of the aftershock pulls you
Don't take my place
我踩着筋鬥雲 飛到了天空(別占我的位)
I ride 筋斗雲, flying in the sky (Don't take my place)
用麥克風當棍棒 大鬧天宮 Aye (離開我的位)
Using a microphone as a staff, causing a ruckus in the Heavenly Palace Aye (Get out of my place)
夏日閉關在我的 水簾洞 (請離開我的位)
Spending the summer retreating in my Water Curtain Cave (Please get out of my place)
我炸開巨石 後力把你牽動
I blast open the giant rock, the force of the aftershock pulls you
別占我的位 (Uh)
Don't take my place (Uh)
盤纏 盤纏
Coiling, coiling
Making a living
打個 Freestyle
Double the income
But I don't do this just for the money
盤纏 盤纏
Coiling, coiling
我的武功 對手覺得難纏
My martial arts, my opponents find it hard to deal with
掀起新的浪 建個帆船
掀起 a new wave, build a sailboat
我廚房是個餐館 衣櫃是個展館
My kitchen is a restaurant, my wardrobe is a showroom
對着孫子 兵法計劃
Talking to my grandson, planning military strategy
高空鋼絲上 踢踏踢踏
On the high wire, tap dancing
Trump wants to trample our businesses
卻忘了自己總統的任期 tik tok (Tik Tok)
But he forgot that his presidency is on tik tok (Tik Tok)
必殺 彈着琵琶
必殺, playing the pipa
伴隨爵士 bebop 吉他 beatbox
Accompanied by jazz bebop on the guitar beatbox
Raindrops pitter-patter
Giving the microphone a checkup
它的心跳 1, 2, 1, 2
Its heartbeat, 1, 2, 1, 2
3, 4, 3, 4
3, 4, 3, 4
There's no war in the Western Heaven
Even if this is just temporary
Heroes sense it in troubled times
Ordinary people worry about gains and losses
A diamond-encrusted staff is exchanged for a minor official position
The horse escapes from the palace
Even immortals must listen attentively
The truth is met with thunderbolts
但是抱歉 我恕難從命
But I'm sorry, I can't obey
糾察隊從來不穿黑袍 只聽黑膠
The patrol team never wear black robes, they only listen to vinyl
The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is really necessary
退潮 太公也愛垂釣
Ebbing tide, even Taigong loves to fish
誰敢退朝 誰在賠笑
Who dares to retire, who keeps smiling
Not afraid of losing performance
不聽不聽 王八又在念經
Don't listen, don't listen, the turtle is chanting sutras again
箍緊箍緊 地府殺到天庭
Tighten the circlet, the underworld kills into the heavenly palace
Who is the如意郎君 in your heart
Who is the real earth-shattering
踩着筋鬥雲 飛到了天空
Riding 筋斗雲, flying into the sky
用麥克風當棍棒 大鬧天宮 Aye
Using a microphone as a staff, causing a ruckus in the Heavenly Palace Aye
夏日閉關在我的 水簾洞
Spending my summer retreat in my Water Curtain Cave
我炸開巨石 後力把你牽動
I blast open the giant rock, the force of the aftershock pulls you
Don't take my place
我踩着筋鬥雲 飛到了天空(別占我的位)
I ride 筋斗雲, flying in the sky (Don't take my place)
用麥克風當棍棒 大鬧天宮 Aye (離開我的位)
Using a microphone as a staff, causing a ruckus in the Heavenly Palace Aye (Get out of my place)
夏日閉關在我的 水簾洞 (請離開我的位)
Spending the summer retreating in my Water Curtain Cave (Please get out of my place)
我炸開巨石 後力把你牽動
I blast open the giant rock, the force of the aftershock pulls you
Don't take my place

Авторы: Fu Yang Ar Liu, . Ice Paper

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