AU-D - Rebelde Sin Pausa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский AU-D - Rebelde Sin Pausa

Rebelde Sin Pausa
Rebel Without a Pause
Esto va pa los weones que se engrupen
This goes out to the fools who gather in groups,
Es la única vez que hablaremos de ustedes
This is the only time we'll talk about you,
Asi que no preocupen
So don't worry,
Por más que se agrupen
No matter how much you huddle together.
Y que vistan lindo pa la marcha
You dress up for the march,
Su única lucha es saber cuál de ustedes es mas charcha
Your only fight is to see who's the lamest of the bunch.
Y que te vean tus amiguitos de ret set
So your little friends from the rich set can see you,
Primer set!
First set!
La lucha contra tu hambre de jet set!
The fight against your hunger for the jet set!
Se te cae el casete
Your cassette falls out
Cuando bajas una toma
When you down a shot,
Tu postura de manuel garcia y nano ester es una broma
Your Manuel Garcia and Nano Stern pose is a joke.
Punto y coma
Period and comma,
rebeldía no hace daño
Your rebellion is harmless,
Tu abandonas la lucha
You abandon the fight
Cuando ves que puedes perder el año
When you see you might fail the year.
La barba, el pelo largo
The beard, the long hair,
Y en la mano un caño
And a pipe in your hand,
No te sientas autentico
Don't feel authentic,
Porque eres más común que extraño
Because you're more common than strange.
No me ensaño
I'm not cruel,
Es solo que tu postura me irrita
It's just that your posture irritates me,
El trabajo es de hormiga
The work is for ants,
Y no necesitamos estrellitas
And we don't need little stars.
Por que recitas en la Fech
Why do you recite at the Fech?
Pareces duro!
You seem tough!
Es solo una pisca del senador que serás en el futuro
It's just a glimpse of the senator you'll be in the future.
Rebelde tu no
You're not a rebel,
Rebelde el que pelea
A rebel is the one who fights,
Porque si actuara oportuno
Because if I acted opportunely,
Lo reviento con una volea
I'd blow you away with a volley.
Te gusta tirar mierda
You like to throw shit,
Pa que la gente te lea
So people will read you,
Rebelde tu no
You're not a rebel,
Rebelde el que pelea
A rebel is the one who fights.
Asi que no te creas
So don't believe yourself,
Porque la posta no te compro
Because I don't buy your act,
De ese luchador que dices ser
Of that fighter you say you are,
No eres la sombra y no asombro
You're not even a shadow, and I'm not impressed.
Llega el minuto
The minute arrives,
Y no le pones tu hombro
And you don't lend your shoulder,
De tu boca y de tus manos
From your mouth and your hands,
Solo botas escombro
You only throw out rubble.
Asi que!
No te compro... esa bonita moica
I don't buy it... that pretty little mohawk,
No te compro... cada frase tan heroica
I don't buy it... every heroic phrase,
No te compro... tu postura de malote
I don't buy it... your tough guy posture,
No te compro porque que eres uno más del lote
I don't buy it because I know you're just one of the lot.
No te compro... tu discurso de memoria
I don't buy it... your memorized speech,
No te compro... tu puño en señal de victoria
I don't buy it... your fist in a victory sign,
No te compro... porque contigo no hay mano
I don't buy it... because there's no hand with you,
No te compro porque no la peleas como mis hermanos
I don't buy it because you don't fight like my brothers.
La revolución no es vanguardia
The revolution is not avant-garde,
Se hace de kora amor
It's made with love from the heart,
Y no descansa
And it doesn't rest,
No de lujos y de pasión
Not from luxuries and passion,
Esto se hace todos los días
This is done every day,
Como se hace el amor
Like making love.
La revolución no es vanguardia
The revolution is not avant-garde,
Se hace del kora amor
It's made with love from the heart,
Y no descansa
And it doesn't rest,
No de lujos y de pasión
Not from luxuries and passion,
Esto se hace todos los días
This is done every day,
Como se hace el amor
Like making love.
Por internet eres conciente
On the internet you're conscious,
Valiente honesto
Brave, honest,
Escribes cosas lindas
You write pretty things,
Pa impresionar al resto
To impress the rest.
Te apuesto
I bet you,
Que solo te quedas ahí
That you just stay there,
Apaga la pantalla
Turn off the screen,
Y sal a defender tu raíz
And go out and defend your roots.
Tienes un Smart pone
You have a Smartphone,
no eres Smart
You're not smart,
También tienes un corazón
You also have a heart,
Pero no lo ocupas para amar
But you don't use it to love.
Vas a la playa a broncearte
You go to the beach to tan,
No a disfrutar al mar
Not to enjoy the sea,
Tu única pregunta
Your only question,
Es que hay para tomar
Is what is there to drink.
Lo único que hay que tomar
The only thing to drink,
Es la cosa enserio
Is to take things seriously,
Junto vamos a derrotar
Together we will defeat,
Al gobierno y a cada ministerio
The government and every ministry.
Tu rebeldía sin causa
Your rebellion without a cause,
No es un misterio
Is no mystery,
Porque tu sin consecuencia
Because without consequence,
Te vuelves esclavo del imerio
You become a slave to the empire.
...Baja vida...
...Low life...
Baja vida esterio
Low life stereo,
Ni ahí con los monos
Not with the monkeys,
Frente a los personajes como vo
In front of characters like you,
Nos ponemos nuestro kimono
We put on our kimono.
Seamos realistas
Let's be realistic,
no das con el tono
You don't hit the right tone,
A veces siento que perdemos la fuerza
Sometimes I feel like we lose strength,
Y entonces me cuestiono
And then I question myself.
Si de verdad quieren formar parte de esto
If you really want to be a part of this,
Hay ciertas actitudes que me tienen un tanto molesto
There are certain attitudes that have me a little annoyed,
Dicen yo protesto, yo detesto el sistema
They say I protest, I detest the system,
Bajen de sus puesto, en esto marchen como marcha el resto
Get off your high horse, march in this like the rest march.
Y está bien a me parece perfecto
And that's fine, it seems perfect to me,
Pero ser un rebelde sin causa se esta volviendo popero
But being a rebel without a cause is becoming trendy,
Vas a marchar con lo más cool de tu ropero
You're going to march with the coolest stuff in your closet,
Pero espero y quiero que tu yo copero sea fiel y sin pero.
But I hope and want your true self to be faithful and without a but.
La revolución no es vanguardia
The revolution is not avant-garde,
Se hace de kora amor
It's made with love from the heart,
Y no descansa
And it doesn't rest,
No de lujos y de pasión
Not from luxuries and passion,
Esto se hace todos los días
This is done every day,
Como se hace el amor
Like making love.
La revolución no es vanguardia
The revolution is not avant-garde,
Se hace del kora amor
It's made with love from the heart,
Y no descansa
And it doesn't rest,
No de lujos y de pasión
Not from luxuries and passion,
Esto se hace todos los días
This is done every day,
Como se hace el amor
Like making love.

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