Tacto de valentia al tuyo tener conocerme no sabes lo que estas haciendo
The touch of your bravery in knowing me, you don't know what you're doing
Este Aaron lo recomiendo dire que lo estoy intentando que estoy creciendo pero tan lento que algo bueno se me esta escapando
This Aaron I recommend will say that I'm trying, that I'm growing, but so slowly that something good is escaping me.
Pagando un precio sin deberme nada y aqui estuviste alegrando al triste cambiando mis dias decias o eso me diras
Paying a price without owing anything, and here you were, cheering up the sad, changing my days, you said, or you will tell me that.
Me miras sin mas y manias y mis mas y las mias y mas y mis garras y ganas estan escondidas asimilas y me entiendes
You look at me without further ado, quirks, and my quirks and more, and mine, and my claws and desires are hidden, you assimilate and you understand me.
Me defiendes me pones las pilas me quieres pero te lo callas me aguantas tantas me afrazas poco
You defend me, you motivate me, you love me but you keep it to yourself, you put up with me so much, you confront me little.
Pero si no me salvas
But if you don't save me.
Charlas en culumpios ambos buscando un fallo si lo mio son las palabras que tendras tu que me callas
Chats on swings, both looking for a fault, if mine are the words, what will you have to shut me up.
Y pasaran las horas hablando sin cansar hasta pagar la farolas y traeme esas hojas que te pregunto si te lo sabes que te amo cuando me dejas estudias pa los finales
And the hours will pass talking tirelessly until paying for the streetlights, and bring me those leaves that I ask you if you know that I love you when you let me, you study for the finals.
Sera por ti o mas estables incruces de cables invierno modelo para los padres
Will it be for you or more stable, crossing cables, winter model for parents.
Con candados a tus tequieros pocos pero sinceros ya buscare las llaves con poco que darte y mas poco por no confiarte
With padlocks to your I love you, few but sincere, I'll look for the keys with little to give you and less because I don't trust you.
A mi ya di que nos entiendan en marte y aun asi no piensas que pierdes el tiempo eres mi sombra otra saldria corriendo
Tell me now that they understand us on Mars, and even so, you don't think you're wasting time, you're my shadow, another one would run away.
Estas cambiando aun sabiendo que quiza es esa que saque de llevar lo que tu tanto te estas currando
You are changing, even knowing that maybe that is what I take out of carrying what you are healing yourself so much.
Y te pido perdon si me he fijado en otros rostros si te he fallado ocultando actuando influenciado por otros falta madurar supongo
And I apologize if I have stared at other faces, if I have failed you by hiding, acting, influenced by others, I suppose it is a lack of maturity.
A pesar de todo, hasta estando enfadado estado comodo y pensar que sera recuerdo me trae frio
Despite everything, even being angry, comfortable state, and to think that it will be a memory brings me cold.
Hoy solo hay una historia que contar a quien vendra tras mio
Today there is only one story to tell to whoever comes after me.
Tu no te alejas intentas doblar mis rejas y yo no respondo otras se cansaron mas pronto mis quejas mis dudas me dejas sin argumentos
You do not move away, you try to bend my bars, and I do not respond, others got tired of my complaints sooner, my doubts leave me without arguments.
Seguros cada ves mas duros si resiste esto por que tu has hecho la que la mecha prenda y aprenda a quererte
Insurances, every time harder, if it resists this, it is because you have made the wick light and learn to love you.
Y es por ti pequeña que existe un final sin perderte
And it's for you, little one, that there is an ending without losing you.
Y aunque me castigues por mis actos
And even if you punish me for my actions.
Ya no necesito espacios
I don't need spaces anymore.
Se rompen hadas sentimientos siguen intactos aunque la desconfianza te robe el cariño que has estado reservando
Fairies break, feelings remain intact even if mistrust steals the affection you have been reserving.
Que sea el unico que lo este dando
May it be the only one who is giving it.
Necesito que me creas que vengas dando saltos a mis brazos cada ves que me veas
I need you to believe me, that you come leaping into my arms every time you see me.
Que te arranques con un beso porque si, mi mundo se pare que si algo no nos une del todo tampoco nos separe
That you tear yourself away with a kiss just because, my world stops, that if something does not unite us completely, neither does it separate us.
Que dare yo por tu cuello, Suelto el aire sobre el
What will I give for your neck? I release the air on it.
Soy un Dios erizando tu piel miel beso de cabra habra quien te de placer
I am a God making your skin tingle, honey, goat kiss, there will be someone to give you pleasure.
Yo tengo el placer de matarte y verte nacer, voy a hacer que se te olvide tienes a quien te cuide de verdad tu mas bien eres mi prioridad
I have the pleasure of killing you and seeing you be born, I'm going to make you forget, you have someone to take care of you, you are rather my priority.
Voy a buscarte a la universidad, secare tu llanto y volver a casa sin nada despues de darte tanto
I'm going to look for you at the university, I'll dry your tears and go home with nothing after giving you so much.
Y ya no me tiro flores te las regalo ni tu eres tan buena ni yo soy tan malo
And I don't throw flowers at myself anymore, I give them to you, neither are you so good nor am I so bad.
Rosas cuando despiertas, sorpresas a diario no tendre para cenas pero tengo entradas para ver al barrio
Roses when you wake up, surprises every day, I won't have money for dinner, but I have tickets to see the neighborhood.
Y masages que darte sin pedirte nada a cambio y besos que lanzarte desde el escenario
And massages to give you without asking for anything in return, and kisses to throw at you from the stage.
Voy a besarte en esa pierna enferma a quitarte el dolor darte todo sin que tengas que beber na
I'm going to kiss you on that sick leg, take away the pain, give you everything without you having to drink anything.
Me faltara tiempo cuando me llames sabras de esa suerte cuando este tonto te falte
I will lack time when you call me, you will know about that luck when this fool is missing you.
Pero olvidalo solo hay una vida lo cuando estoy volviendo me pueden caer gotas en horas que esta lloviendo
But forget it, there is only one life, when I am returning drops may fall on me in hours that it is raining.
Y no pienso salir corriendo a qui me planto estoy perdiendo pero estoy ganando yo ya me entiendo
And I'm not going to run away, I'm staying here, I'm losing but I'm winning, I understand myself now.
Porque estas en mi vida por algo porque se que algo es mio. cuando el destino viene a quitarmelo
Because you are in my life for a reason, because I know something is mine when destiny comes to take it away from me.
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