Abluka Alarm - Yakamozun Koynunda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Abluka Alarm - Yakamozun Koynunda

Yakamozun Koynunda
In the Lap of Yakamoz
Biz kıyılara vurmuş balıklarız
We are fish washed ashore,
Bu denizlerde var olduk
We existed in these seas,
Ama mücadelemizin bir önemi kalmadı
But our struggle no longer matters,
Tarumar olduk
We are devastated.
Bir zamanlar ettik, kılçık olduk
Once we were flesh, now we're bones,
Üç beş ite meze olduk, yok olduk
We became a snack for a few dogs, we're gone.
Es deli rüzgâr, yönümü bi′ bili'm
The wind is crazy, I don't know my direction,
Kaptanı sarhoş bi′ gemi gibi gidi'm
I'm going like a ship with a drunk captain.
Hadi bulut açıl, sokma önümüze yağmur
Come on, cloud, open up, don't bring rain before us,
Bu gecede kaldık ki vallahi mağdur
We're stuck tonight, truly wronged.
Bulamadık yolu, bilemedik canım
We couldn't find the way, my dear, we didn't know,
Güneşi göremeden olamadı tadım
Without seeing the sun, I couldn't taste life.
Ruha vedadır tepkisi kışın
Winter's reaction is a farewell to the soul,
Yârdan habersiz bir yaz düşün
Imagine a summer unaware of its lover.
Hadi kaptan, çabala ki kaptan
Come on, captain, try hard, captain,
İki yol var, ikisinin özü haktan
There are two paths, the essence of both is from truth.
Deler geçer bu fırtına bizi
This storm will pierce through us,
Önümüz yağmur, rota stres sisi
Rain ahead, the route is stress and fog.
Görünür ufukta küçük bir ada
A small island appears on the horizon,
Yanaşamasa da gemi umut olur bana
Even if the ship can't reach it, it becomes hope for me.
Resmen aklım hayale hasret
My mind is literally longing for dreams,
Karanlık her yer, lazım basiret
Everywhere is dark, I need insight.
Duymadı beni duyamıyasıca hayat
Life, which couldn't hear me, won't hear,
Ve korku tüneli gibi başı, sonu sakat
And like a tunnel of fear, the beginning and end are crippled.
Denize oltayı fırlat
Cast your line into the sea,
Bahtına gelir bi' sümüklü (ıyy), geri at (ıyy)
A slimy one will come to your fate (ew), throw it back (ew).
Ne yapacaksın yavrimo?
What are you going to do, my love?
Hayat böyle bi′ kancık, sevmiyo′
Life is such a bitch, it doesn't love.
İçinde çalış, geber istiyo'
It wants you to work inside and die,
Yoksa aş, vermiyo′ (vermiyo')
Otherwise, it doesn't give love or a partner (doesn't give).
Benden yana hakkın helal
You have my blessings,
Hiçbi′ şey vermesen de sana selam
Even if you don't give me anything, I still greet you.
Severim bilirsin seni
You know I love you,
Ceremesi dostun acı kahve gibi (yo)
Your friend's bitterness is like bitter coffee (no).
Yüzeriz biz bu dalgalarda
We swim in these waves,
Dünya zaten bize alabora
The world is already capsized for us.
Dalmışım, fırtına dinmiş
I'm immersed, the storm has subsided,
Kaptan der, "Bitti çapa mayna"
The captain says, "The anchor is dropped, mate."
Hey dost, iki lafın belini bi' kıralım
Hey friend, let's break the back of a couple of words,
Daldan dala konup öylece susalım
Let's perch from branch to branch and just be silent.
Yakamozun koynunda denize bi′ dalalım
Let's take a dip in the sea in the lap of Yakamoz,
Güzü hep biz ilkbahar sanalım
Let's always consider autumn as our spring.
Aha bak yaralım, ileriye bakalım
Ah, look, my love, let's look ahead,
Dertleşelim biz, sözleri yakalım
Let's share our troubles, let's burn the words.
Teselli vermez ise bur'dan kaçalım
If it doesn't offer solace, let's escape from here,
Bu rüya güzel ama güzellik katalım
This dream is beautiful, but let's add more beauty.
Hey dost, iki lafın belini bi' kıralım
Hey friend, let's break the back of a couple of words,
Daldan dala konup öylece susalım
Let's perch from branch to branch and just be silent.
Yakamozun koynunda denize bi′ dalalım
Let's take a dip in the sea in the lap of Yakamoz,
Güzü hep biz ilkbahar sanalım
Let's always consider autumn as our spring.
Aha bak yaralım, ileriye bakalım
Ah, look, my love, let's look ahead,
Dertleşelim biz, sözleri yakalım
Let's share our troubles, let's burn the words.
Teselli vermez ise bur′dan kaçalım
If it doesn't offer solace, let's escape from here,
Bu rüya güzel ama güzellik katalım
This dream is beautiful, but let's add more beauty.
Günden güne değişir içimde gündem
The agenda within me changes day by day,
Akıldan geçenden de bihaber herkes
Everyone is oblivious to what goes through my mind.
Sordum şöyle bi' kendi kendime
I asked myself,
Uzvu olan habire konuşuyo′ (n'et′ce'z?)
Those with limbs are constantly talking (what will we do?).
Kes lan gari, verme bana tarif
Shut up, stranger, don't give me directions,
Yaptıkların hep koca bi′ furya
Your actions are all a big fad.
Derler ki, "Dünya koca bi' derya"
They say, "The world is a big sea,"
İçinden akan nedir? Boş bi' rüya
What flows through it? An empty dream.
Kalk, tamam, vakit, yol al
Get up, okay, it's time, move on,
Yol ayrımına geldin, kendine yol bul
You've come to a fork in the road, find your own way.
Soracak çok soru var, cevabını
There are many questions to ask, the answers,
Şahsına sakla ki kendine doğru
Keep them to yourself so you're headed in the right direction.
Korkun nedir, adı yokluk mudur? Hadi
What are you afraid of? Is its name nothingness? Come on,
Hoş tut o içindeki boşluklarını
Cherish those voids within you.
Dolmuyor, "Koy" desem avunmuyor
They don't fill, even if I say "Put it in," they're not satisfied,
Gönül avutamaz puştluklarını
The heart can't console your wretchedness.
"Nedir" dersin, "hayat derdin benle"
"What is it?" you say, "life is troubled with me,"
Tenkit ederim, giderim terse
I criticize, I go against the grain,
Bir el verse diye beklerim ama
I wait for a helping hand, but
Havada kalan benim elim olur ama neyse
It's my hand that's left hanging, but oh well.
Öyle de yok inan böyle de
It's not like that, believe me, it's not like this either,
Ve törpüle ne varsa kalan hadi eskide
And file away whatever is left in the past.
Bilmediğim bi′ şey söyle de
Tell me something I don't know,
Tavsiye niyetine edelim tasfiye
Let's eliminate it as advice.
Göster, şahsen bazen görmez insan
Show me, sometimes a person doesn't see,
İyi ve kötüyü ya da bi′ gerçeği
The good and the bad, or a truth.
Neden bilmem ıska geçer hayatı bile bile
For some reason, life skips over it knowingly,
Ama bak diyeceğim o ki
But look, what I'm going to say is,
Gülümser gülersen eğer sen
If you smile, the rose will smile too,
Hayat değil ölü, asma suratını
Life is not dead, don't frown,
Eğer sen gülersen gülümser hayat seninle
If you smile, life will smile with you.
Dene bi' şansını
Give it a try.
Hey dost, iki lafın belini bi′ kıralım
Hey friend, let's break the back of a couple of words,
Daldan dala konup öylece susalım
Let's perch from branch to branch and just be silent.
Yakamozun koynunda denize bi' dalalım
Let's take a dip in the sea in the lap of Yakamoz,
Güzü hep biz ilkbahar sanalım
Let's always consider autumn as our spring.
Aha bak yaralım, ileriye bakalım
Ah, look, my love, let's look ahead,
Dertleşelim biz, sözleri yakalım
Let's share our troubles, let's burn the words.
Teselli vermez ise bur′dan kaçalım
If it doesn't offer solace, let's escape from here,
Bu rüya güzel ama güzellik katalım
This dream is beautiful, but let's add more beauty.
Hey dost, iki lafın belini bi' kıralım
Hey friend, let's break the back of a couple of words,
Daldan dala konup öylece susalım
Let's perch from branch to branch and just be silent.
Yakamozun koynunda denize bi′ dalalım
Let's take a dip in the sea in the lap of Yakamoz,
Güzü hep biz ilkbahar sanalım
Let's always consider autumn as our spring.
Aha bak yaralım, ileriye bakalım
Ah, look, my love, let's look ahead,
Dertleşelim biz, sözleri yakalım
Let's share our troubles, let's burn the words.
Teselli vermez ise bur'dan kaçalım
If it doesn't offer solace, let's escape from here,
Bu rüya güzel ama güzellik katalım
This dream is beautiful, but let's add more beauty.

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