莊心妍 - 新霸王別姬 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 莊心妍 - 新霸王別姬

New Hegemony Farewell My Concubine
With power that can uproot mountains and grandeur that covers the world
四面楚歌 烏金甲涼 月如霜夜未央
Surrounded by the enemy, the black armor is cold, and the moon is as frosty as night's youth
把酒臨風 君唱我和 伴君醉一場
Drinking wine in the wind, I sing and you harmonize, getting drunk with you
英雄氣短 兒女情長 此一別應無恙
The heroism is cut short, and the love between a man and a woman is long-lasting. After this farewell, there should be no worries
楚河再深 漢界再長 難忘君模樣
The Chu River is too deep, and the Han territory is too vast, but it's hard to forget your appearance
夢裡宮闕 烏騅回望 酒太濃斷人腸
In dream palaces, the black steed looks back, and the wine is too strong to bear
金甲戰袍 虎頭龍槍 情淚灑烏江
Golden battle armor, tiger-head dragon-spear, and tears of love shed at the 烏江 River
江東父老 我絕不訪 只想把你凝望
Fellow countrymen of Jiangdong, I absolutely won't visit, I only want to gaze at you
甯舍江山 大愛一場 何時再成雙
Rather give up the country, for love, when will we be together again?
我為情癡君情狂 今生獨愛楚霸王
I'm crazy for love, and you're infatuated. In this life, I only love Overlord Xiang Yu
轟轟烈烈愛一場 香消玉殞又何妨
A vigorous love affair, what does it matter if we die young?
我為情癡君情狂 來生還做楚霸王
I'm crazy for love, and you're infatuated. In the next life, I'll still be Overlord Xiang Yu
心中多少情與怨 若能輪回定補償
So much love and grievance in my heart, if there's reincarnation, I'll definitely make amends
長袖帶風裙袂揚 為君起舞弄月光
Long sleeves bring wind, skirts flutter, dancing for you under the moonlight
借君寶劍斬情絲 從此不能陪(稱)霸王
Borrow your precious sword to cut off the ties of love. From now on, I can't accompany (call) Overlord
Call Overlord
人生難得一知己 就此一別天一方
It's hard to find a bosom friend in life, so let's say goodbye now
誰又輕吟虞美人 夢裡該下空彷徨
Who's softly singing "虞美人," wandering in dreams?
誰又輕吟虞美人 千古傳奇萬古唱
Who's softly singing "虞美人," a legend passed down through the ages and sung forever?

Авторы: 楊青, 李守俊

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