Adala - La Dinastia de la Plata - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Adala - La Dinastia de la Plata

La Dinastia de la Plata
The Dynasty of Silver
I a Barcelona ara tot minuts de silenci
In Barcelona now every minutes of silence
Volen que callis no volen que el poble pensi
They want you shut up they do not want people to think
La policia és aplaudida
The police is applauded
Ara el terror es oci
Now the terror is leisure
L′estat veu el negoci i sap que la por et fa més dòcil
The State sees the business and knows that fear makes you more docile
I et diuen de què et queixes si no votes
And they tell you what do you complain about if you don′t vote
Vota i revota i sempre guanya el que ens explota
Vote and re-vote and the ones who exploit us always win
Molt do re mi però no fan res jo la mateixa nota
Lots of blah blah blah but they do nothing I sing the same note
Si no vols gent per sobre no tinguis gent per sota
If you don′t want people above you don′t have people below you
Un no te pla no te plata no te ni plat a taula
One of them has no plan, no silver, no dish on the table
I l'altre el veu i aixeca el cap li han explicat la faula
And the other one sees him and raises his head, they told him the fable
Un vell mira la terra i sap que es de qui la treballa
An old man looks at the land, he knows who works it belongs to
Pero allà n′hi ha un que ningu el veu ell sempre tralalala
But there is one that no one sees, he always does tralalala
Ell ha tingut la vida solucionada
He has had his life solved
Ell només ha de buscar la seva stimada
He only has to search for his beloved
Ha de seguir amb la feina bruta del seu pare
He has to go on with his father's dirty business
I es que jo noi parlo de
And that is because baby I′m speaking about
La dinastia de la plata
The dynasty of silver
La Plata
The Silver
Ara són prínceps amb corbata, corbata
Now they are princes with bow tie, bow tie
Roden corones i la plata, plata
They turn crowns and the silver, silver
Encara és viva encara mata i mata
It′s still alive, it still kills and kills
Jo sempre cors i bastos
I always run and aces
Tu has tingut pica i t'has fet rica
You've had spades and you've become rich
I tens dotze de gastos
And you have twelve of diamonds
La teva ma es infinita
Your hand is infinite
I no saps com les gasto
And you do not know how I waste it
No em prenguis per incredul
Do not take me for incredulous
No jugo com ho fas tu
I do not play as you do
Tinc sempre clar el meu puto trebol
I always have my damn clover clear
Et xapen la boca boca i tiren perquè els toca
They shut your mouth and fire because it's their turn
Ells molta pela però per ells sempre poca
Lots of money for them but for them it′s always little
Ells sempre gana mengen guita i es fan foca
They always hungry they eat money and become seals
Però tu noi xapa, ja saps què és el que et toca
But you baby, just shut up, you already know what you have to do
Ells molta casta molta pasta
They have lots of caste and lots of dough
Pels mateixos peixos Gordus que tot ho han de tastar
For the same fat Gordos who have to taste everything
Abans que tu però em queixo
Before you but I complain
La seva riquesa Ningú la pot mereixer
Nobody can deserve their wealth
Ei noi doncs fem neteja
Hey baby so let's clean it up
La dinastia de la plata
The dynasty of silver
La Plata
The Silver
Ara són prínceps amb corbata, corbata
Now they are princes with bow tie, bow tie
Roden corones i la plata, plata
They turn crowns and the silver, silver
Encara és viva encara mata i mata
It′s still alive, it still kills and kills
La dinastia de la plata
The dynasty of silver
La Plata
The Silver
Ara són prínceps amb corbata, corbata
Now they are princes with bow tie, bow tie
Roden corones i la plata, plata
They turn crowns and the silver, silver
Encara és viva encara mata i mata
It′s still alive, it still kills and kills

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