Adala - Mou Un Nou Mòn - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Adala - Mou Un Nou Mòn

Mou Un Nou Mòn
New World in Our Hearts
Neix a l′hort
Growing in the garden
I poc a poc va creixent més fort
Slowly but surely, growing stronger with time
Massa cops rebuts però no ha mort
Despite the many blows, it refuses to die
El nou món que portem dins del cor, del cor
The new world we carry within our hearts, our hearts
I puc sentir
And I can feel
Com la terra batega en mi
The earth beating inside me
Cada batec mostra un nou camí
Each beat reveals a new path
I escriure tot el que no es pot dir
And to write everything that cannot be said
I així
And so
Extra, extra, s'ha escrit un nou diari
Extra, extra, a new newspaper has been written
Parla de nosaltres sense cap intermediari
It speaks about us, with no intermediaries
Diu que es desperta una família menys al barri
It says that one less family has woken up in the neighborhood
La vida del veïnat o la bossa d′un propietari
The life of the neighborhood or the pocket of a landlord
Corre la notícia, buiden edificis
The news is spreading, buildings are being emptied
No pots tenir sostre si no en treuen benefici
You can't have a roof if they can't profit from it
Lliures i rebels, tenim el nostre seguici
Free and rebellious, we have our following
Gent organitzada en una Barcelona en crisi
Organized people in a Barcelona in crisis
Passa la pàgina, tens receptes de cuina
Turn the page, you have cooking recipes
Espais comunitaris on abans hi havia ruïna
Communal spaces where there used to be ruins
Deixem l'heura créixer
We let the ivy grow
A la vella reixa
On the old gate
La llibertat ha de renéixer
Freedom must be reborn
Neix a l'hort
Growing in the garden
I poc a poc va creixent més fort
Slowly but surely, growing stronger with time
Massa cops rebuts però no ha mort
Despite the many blows, it refuses to die
El nou món que portem dins del cor
The new world we carry within our hearts
Del cor
Of the heart
Puc sentir
I can feel
Com la terra batega en mi
The earth beating inside me
Cada batec mostra un nou camí
Each beat reveals a new path
Escriure tot el que no es pot dir
To write down everything that cannot be said
I les pàgines centrals parlen de cultura
And the center pages talk about culture
Rimes, tuits i titelles colpejats per la censura
Rhymes, tweets, and puppets, all hit by censorship
Falsa democràcia, gust a dictadura
False democracy, tastes like dictatorship
La vella estaca encara dura
The old regime still endures
I ens queda la ràbia, ràbia
And we are left with the rage, rage
De sentir tanta ala i tanta gàbia, gàbia
Of feeling so much freedom and so much prison, prison
Molts polítics, molta làbia, làbia
Lots of politicians, lots of sweet talk, sweet talk
Però no et deixis confondre, sigues sàvia
But don't let yourself be fooled, be wise
Tenim memòria, tenim veu i tenim vista
We have memory, we have voice, and we have vision
Fem nostra la història, cap carrer amb nom d′esclavista
We make history our own, no streets named after slavers
Organitzada i sàbia és la ciutat que neix als barris
Organized and wise is the city that is born in the neighborhoods
De Sants fins al Besós
From Sants to Besós
Del Raval fins a Noubarris
From Raval to Noubarris
Per una Barcelona organitzada, sàbia, rebel i combativa, escolta
For an organized, wise, rebellious, and combative Barcelona, listen
Hem escrit un nou diari
We have written a new newspaper
Plural, lliure i compromès
Plural, free, and committed
Des de baix, des de nosaltres
From below, from ourselves
Parla dels nostres carrers
It speaks of our streets
I hem escrit de nou la història
And we have rewritten history
Un relat contra el poder
A story against power
Parla de tu i de nosaltres
It speaks of you and of us
Parla dels nostres carrers
It speaks of our streets
I neix a l′hort
And it is born in the garden
I poc a poc va creixent més fort
Slowly but surely, growing stronger with time
Massa cops rebuts però no ha mort
Despite the many blows, it refuses to die
El nou món que portem dins del cor, del cor
The new world we carry within our hearts, of the heart

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