Adam the World feat. Vrillton - Element - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Adam the World feat. Vrillton - Element

Popálený vodou a utápam sa v ohni
Oh thou burnt by water and drowned in fire
Do nebies veľa schodov, tam sme si všetci rovní
To the heavens many stairs, where we are all equal
posadnutí zlobou, chcem aby boli dobrí
They are possessed by anger, I want them to be kind
Diabol biele krídla a anjel čierne rohy
The devil has white wings and the angel black horns
(Ukáž mi svoj element)
(Show me your element)
Ukáž mi svoj element (Ukáž mi svoj element)
Show me your element (Show me your element)
Krv vteká ticho do zeme (Krv vteká ticho do zeme)
The blood slowly seeps into the ground (The blood slowly seeps into the ground)
Vidím brány nebeské (Vidím brány nebeské)
I see the gates of heaven (I see the gates of heaven)
No odísť ešte nechcem, nie (Nie)
But I don't want to leave yet, no (No)
Ukáž mi svoj element (Ukáž mi svoj element)
Show me your element (Show me your element)
Krv vteká ticho do zeme (Krv vteká ticho do zeme)
The blood slowly seeps into the ground (The blood slowly seeps into the ground)
Vidím brány nebeské (Vidím brány nebeské)
I see the gates of heaven (I see the gates of heaven)
No odísť ešte nechcem, nie (Nie)
But I don't want to leave yet, no (No)
Sme vysoko ako stromy
We are tall like trees
Hľadáme tie perly v mori
We are searching for those pearls in the sea
WOC, môj element tvorí (Tvorí)
WOC, my element composes (Composes)
Stále zvonia naše zvony
Our bells still ring
Zatiaľ čo váš mozog stojí
While your brain stops
WOC, najsilnejší vojak v poli (V poli)
WOC, the strongest soldier in the field (In the field)
Najlepší ktorí to kedy dokážu
The best that ever do it
Presne ako keď sa Zaytoven dotkne orgánu
Just like when Zaytoven touches the organ
Nevidím žiadnu prekážku, hľadám rovnováhu
I see no obstacles, I seek balance
Staviam sa k oltáru (K oltáru)
I stand at the altar (At the altar)
A spittujem tie bars na vás
And spit those bars at you
Naše korene pevne držia v zemi
Our roots are firmly in the ground
Vidíš nás jak egoistov
You see us as egoists
Ale tak to neni
But that's not how it is
Nemôžem za to, že sa stále schovávaš v niekoho tieni...
I can't help it that you still hide in someone's shadow...
Nebuď smiešny
Don't be ridiculous
Môj element
My element
Môj element
My element
Môj element
My element
Môj element
My element
Môj element
My element
Môj element
My element
Môj element
My element
Môj element
My element
Ukáž mi svoj element (Ukáž mi svoj element)
Show me your element (Show me your element)
Krv vteká ticho do zeme (Krv vteká ticho do zeme)
The blood slowly seeps into the ground (The blood slowly seeps into the ground)
Vidím brány nebeské (Vidím brány nebeské)
I see the gates of heaven (I see the gates of heaven)
No odísť ešte nechcem, nie (Nie)
But I don't want to leave yet, no (No)
Ukáž mi svoj element (Ukáž mi svoj element)
Show me your element (Show me your element)
Krv vteká ticho do zeme (Krv vteká ticho do zeme)
The blood slowly seeps into the ground (The blood slowly seeps into the ground)
Vidím brány nebeské (Vidím brány nebeské)
I see the gates of heaven (I see the gates of heaven)
No odísť ešte nechcem, nie (Nie)
But I don't want to leave yet, no (No)
Buď tu navždy, Som šťastný
Be here forever, I'm happy
Vravel som, že blázni
I said they were crazy
Časom nemárni, ak chceš odísť, tak bye G
Don't waste time, if you want to leave, then bye G
Raz sa vráti aj tak, lebo sme naj team
One day you'll come back anyway, because we're the best team
Robím correct sh*t, stále sign ako Nike
I do correct sh*t, still signing like Nike
Oni nevravia pass (Pass)
They don't say pass (Pass)
Oni stále chcú gas (Gas)
They still want gas (Gas)
Všetci rovnako whack (Whack)
They are all equally whack (Whack)
Aj tak verím, že nie (Huh)
I still believe, that they don't (Huh)
Oni nevravia pass (Pass)
They don't say pass (Pass)
Oni stále chcú gas (Whack)
They still want gas (Whack)
Všetci rovnako whack (Whack)
They are all equally whack (Whack)
Aj tak verím, že nie (Bliss)
I still believe, that they don't (Bliss)

Авторы: Adam World

Adam the World feat. Vrillton - Bliss
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