Adan Zapata - Me Enamoraste - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Adan Zapata - Me Enamoraste

Me Enamoraste
You Made Me Fall In Love
Esa sonrisa y esos ojitos radiantes
That smile and those radiant eyes
Tu carita es tan linda, baby tu me enamoraste
Your face is so pretty, baby you made me fall in love
Me enamoraste con tu sonrisa y tu mirada
You made me fall in love with your smile and your look
Tu carita es tan linda no se compara con nada
Your little face is so pretty, nothing compares to it
Me enamoraste con tu sonrisa y tu mirada
You made me fall in love with your smile and your look
Tu carita es tan linda no se compara con nada
Your little face is so pretty, nothing compares to it
Esa sonrisa y esos ojitos radiantes
That smile and those radiant eyes
Tu carita es tan linda, baby tu me enamoraste
Your face is so pretty, baby you made me fall in love
Me enamoraste mujer, dime como tu le hiciste
You made me fall in love, woman, tell me how you did it
Baby me he dado cuenta que el amor disen que existe
Baby, I've realized that the love they say exists is real
Te pintas en mi vida sin nesesitar pintura
You paint yourself in my life without needing paint
Tu figura sobrepasa la hermosura, tu ternura
Your figure surpasses beauty, your tenderness
Tus palabras tu censura eslo que ami me debilita
Your words, your censorship, are what weakens me
Te juro que en el mundo niña eres la mas bonita
I swear to you that in the world, girl, you are the most beautiful
Tu eres todo lo que mi corazon necesita
You are everything my heart needs
Me fasina cuando te ries, me gustas cuando te enojas
I'm fascinated when you laugh, I like it when you get angry
Quiero besar tus labios, tambien tus mejillas rojas
I want to kiss your lips, also your red cheeks
Vivo atrapado en la atraccion de tu mirada
I live trapped in the attraction of your gaze
Me gustas demasiado no te comparas con nada
I like you too much, you don't compare to anything
Eres inigualable, como tu no hay ninguna
You are incomparable, there is no one like you
Quiero estar contigo asolas mirando la luna
I want to be alone with you looking at the moon
Valorando los segundos,
Valuing the seconds,
Tu eres lo mas bonito que dios trajo en este mundo
You are the most beautiful thing that God brought into this world
Mi princesa te juro que a mi lado nunca miraras la tristeza
My princess, I swear that by my side you will never see sadness
No te digo de frente, porqe me daria verguenza
I don't tell you to your face, because I would be embarrassed
Me enamorate con tu sonrisa y tu mirada
You made me fall in love with your smile and your look
Tu carita es tan linda no se compara con nada
Your little face is so pretty, nothing compares to it
No se como decirte lo mucho que tu me gustas
I don't know how to tell you how much I like you
Cuando me hablas por telefono, mis oidos disfrutan
When you talk to me on the phone, my ears enjoy
De tu voz (tu voz)
Your voice (your voice)
Me gustaria ser tu novio y asi ser feliz los dos
I would like to be your boyfriend and thus be happy together
Quiro tenerte, quiero abrazarte
I want to have you, I want to hug you
Para estar cerca de tu voca y mil besitos darte
To be close to your lips and give you a thousand kisses
Quiero besarte
I want to kiss you
Y acariciar tu carita
And caress your face
De todas las mujeres tu eres la mas bonita
Of all the women you are the most beautiful
Tus ojitos son luceros llenos de felicidad
Your eyes are stars full of happiness
Eres bajada del cielo, como un ser celestial
You are descended from heaven, like a celestial being
Tengo un gran amor guardado, que yo quiero regalarte
I have a great love saved that I want to give you
No se lo que paso, pero mi corazon robaste
I don't know what happened, but you stole my heart
Me enamoraste
You made me fall in love
Tan solo con verte una vez
Just by seeing you once
Tan solo con pensarte haces que tiemblen mis pies
Just thinking about you makes my feet tremble
Eres unica
You are unique
Juro que como tu ninguna
I swear there is no one like you
Estoy enfermo de amor y creo que tu eres mi vacuna
I'm sick with love and I think you are my cure
En tu vida yo sere el hombre que te bajara la luna
In your life I will be the man who will bring you down the moon
Si quieres tambien las estrellas y de una por una
If you want also the stars, one by one
Por que tu solo tu tu
Because you, only you
Me enamoraste
You made me fall in love
Tu eres la luz y mi ojistos iliminaste
You are the light and you illuminated my eyes
Quiero sentirte aqui conmigo, acarisiar tu piel
I want to feel you here with me, caress your skin
Solo dime que si y te prometo ser fiel
Just tell me yes and I promise to be faithful
Me enamoraste
You made me fall in love
Por eso mi amor plasmo el papel
That's why my love captured on paper
Me enamoraste
You made me fall in love
Con tu sonrisa y tus ojitos
With your smile and your eyes
Cautivaste los latidos de este corazonzito
You captivated the beats of this little heart
Y contigo yo reconoci el amor
And with you I recognized love
Yo juro que a tu lado, no reconosco el dolor
I swear that by your side, I don't recognize pain
Grasias niña por bindarme tu calor
Thank you girl for giving me your warmth
Por estar siempre ami lado
For always being by my side
Hoy yo te confieso, que me tienes enamorado
Today I confess to you that you have me in love
Por que eres lo mas lindo que he tenido
Because you are the most beautiful thing I have ever had
Eres como mi regalo, de navidad
You are like my Christmas present
Que cuando yo lo abri conoci felicidad
That when I opened it I met happiness
Yo te quiero, te amo y tee adoro
I love you, I love you and I adore you
Eres mi deseo y eres mi tesoro
You are my desire and you are my treasure
Eres todo en mi vida
You are everything in my life
Yo nunca te dejare por qe para mi tu eres mi niña
I will never leave you because for me you are my girl
Yo te llevo en mi mente
I carry you in my mind
Fuiste mi pasado y por simpre seras mi presente
You were my past and you will forever be my present
Te demostrare mi amor
I will show you my love
Regalandote el mundo entero
Giving you the whole world
Pero primero te regalo un te quiero
But first I give you an I love you
Y un por siempre te amare
And a forever I will love you
Y pase lo que pase, a tu lado yo estare
And whatever happens, I will be by your side
Por que tu eres mi nido
Because you are my nest
Cuando estoy contigo, yo me siento protegido
When I'm with you, I feel protected
Y esta cancion, es porti aquien yo la escribo
And this song is for you to whom I write it
Me enamoraste
You made me fall in love
Y es porti que yo me inspiro
And it is for you that I am inspired
Me enamoraste
You made me fall in love
Esa sonrisa y esos ojitos radiantes
That smile and those radiant eyes
Tu carita es tan linda baby, tu me enamoraste
Your face is so pretty baby, you made me fall in love
Me enamoraste con tu sonrisa y tu mirada
You made me fall in love with your smile and your look
Tu carita es tan linda no se compara con nada
Your little face is so pretty, nothing compares to it
Me enamoraste con tu sonrisa y tu mirada
You made me fall in love with your smile and your look
Tu carita es tan linda no se compara con nada
Your little face is so pretty, nothing compares to it
Esa sonrisa y esos ojitos radiantes
That smile and those radiant eyes
Tu carita es tan linda baby, tu me enamoraste
Your face is so pretty baby, you made me fall in love
(Me enamoraste).
(You made me fall in love).

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