Adda feat. Doc - Te Aud - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Adda feat. Doc - Te Aud

Te Aud
I Hear You (Te Aud)
Ce sa zic acum, scapa cine poate
What can I say now, let me escape
Mie nu imi trece de sapte luni jumate
I can't get over seven months and a half
La tine e lumina, la mine inca e noapte
It's light at your place, it's still night at mine
Cu inima intreaga scapa cine poate
With all my heart, let me escape
Continentele nu mai vor sa se uneasca
Continents no longer want to unite
Nici avioanele nu mai vor sa porneasca
Nor do planes want to take off
De la Polul Nord vreau sa ajung la Polul Sud
I want to go from the North Pole to the South Pole
Chiar de nu ma strigi eu inca te aud
Even if you don't call me, I still hear you
Stau la fereastra mea si jur ca te aud
I stand at my window and I swear I hear you
Chiar daca noi nu ne-am mai vazut demult
Even though we haven't seen each other in a while
Esti in inima mea, din inima te aud.
You're in my heart, and from my heart I hear you.
Atatea cioburi din noi, ca le spala ploi de cand ne-am spart
So many pieces of us, that we washed them away by the rains since we broke up
Numaram pana la doi, doar ca sa stiu apoi la cat sa impart
We count up to two, just so I know how to divide afterwards
Nu te-am desenat pe foi, nu am pensule asa moi, nu pot sa o fac
I didn't draw you on paper, I don't have such soft brushes, I can't do it
Parca te aud, si nu pot sa tac,
It seems like I hear you, and I can't be silent,
Azi si maine l-au adus pe ieri, vor sa-l ard
Today and tomorrow brought back yesterday, they want to burn it
Dar nu, nu ce-am avut ramane acolo,
But no, no, what we had remains there,
Daca il scot ramane gol, golul se umple cu dor
If I take it out, it remains empty, and the emptiness is filled with longing
Stii ca nu sunt bautor,
You know I'm not a drinker,
Dar s-ar umple paharelul, mi-ar da inapoi alcool
But the glass would be filled up, it would give me back alcohol
Imi e bine cu ea si mai presus imi e bine cu mine
I'm fine with her and above all I'm fine with myself
Dar oriunde plec, o parte din tine vine cu mine.
But wherever I go, a part of you comes with me.
Inca te aud
I still hear you
Stau la fereastra mea si jur ca te aud
I stand at my window and I swear I hear you
Chiar daca noi nu ne-am mai vazut demult
Even though we haven't seen each other in a while
Esti in inima mea, din inima te aud
You're in my heart, and from my heart I hear you
Tu ai lasat doar jumatate
You only left half
Sfaramata in bucatele
Shattered into pieces
Chiar daca le-as lipi pe toate
Even if I glued them all together
Tot raman goala intre ele.
I'd still be empty in between them.
Tu m-ai lasat doar jumatate.
You only left me half.
Inca te aud
I still hear you
Stau la fereastra mea si jur ca te aud
I stand at my window and I swear I hear you
Chiar daca noi nu ne-am mai vazut demult
Even though we haven't seen each other in a while
Esti in inima mea, din inima te aud
You're in my heart, and from my heart I hear you

Авторы: adda, doc

Adda feat. Doc - Te Aud
Te Aud
дата релиза

1 Te Aud

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