Adel Sweezy feat. El Badman - Cameleon 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Adel Sweezy feat. El Badman - Cameleon 2

Cameleon 2
Cameleon 2
Chkon nkoun bach n'conseillék, lahmoum je les ai défié
I don't need anyone's advice, I've defied the fools
Khellini nerkab el 9afiya ... hna, ghir fel zit li l'guina el 3afia
Let them ride the wave ... we're only in the oil, we brought the fire
Tes malheurs de côté w consentré f l'essentiel
Leave your misfortunes aside and focus on the essentials
El nass liya c'est des couleurs, w telfatli m3a les arcs en ciel
People to me are like colors, and I got lost with the rainbows
Ki toukhrej e'rouh tchouf hyatek en image hakda getli mama
When you breathe your last, you'll see your life as an image, that's what mama told me
N'profité chaque jour men hyati au moins yehlali diaporama
Enjoy each day of your life, at least you'll have a slideshow
Ki yban el 9amer temma yebda moukhi
When the moon appears, my mind starts to spin
Y'dour, el Badman fusion m3a stylou
It revolves, El Badman fuses with his style
On est la catégorie junior mon ami,
We're the junior category, my friend,
Ta3 ledjnet el ahilla ... On est ...
Of the crescent committee ... We are ...
La Barakah La Barakah ...
The Blessing The Blessing ...
El Succès meskine hab yeghle9elna el biban
Success, poor thing, wants to close the doors on us
Nssa beli hnaya men 3acha9in el ta9a
Forget those who are here out of self-interest
Manetelgouch nos rêves chghol muslim fel chichan
We don't reach our dreams working like Muslims in the fields
Que des renards fi klikti makanch el dou3afa
Only foxes in my clique, no weaklings
Naklou diaba non khatina el djidjan
We eat locusts, we didn't inherit chickens
Tala3 rassek l'sma ila chouftha t'bougé e's7aba
Raise your head to the sky and you'll see the clouds move
9ol deniya dewara w djhal li chek
Say the world is spinning and let the ignorant doubt
Non maranich kifek ma n'acceptéch la défaite
I'm not like you, I don't accept defeat
Visé lel 9mar zid ignorer li fat
Aim for the moon and ignore the past
Machi ghir nta li t9assi, armi 3lik dak l'passé
It's not just you who feels pain, carry that past with you
Khalli nass li morak tchouf issmek fe T-shirt
Let the people behind you see your name on a T-shirt
El serf dirou f lssanek machi fi djibek
Keep the whistle on your tongue, not in your pocket
Li ydirlek je n'aime pas sur ykoune nssibek
Whoever dislikes you may end up being your companion
Li tbessemli fi thaniya sekento fi 9elbi
The one who smiles at me for a moment, I keep them in my heart
W li ghderni fi 3wam meskine malgach win ybat
And the one who betrayed me for years, poor thing, couldn't find a place to sleep
Nasshom SDF e'smah dertlou souma, gelbi wella AADL
They are homeless, I forgave them, my heart became AADL (housing program)
Nbanelkom 9assi yak nermi el ma b'klami w n'khelli mon flow ysié9 ...
It seems like I'm stingy, throwing words and letting my flow drive ...
(Zidi gouli Adel ssiék) ...
(Keep saying Adel is stingy) ...
Gatli m'hed el nhar j'te donnerai plus de signal
You told me from this day on you wouldn't give me any more signals
(Ma3lich 3andi siwak) ... Dernier jeu de mot avant qu'on se sépare
(It's okay, I have siwak) ... Last pun before we part ways
C'est bon hbat e'sitar, ça y est kharejt men la scène
The curtain has fallen, I've left the stage
Rak ta3ref les débuts dir rohek machi samme3
Just know the beginnings, pretend you're not listening
3wam mouraha mor ma 9elbek se ferme
Years later, after your heart closes,
Twelli l'mekhlo9a tgoullek: "mazel je t'aime"
The creature will tell you: "I still love you"
Chou el mektob kech 3amel ... mahma
What's written is done ... whatever
Y'ssir el biban yetfethou l'moul el niya
Doors open for those with good intentions
Mafinach l'7ila, madém el dib ga3 7yatou ydjerrouh el machia
There's no trick, as long as the wolf is alive, the sheep will be chased
Rohi b chuiya m3a l'money
Go slowly with the money
Ila se9ssak hbibek win 3rafti
If you feel your love, where did you find it?
L'amour?, goulilou wled Belcourt 3allmouni
Love?, tell it the boys from Belcourt taught me
C'est normal nchouf leb3id je suis Mister Zoom
It's normal I see far, I'm Mister Zoom
W l'humour djey fina ghir bonus
And humor is just a bonus for us
Li yenssa tes qualités ghir sotih
Whoever forgets your qualities is just a voice
Dossier te3na f l'océan y'floti,
Our file floats in the ocean,
W ton iceberg magderch yghere9li babouri
And your iceberg can't sink my boat
W 3allemni ndir confiance fi rohi
And you taught me to trust myself
Mouhim dok nkemmel 9ouli
The important thing is that I finish my words
La morale de l'histoire, ila brisék l'amour
The moral of the story, if love breaks you
3awed essma3 Esstori ... this is my story, faut viser le sommet
Listen to Esstori again ... this is my story, you have to aim for the top
Rak le Roi de la ville ... mala admiri la vue, jamais t'abondonné
Just be the King of the city ... admire the view, never give up
Il a suffi piano w la guitare
All it took was a piano and a guitar
Bech n'combini klami w le flow m3a le mode de ma vida
To combine my words and flow with the way of my life
3embalek lehyat kima el Bikini, ya des hauts et des bas
Life is like a Bikini, there are ups and downs
Pinceau, peinture, caméra youtube smile fel visage
Brush, paint, youtube camera, smile on the face
éh oui mel lewel wadah el message, malgré trig l'fen m3awidja
Yes, from the beginning, I understood the message, despite the closed window with curtains
B ta motivation accélère, w bel niya t'assurer les virages
With your motivation, accelerate, and with good intentions, take the turns
Tant que madertch el nécessaire, faut surtout pas t'lacher tes rêves
As long as you haven't done what's necessary, don't let go of your dreams
Madabihom tahmel fel desert
Don't let them carry you in the desert
La revanche est plat qui se mange froid ... wana dit ghir el dessert
Revenge is a dish best served cold ... and I only said dessert
Li dar l'3ib rah y'khelless cash, mayedlamch el Mawla
Whoever did wrong will pay cash, the Lord is not unjust
M'sagher m3awla, el rez9 men soubhanou faut que tu saches
Don't underestimate the deeds, sustenance comes from Him, you must know
Agir comme un guerrier, n'khelli la trace madabia
Act like a warrior, leave my mark without fear
My only dream fel denia
My only dream in this world
Li dar l'3ib rah y'khelless cash, mayedlamch el Mawla
Whoever did wrong will pay cash, the Lord is not unjust
M'sagher m3awla, el rez9 men soubhanou faut que tu saches
Don't underestimate the deeds, sustenance comes from Him, you must know
Agir comme un guerrier, n'khelli la trace madabia
Act like a warrior, leave my mark without fear
Barakah ... Barakah
Blessing ... Blessing

Авторы: el badman, phenix

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