Afterglow - Off we go. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Afterglow - Off we go.

Off we go.
Off we go.
It's something only we can do
最高の音楽よ 響け
The best music, let it ring out
マイペースに 貪欲に かき鳴らす音
At our own pace, greedily, we strum the sounds
「好き」という情熱が 薪をくべるよう
The passion of "love" adds fuel to the fire
きっかけの灯火は いつしか 大きく
The initial spark has grown bigger
燃え盛る炎へと 変わっていったんだ
And transformed into a blazing flame
手を伸ばして 助走をつけた
Reaching out, we take a running start
受け止めたい みんなの全部
We want to embrace all of you
溢れてやまない 様々な気持ちが
The overflowing, various feelings
Make our hearts tremble
Off we go. なにも怖くない
Off we go. We're not afraid of anything
一緒に もっと もっと 遠くへ行こう どこまでも
Together, let's go further and further, anywhere
(As always) With the members
(As always) Side by side
赤裸々な思い 素直な声 響かせて
Let our bare feelings and honest voices resound
(Let's talk) Through music
(Let's talk) Forever
We'll move forward with all our heart and soul
To the place we aim for
「好き」を見つけて 拾って 鳴らし続けて
Finding "love", picking it up, and continuing to play
大事なもの全てを 守ってきたんだ
We've protected everything precious
写し鏡のように 以心伝心
Like a reflection, we understand each other
変わらない君の目が 笑顔をくれて
Your unchanging eyes give us smiles
一つ一つ 知らないことが
One by one, the unknown things
あたし達を 高めてゆくよ
Will elevate us
伸び代しかない これからの毎日
Every day from now on is full of potential
Towards our someday dream
Off we go. 喜びを連れて
Off we go. Bringing joy with us
一緒に もっと もっと 遠くへ行こう どこまでも
Together, let's go further and further, anywhere
(As always) With our friends
(As always) With our voices united
それぞれの音が ひとつになる 瞬間で
In the moment when each sound becomes one
(Let's play together) The future
(Let's play together) With the sunset
聞こえてきたよ 君の思いが
I heard your feelings
聞こえてきたよ 愛する気持ちが
I heard your loving feelings
この先 続いてく たくさんの "今" はきっと
The many "nows" that will continue from here on will surely
(More than anything) Shine
(More than anything) Be filled with happiness
赤裸々な思い 素直な声 響かせて
Let our bare feelings and honest voices resound
(Let's talk) Through music
(Let's talk) Forever
We'll move forward with all our heart and soul
To the place we aim for

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