Agarrate Catalina - Dios - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Agarrate Catalina - Dios

Es una obseción del ser humano
It's a human obsession
Siglos intentando hablar con Dios
Centuries trying to talk to God
Y se ve que Dios anda ocupado
And it seems that God is busy
Porque mucho no nos respondió.
Because He hasn't answered us much.
Puede ser que no nos pelota
Maybe He's just ignoring us
Hay que ser realistas una vez
We have to be realistic for once
El pudiendo ver el universo
If He can see the universe
No va a andar mirando VTV
He's not going to be watching VTV
Perdón si nos desubicamos con esto de hablarte
Sorry if we're out of line with this talking to you
Mandarte un mensaje de texto no quedaba bien
Sending you a text message wasn't going to be right
Sabrá disculpar el idioma pero era imposible
Please excuse the language but it was impossible
Ponerse a aprender arameo pa hacer el cuplé.
To start learning Aramaic to do the skit.
El tema de vos y Jesús no nos queda muy claro
We're not very clear on the subject of you and Jesus
Si vos sos Jesús y Jesús es tu hijo a la vez
If you're Jesus and Jesus is your son at the same time
Y ensima en el medio estaría el espíritu santo
And in the middle there would also be the Holy Spirit
Que no es ninguno de los dos pero es uno y solo tres.
Who is neither of the two but is one and only three.
Nos vas a enloquecer!
You're going to drive us crazy!
Quisiera... que me firmes tu remera
I'd like... you to sign your shirt for me
Con la S de Señor.
With the S of Señor.
Sin ser ofensivo Jesús te salió medio flaco
Without being offensive, Jesus came out a bit scrawny
Peludo, de barba y chancletas el hijo de Dios
Hairy, bearded and in sandals, the son of God
Le falta tener la matera colgada al costado
All he needs is a mate hanging on his side
Y andar con la genchi en Balizas cantando en un fogón.
And to walk around with the genchi in Balizas singing around a bonfire.
Tu nene te ahuyenta a los fieles de tu propia iglesia
Your boy scares the faithful away from your own church
No pueden rezarles tranquilos los del Opus Dei
Those from Opus Dei can't pray in peace
Mirando con susto su imagen se hincan y piensan
Looking at his image with fear, they kneel down and think
Será el diputado barbudo del MPP.
It will be the bearded deputy of the MPP.
Decinos... si tu sangre es como el vino
Tell us... if your blood is like wine
Hacé una tranfusión.
Give a transfusion.
No vayas a pensarte que soy ateo
Don't think that I'm an atheist
Te sigo a todos lados poniendo huevos
I follow you everywhere, laying eggs
Pero no te parece que vas muy seguido por el Vaticano?
But don't you think you go to the Vatican too often?
Podrías darte una vueltita cada tanto a ver los africanos.
You could pop by to see the Africans every now and then.
No queremos ponernos en tus zapatos
We don't want to put ourselves in your shoes
Bah, en realidad sandalias pa ser exactos
Well, actually, sandals to be exact
Con equilibrio y con justicia vos haces perfecto tu trabajo
With balance and justice, you do your job perfectly
Aunque lo del Tsunami el equilibrio se te fue un poco al carajo.
Although with the Tsunami, your balance went a bit to hell.
Fue la naturaleza no nos des bola
It was nature, don't give us the ball
Capas que te pasaste con esa ola
Maybe you went overboard with that wave
Y vos no ese gran Dios que siempre sabe todo y nunca falla, eh?
And you're not that great God who always knows everything and never fails, eh?
Dejá no lo hagas calentar que estamos muy cerquita de la playa.
Come on, don't get him all worked up, we're very close to the beach.
Algún motivo serio habrás tenido
You must have had a serious reason
Porque errar es humano y vos sos divino
Because to err is human and you are divine
Divino con mayúscula no te confundas no fue un piropo
Divine with a capital letter, don't be confused, it wasn't a compliment
Según dice la iglesia los homosexuales vos los queres poco.
According to the church, you don't like homosexuals very much.
Pasemos a otro tema si no te importa
Let's move on to another subject if you don't mind
A menos que prefieras hablar de tortas.
Unless you prefer to talk about cakes.
Eso fue un chiste no te enojes fue para aliviar tensiones
That was a joke, don't get mad, it was just to ease the tension
Si los obispos son tan varoniles porque usan camisones?
If the bishops are so manly, why do they wear nighties?
Si no te cae mal acá va un consejo
If you don't mind, I have a piece of advice
Un día poné un Papa que no sea viejo
One day, put a Pope who is not old
Pues con la edad que tienen se les hace medio corta la carrera
Because with their age, their career is cut short
Apenas da nomás para unas misas y en seguida ya la quedan.
It's hardly enough for a few masses and then they're done.
Sabemos que precisa mucha experiencia
We know that it requires a lot of experience
Es como a los goleros les da presencia
It's like for goalkeepers, it gives them presence
Seguro que elegir un Papa no debe ser una cosa fácil
Surely choosing a Pope can't be an easy thing
Pero el viejito nuevo que elegiste justo fue a salirte nazi.
But the new old man you chose just happened to be a Nazi.
(Era vichar el currículom nomás vo!)
(It was just a matter of checking the resume, man!)

Авторы: Jose Fernandes, Zeze Di Camargo, Luis Gomez Escolar

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