Ahli Fiqir - 2 X 5 (Chorus) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ahli Fiqir - 2 X 5 (Chorus)

2 X 5 (Chorus)
2 X 5 (Chorus)
Kali bagi tolak campur
You multiply, divide, subtract, and add
Habislah geli kerana geletek
Laughter will end because of tickling
Hilanglah resah kerana biasa
Anxiety will disappear because it's become common
Kerana telah terbiasa
Because you've gotten used to it
Geli dan resah tidak akan lagi terasa
Tickling and anxiety will no longer be felt
Semut di seberang lautan
An ant across the ocean
Kau nampak
You can see it
Bila gajah di depan mata
When an elephant is right in front of you
Kau buta
You are blind
Lebih sudu dari lauk
More spoons than food
Lebih tunjuk dari tengok
More pointing than looking
Lebih diri dari duduk
More self than sitting
Lebih cawan dari mangkuk
More cups than bowls
Berkata-kata jangan lupa
When you speak, don't forget
Banyak yang bertukang di mata dan mulut
Many are skilled at talking and gossiping
Sedikit sahaja yang
Very few are
Menukang di tangan
Skilled at doing
Bangkai gajah busuk di hutan
An elephant's carcass is rotting in the forest
Hendak di tanam
It's about to be buried
Pekong di kaki sendiri dibiaskan
The ulcer on your own leg is ignored
Busuk oh. Kurap, kudis, nanah, kayap i-i
It's rotten. Blisters, scabies, pus, and ringworms, yuck
Dua kali lima sepuluh
Two times five is ten
Lima kali dua sepuluh
Five times two is ten
Lapan campur dua sepuluh
Eight plus two is ten
Dua campur lapan sepuluh
Two plus eight is ten
Sama pandai sama bodoh
Equally intelligent, equally foolish
Sama lawa sama hodoh
Equally beautiful, equally ugly
Sama cerdik sama belok
Equally clever, equally twisted
Sama tepok sama bongkok
Equally clapping, equally hunchbacked
Duduk diam tunggu dulu
Sit still and wait
Kunci mulut nanti dulu
Keep your mouth shut for now
Sebelum kau berbicara
Before you speak
Sebelum kau nak berkata
Before you say anything
Cermin dulu hujung rambut
Examine yourself from head to toe
Hingga ke hujung hujung kuku kakimu
From the top of your head to the tips of your toenails
Kurangkan lada kurang pedasnya
Reduce the pepper, reduce the spiciness
Kurangkan rempah kurang panasnya
Reduce the spices, reduce the heat
Kurangkan lebah kurang sengatnya
Reduce the bees, reduce the stings
Kurangkan cakap kurang silapnya
Reduce the talking, reduce the mistakes
Dan membisu takut takut
And be silent, be afraid
Mana tahu silap hari
Who knows, one wrong day
Silap bulan lambat laun
One wrong month, sooner or later
Silap tahun kau menjadi
You'll become one
Dua kali lima sepuluh
Two times five is ten
Lima kali dua sepuluh
Five times two is ten
Lapan campur dua sepuluh
Eight plus two is ten
Dua campur lapan sepuluh
Two plus eight is ten
Sama pandai sama bodoh
Equally intelligent, equally foolish
Sama lawa sama hodoh
Equally beautiful, equally ugly
Sama cerdik sama belok
Equally clever, equally twisted
Sama tepok sama bongkok
Equally clapping, equally hunchbacked
Jangan cakap lepas
Don't talk recklessly
Biar pandai beralas
Let your wisdom guide you
Ada ubi ada batas
There are limits to everything
Ada hari kami balas
One day, we'll retaliate
Kiramu hanya bias
You think you're the only one who's right
Cecamu cuma tempias
Your criticisms are just gossip
Hari ini kami berkias
Today, we'll just ignore you
Esok lusa kami mengganas
Tomorrow and the day after, we'll attack
Jangan suka jaga tepi kain orang lain
Don't be nosy about other people's business
Kain sendiri yang terlondeh
Your own affairs are in disarray
Kata dulang paku serpih
The proverb says, "The pot calls the kettle black"
Kata orang dia yang lebih
They say they're better than everyone else
Ada orang suka menerima
Some people love to receive
Tapi tidak suka menderma
But they don't like to give
Ada orang suka menderma
Some people love to give
Tapi diharap dibalikkan semula
But they expect it to be returned
Dua kali lima sepuluh
Two times five is ten
Lima kali dua sepuluh
Five times two is ten
Lapan campur dua sepuluh
Eight plus two is ten
Dua campur lapan sepuluh
Two plus eight is ten
Sama pandai sama bodoh
Equally intelligent, equally foolish
Sama lawa sama hodoh
Equally beautiful, equally ugly
Sama cerdik sama belok
Equally clever, equally twisted
Sama tepok sama bongkok
Equally clapping, equally hunchbacked
Dua kali lima sepuluh
Two times five is ten
Lima kali dua sepuluh
Five times two is ten
Lapan campur dua sepuluh
Eight plus two is ten
Dua campur lapan sepuluh
Two plus eight is ten
Sama pandai sama bodoh
Equally intelligent, equally foolish
Sama lawa sama hodoh
Equally beautiful, equally ugly
Sama cerdik sama belok
Equally clever, equally twisted
Sama tepok sama bongkok
Equally clapping, equally hunchbacked

Авторы: Ahlifiqir, Chee Keong (illegal) Choy, Kata Tukang

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