Ahmed Kamel feat. Wessam - Naqsa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ahmed Kamel feat. Wessam - Naqsa

Naqsa (Lack)
بشوف دموع كتير ف عيونى قبل ما تبدأ تبكى
I see many tears in my eyes before you even start to cry
وكلاب تنهش ف لحمى وسايبه كل جروحى بتنزف
And dogs gnawing at my flesh, leaving all my wounds bleeding
ومين غيرك ياليل ف وقت تعبى اشكيله همى
Who else but you, oh night, in my time of weariness, to whom I can complain?
بدارى بين الناس وبرضو حاسس انى لوحدى
I hide among the people, yet I still feel alone
ومين يسمعك ويرد بكلمه مش توجعنى
Who will listen to you and respond with a word that doesn't hurt me?
اربع حيطان مقفوله عليا عشان تقدر تمنعنى
Four walls enclose me to hold me back
وقلوب حبيتنا وف وقت ضعف جات سبتنا
And the hearts we loved, in times of weakness, came and left us
عاشرنا قطه لحد ماجات ف يوم وخربشتنا
We lived with a cat until one day it came and scratched us
ابويا قالى صاحب الى يساندك وقت الشده
My father told me, "Befriend those who support you in times of need"
لما تفرح يضحك لما تيجى تغرق هو يشدك
When you're happy, they laugh; when you're drowning, they pull you out
بس فين الى كل شوفته قاسى عليك دى خلق ناقصه اوساخ كتير واقفين حوليك
But where is that? All I see is harshness upon you, a flawed creation, filth surrounding you
وحاكمته ف كل رده كان تستاهل مانجحتش ف المدرسه ف كلو قال عليا فاشل
And I judged it in every response, you deserved it, I failed in school, so everyone called me a failure
ناس كتير هتبعد اوعاك تكون ندمان دا حتا جسمك هيسيبك ف يوم من الايام
Many people will leave, don't you dare be sorry, even your own body will leave you one day
تلات سنين لساك بتكدب ع الورق تشتاق لبعيد
Three years you're still lying on paper, longing for the distant
بيجرحك تنساه لو حبك يوم واحد ف السنه ...
He hurts you, you forget him, if he loved you even one day in the year...
كدب لسانك بس الورق مايصدقك ليه لا هيا من ملوك الشام ولا ف جمال الحور
Your tongue lies, but the paper doesn't believe you, why not? Is she from the kings of Sham or of the beauty of the nymphs?
العين دى وحده حبتك يومين خلاص السم صافى
This eye alone loved you for two days, the poison is now pure
الدم مايداويك صراخ الليل لحالى يغم طيف .
The blood doesn't heal you, the night's cry for my sake dims the ghost.
من الاكتأب بطل يتوه اتكسر لسه الجناح سليم
From depression, he stopped wandering, the wing is still broken
لكنه عاشق للغربان واختار ف وهم الموت خايله .
But he is a lover of ravens and chose the illusion of death as his rider.
يستنى سندريلا ف كل يوم ع النيل ماتجيش
He waits for Cinderella every day on the Nile, she doesn't come
ف يصرخ لحن ناى ع الدموع ذكرى حب طيف.
So the melody of the flute cries on the tears, a memory of love, a ghost.
يرسمها غنوه يغنيهالها وينسى انها بعيد وينام بيبكى زى كل يوم وحيد .
He draws her a song, sings it to her, and forgets that she is far away, and sleeps crying like every day, alone.
عاشق خيال مريض عاشق قلوب كارهين ماشى ف طريق لو حد ماشى فيه مايجيش .
A lover of a sick imagination, a lover of hateful hearts, walking on a path where no one who walks on it will come.
اصل الطريق اصلا مافيش واقف مكانه قلبه
The path itself doesn't exist, his heart stands still
عنه بعيد رايدها تبقا ليه ف دموعه تسيل .
Far from him, he wants her to be his, so his tears flow.
عشان يتشال ع الكتاف ف الدنيا مالهوش رجا ولو هيكونلى منها نسبه كله
So that he can be carried on shoulders, he has no hope in the world, and if he will have any relation to her, all
يسكب اما انا سايب احزانى ليهم انى ف يوم ارجع
will be poured out, but I leave my sorrows to them, that one day I will return
لدارى ف ليل العشق ماكنتش لاقى غير القمر مرسالى .
I hide in the night of love, I found only the moon as my messenger.
رحال يضلك ع الطريق من وسط طفان الوجع مش هيدوملى لو حكيت كتير
A traveler who lingers on the road amidst the floods of pain, it will not last for me, if I speak much
مابينايقسو الزمن اسبتيلي انك تداوى جروحى ف لحظه
between us, time is cruel, prove to me that you can heal my wounds in an instant
سكر ومش هتكونى ف عينى مريم مش هتلاقى جزع النخل .
sugar, and you will not be Mary in my eyes, you will not find the palm tree trunk.
ماتت مابينا الفرح الجفن دمعه بيخلص
The joy between us died, the eyelid's tear is running out
اطوف بنهايت لحن اللحانه بسره وايه المغذى .
I wander with the end of the melody of the laments, secretly, and what is the point?
النور رابط يدوب ويجمع بينهم قعده مغنى يادنيا مش هاعديكى لان ماحدش
The light is bound, melts, and gathers them, a singer's session, oh world, I will not pass you by, because no one
فينا باقي مش لزمانى كحلى روموشى ومين العشره باقى حاقك دايم كمان وصوته
among us remains, not for my time, I lined my eyelashes with kohl, and who is the companion? Your right is always there, and his voice
يعلى فوق الافندى اخر انى اصغر زمان بعدين تقول انا
rises above the effendi, lastly I am the youngest of time, then you say I am
ايه الى جابنى تدوب ف بلاد الله والسندباد منكم يسندنى .
what brought me to melt in the land of God, and Sinbad from you supports me.
اقدر عقول الحزن امحى من ع الوشوش دموع المرضى مالين ارضك بس ياما يداوى
I can overpower the minds of sadness, erase the tears of the sick from their faces, they fill your land, but how many will heal?
الموت خدلك طوق وعوم ف قلب طفان الغدر الى عايشينه وافتكرى يوم الدنيا
Death took your necklace and swam in the heart of the floods of treachery that we live in, and remember the day the world
جبرت خاطر واحد فينا لا مش كده واسهل قلوب يادنيا دا انا من طينك ليه
mended the heart of one of us, no, not like that, and the easiest hearts, oh world, I am from your clay, why
بطرفى قلوب وبتطلبى الطرح يحنولى شتوتك ماليت سهرى وسهرك
do I carry hearts at my side, and you ask for subtraction to turn to me? Your silence filled my evening and yours
مايفدكيش ف غيبتى ف احلم بموجه رمت الهم وجات قالت حبيبتى
doesn't benefit you in my absence, so I dream of a wave that threw away the worries and came and said, "My love"
ماحلمتش يوم بغيرك جه غيرك خلانه ملكه والليل زى ماجمع عشاق نيم قلوب
I never dreamed of anyone but you, someone else came and made her a queen, and the night, as it gathers lovers, puts hearts to sleep
بتبكى حضرت عيون الهم زدت فوق الهم شقى كبرك منعك من البكى ليه دا شرف
that cry, the eyes of worry attended, increasing misery on top of worry, your pride prevented you from crying, why? This is the honor of
الخلق مانا ماليت كتاب انا الى زمانى اتحامى كتير ف رفقك قومتى زى كيل
creation, I filled a book, the one whose time was protected a lot in your tenderness, you rose like the measure
الارض لاى مكان اجيلو يضلل روحتى فين انا زى مانا انتى
of the earth, to any place I come to, my soul will be shaded, where am I like I am, you
اتغيرتى ليه ف ماترمنيش ف النار وانا مش نبى وتقولى عيش
have changed, why? So don't throw me into the fire, I am not a prophet, and you say, "Live"
خبى عشمك يا ابن امبارح واعى تقول انك محتاج كداب لو قولت انك مرتاح ومش
Hide your hope, son of yesterday, be aware of saying that you are in need, a liar if you say that you are comfortable and not
مشتاق اخرتها دموع وسكوت وصوت بكاك ف الليل منبوح نفسك تغور وتروح نفسك
longing, the end is tears and silence, and the sound of your crying at night is unrestrained, your soul sinks and goes, your soul
تحس انك مرتاح وازاى ترتاح ف دنيا ناقصه وصوت الكاسره كاتم حسك اصلا
feels that you are comfortable, and how can you be comfortable in a world that is lacking? And the voice of the broken one suppresses your feeling, in fact you will
هتموت بالحصره ع الى باع وع الى كاسرلك ضهرك ناقصى كتير ياقمر موجوع من
die of confinement to the one who sold and the one who broke your back, you lack a lot, oh moon, wounded by
جنس البشر تعبان منك ياسهر اكتم دموعك يا ابن الناس الناس دى ماتستهلش
the human race, tired of you, oh night, hold back your tears, son of the people, these people don't deserve it
هتعيش وتموت وحيد ف وسط خلق ماتتعاشرش انت الجدع مابينهم تفضل لامتى
You will live and die alone amidst a creation that cannot be lived with, you are the decent one among them, how long will you remain?
شايلهم ماحدش حاسس بيك احسلك يابنى ماتتعشمش هدور وتلف بيك وف كل ليل
carrying them, no one feels for you, feel for yourself, my son, don't get your hopes up, it will search and turn with you, and every night
وجعك يزيد وتقول انا ليه وحيد وليه الفرح عنى بعيد واجاعك تقتل
your pain increases, and you say, "Why am I alone, and why is joy far from me?" And your hunger kills
فيك وتحس انك ضعيف طب فوق يا ابن الناس الناس دى ناقصه ماتستاهلش
in you, and you feel that you are weak, so rise up, son of the people, these people are lacking, they don't deserve it
اتحايلت ع الشيطان جهنم حتى ماتقبلنيش تاجرت بموت الحقد بينا اتساوى
I pleaded with the devil, even hell wouldn't accept me, I traded in the death of hatred between us, it became equal
نارى بنرها ماتحرقنيش المتعه بينا تزيد ف الرغبه ف الملل بتزيد قتل شعور
my fire with its fire, it doesn't burn me, the pleasure between us increases in the desire, so boredom increases, killing the feeling
احساسه مريض بيعالج مرضه بمرض ناس تانيين وادارى ف غيرى وقت العرض عشان
His feeling is sick, he treats his illness with the illness of others, and I hide in others at the time of the show because
ماليش شفاعه واستنى حساب الاخرى عشان الدنيا مش سيعانى ف ماتلومنيش ع
I have no intercession, and I wait for the reckoning of the Hereafter, because the world is not easy, so don't blame me for
نقص عقل ودين عشان دا قانون دنيتهم لو حور العين ف الدنيا الشهوه هتبقى
lack of reason and religion, because this is the law of their world, if the houris were in the world, lust would be
جزء منهم كان ناقص ابنيلك قصر من الفراغ يكونلك كفن الموت لما داق البعد
a part of them, it was lacking, I will build you a palace of emptiness, it will be your death shroud, when he tasted the distance
حس بكل شخص ادفن تجمعنا زنوب الاخره واعمل نفسى ماعرفكيش واشوف ملاك
he felt every person buried, our sins of the Hereafter gather us, and I pretend I don't know you, and I see the angel
الموت بيموت بأديه والخوف مغطي عنيه واشوف الجنه من بعيد واقول يارتنى
of death dying by my hand, and fear covers his eyes, and I see heaven from afar, and I say, "I wish I had"
ازيتهم اكتر واكتر وجهنم بهدوء تشكرنى واصحى واشوف دموع
harmed them more and more, and hell calmly thanks me, and I wake up and see the tears
السما والليل يواسيها واسجد وقلبى بيبكى واقول بلهفه يارب ارحمنى
of the sky, and the night comforts it, and I prostrate myself, and my heart cries, and I say with longing, "Oh Lord, have mercy on me"
انا عشت سنين ف سكه وسخه وفاكر انها تكسب انا كل يوم ايدى ع خدى يستنى
I lived for years on a dirty path, thinking it would win, every day my hand is on my cheek, waiting
الزهر يلعب الدنيا سيما تمثل حلو الناس تحلف بأسمك معلش بكره تبقا تشوف
for the dice to roll, the world is a movie, it acts well, people swear by your name, "Sorry, tomorrow you will see"
حلوتها ناقصه حتا قليل البخت العشم ناحر وبره ومش مكفى مستكفى هاتلى حد
its beauty is lacking, even a little luck, hope is slaughtered and outside, and it is not enough, it is enough, bring me someone
استحمل نص وجعى عمر العياط ماكان عيب امسح دموعى بكفى انا قبله لكل واحد
to bear half my pain, crying was never a shame, I wipe my tears with enough, I am a kiss for everyone
اتواجع فيكو وقولتو يابخته وابدأ اسال لو كانت ناقصه مش راقصه ولا اصلا
who is hurt by you, and you say, "Oh his luck," and I start to ask, if she was lacking, not dancing, or even
كانت بصيت ع رقصك دا الى انت عشقته كسرك هاتو نفس التوب كفياك عياط لا
looked at your dance, this is what you loved, it broke you, bring the same dress, enough crying, no
كدا زياده لو كان ف مزان حسناتك وجعك ف اشبع منه عباده المولى
this is too much, if your pain was in the balance of your good deeds, then be satisfied with it, worship the Lord
حكم كتب تشوف من كل صنف اتوجع خليك جدع حمل الجبل لو تقل انا وتد
the judgment is written, you will see from every kind, be hurt, be a man, carry the mountain, if you say I am and you collapse
واقول الوجع راح لحاله خلاص بيخلص
and say the pain went away on its own, it's over
وارجع لوحدى تانى اغنى اتاري احنا الى بنخلص
and I go back alone again, singing, it turns out we are the ones who end

Авторы: Rr

Ahmed Kamel feat. Wessam - Ahmed Kamel Collection, Vol. 3
Ahmed Kamel Collection, Vol. 3
дата релиза

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