Ahmed Kamel - Meen Fe Dol - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ahmed Kamel - Meen Fe Dol

Meen Fe Dol
Meen Fe Dol
بسرح ساعات
Often I ponder
وافتح صور
I go through pictures
أيام زمان
Days of old
وبقول يا مين
And I ask, "Who"?
يصالحني ع الماضي اللي كان
Can reconcile me to the past
وكتير بقول
And I say often
قَلبي الحقيقي مين فـ دول
Which is my real heart?
وازاي أعيش وانا مش مدي لنفسي الأمان
How can I live when I can't give myself comfort?
انا من زمان
For a long time now,
فيه سر في قَلبي ومدارية
There has been a secret and hypocrisy in my heart
انا مش انا
I am not myself
ده حد غيري انا ماشي بيه
This is someone other than me that I follow
زي اللي فاق
Like one who wakes up
لقى نفسه مش جوة السباق
To find himself out of the race
والعمر فات
And life is over
قدام عينيه وماعاش فيه
Before his eyes, and he did not live it
اخدتني مني الدنيا فجأة
Suddenly, the world took me from myself
وغربتني ما بين وشوش
And alienated me amidst faces
وعرفت فيها الطيبين
And I knew the good people
والحزن حوّلهم وحوش
And sorrow turned them into beasts
وبخش فـي قَلبي كل يوم
And I enter my heart each day
امشي ما بين جرح وهموم
I walk between wounds and worries
كان فيه هنا انسان جميل
There was once a beautiful soul here
بسأل عليه ومابلقاهوش
I ask about it and cannot find it
اخدتني مني الدنيا فجأة
Suddenly, the world took me from myself
وغربتني ما بين وشوش
And alienated me amidst faces
وعرفت فيها الطيبين
And I knew the good people
والحزن حوّلهم وحوش
And sorrow turned them into beasts
وبخش فـي قَلبي كل يوم
And I enter my heart each day
امشي ما بين جرح وهموم
I walk between wounds and worries
كان فيه هنا انسان جميل
There was once a beautiful soul here
بسأل عليه ومابلقاهوش
I ask about it and cannot find it
محبوس فـي روحك
Imprisoned in your soul
وش تاني بيداريك
Another face covers you
ياما قولت آه
How often have I said, "Alas!"
ولا عمر حد حَس بيك
And yet, no one has ever felt your pain
الناس تقول
People say
انك تعيش فـي الغربة خوف
That you live in exile, in fear
طب تعمل اية
What can you do
لو تبقى الغربة عايشة فيك
If exile lives within you?
طول السنين
All these years
وانا ايد فـِ جنة وايد فـِ نار
With one hand in heaven and one in hell
وبقول بخير
And I say, "I am well"
وبخبي الجد فـِ الهزار
And I hide the truth in jest
مابقاش فيه حيل
There is no strength left
وماليش صحاب غيرك يا ليل
And I have no companions but you, O night
والليل طويل
And the night is long
ولا مرة جه بعده النهار
And never has the day come after it
اخدتني مني الدنيا فجأة
Suddenly, the world took me from myself
وغربتني ما بين وشوش
And alienated me amidst faces
وعرفت فيها الطيبين
And I knew the good people
والحزن حوّلهم وحوش
And sorrow turned them into beasts
وبخش فـِ قَلبي كل يوم
And I enter my heart each day
امشي ما بين جرح وهموم
I walk between wounds and worries
كان فيه هنا انسان جميل
There was once a beautiful soul here
بسأل عليه ومابلقاهوش
I ask about it and cannot find it
اخدتني مني الدنيا فجأة
Suddenly, the world took me from myself
وغربتني ما بين وشوش
And alienated me amidst faces
وعرفت فيها الطيبين
And I knew the good people
والحزن حوّلهم وحوش
And sorrow turned them into beasts
وبخش فـِ قَلبي كل يوم
And I enter my heart each day
امشي ما بين جرح وهموم
I walk between wounds and worries
كان فيه هنا انسان جميل
There was once a beautiful soul here
بسأل عليه ومابلقاهوش
I ask about it and cannot find it

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