Ai Kawashima - 春の夢 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ai Kawashima - 春の夢

Spring Dream
春の朝は少し寒い 毛布にくるまって 君のぬくもりを探した 見当たらない
The spring morning is a bit cold Wrapped in a blanket, I searched for the warmth of you I can't find you
The light rain is gone and lights up the carpet of the city
きっと君も見上げているね おんなじ空を
Surely you are looking up at the same sky
There are many things you have that I don't have
Can I love you even more than I do now?
If you were here, I would be strong
If you didn't exist, I wouldn't exist either
洗い立てのシャツのにおい 君に広がった 帰り際にくれたキスは優しかった
The smell of a freshly washed shirt, spread out for you The kiss you gave me as I left was gentle
一番とかじゃない ただ君が大切で わけもなく愛しくて失いたくない
It's not about being number one It's just that you are precious to me And I love you for no reason and I don't want to lose you
君からもらったよ 愛する気持ち
I got it from you The feeling of love
君がいない世界 なんて空虚でしょう
A world without you How empty it would be
守るべき人を探し人は旅をするよ 命の絆をつくり愛し合うため
People travel the world looking for someone to protect In order to create the bond of life and love each other
おだやかに見ていた 春の夢を 君はいつまででも僕の永遠の人
I watched the spring dream gently You will always be my eternal person
時はもう戻らない 君に会いたいよ
Time can't go back I want to see you
Ah I lived to meet you
I have lived...

Авторы: 川嶋 あい, 川嶋 あい

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