Aiemu - 笹舟 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aiemu - 笹舟

Japanese Folk Song - Boat of Reeds
暮れ往く 夕日影に
When the sun goes down
夜幕將至 落日影綽
When the sun goes down
覚ゆる 涟に舞う舟
You come rowing in your boat
還記當初 隨舟泛细波
I remember when we used to row together
夕凪 淡く阴り
All is calm and still
風恬浪静 輕淡陰影
All is calm and still
静寂に 月が弓を引く
The moon draws its bow
寂静無聲 月如彎弓
The moon draws its bow
呜呼 爱し君よ
Oh my dearest love
嗚呼 深愛的你
Oh my dearest love
Far away summer haze
Far away summer haze
呜呼 梦花火が
Oh the fireworks of our dreams
嗚呼 夢中花火
Oh the fireworks of our dreams
The days we spent together
璀璨缥缈 依舊
The days we spent together
远き世に 呗う蝉时雨
Distant cicadas sing
遠離塵囂 蟬鳴聲聲
Distant cicadas sing
恋一つ 花と散りぬれば
Our love, like flowers, scattered in the wind
一世戀情 散落成花
Our love, like flowers, scattered in the wind
爱し君よ 偲ぶ面影よ
My dearest love, your face I miss so much
深愛之人 追憶容颜
My dearest love, your face I miss so much
揺れて 揺れて
Drifting, drifting
飘飘摇摇 飘飘摇摇
Drifting, drifting
In the world's endless sorrows
將千年憂愁 隱藏于世
In the world's endless sorrows
瞬き 独り数え
I count the moments alone
羽睫輕眨 獨自细數
I count the moments alone
短夜 分かつ星に问う
In the short night, I turn to the stars
短暫夜晚 默問群星
In the short night, I turn to the stars
まだ 爱し君よ 空も移ろうか
Oh my dearest love, are you also looking at the sky
深愛的你 是否也在 凝視夜空
Oh my dearest love, are you also looking at the sky
呜呼 頬はいつぞ
Oh when will the tears
嗚呼 何時已將
Oh when will the tears
涙を 忘るるのか
Fade from my face
頰邊的類 遺忘
Fade from my face
恋しずく 流る天の川
The drops of our love, like the Milky Way
愛戀如水 天河長流
The drops of our love, like the Milky Way
愿わくば 今宵 彼の人へ
I pray that tonight, my heart's desire
今夜 向着那人 許下心願
I pray that tonight, my heart's desire
爱し君よ 见えぬ鹊を
My dearest love, the magpies are gone
深愛的你 不見那鵲鳥
My dearest love, the magpies are gone
谁か 谁か
Who, who
誰來 誰來
Who, who
Will make this eternal farewell
將之喚作 永久的别離
Will make this eternal farewell
暮れし海 浮かぶ笹舟よ
A boat of reeds floats on the twilight sea
黄昏海中 竹叶船漂泊
A boat of reeds floats on the twilight sea
どこへ消ゆ 时を漂えば
Where will it go, as time flows by
消逝何方 于時光之中 漂盪
Where will it go, as time flows by
爱し心 纺ぎ星となれ
My love, become a falling star
愛戀之心 交織如星
My love, become a falling star
宵に 暗に
In the night, in the darkness
于夜晚之中 于黑暗之中
In the night, in the darkness
Softly falling down
Softly falling down
远き世に 呗う蝉时雨
Distant cicadas sing
遠離塵囂 蟬鳴聲聲
Distant cicadas sing
恋一つ 花と散りぬれば
Our love, like flowers, scattered in the wind
一世戀情 散落成花
Our love, like flowers, scattered in the wind
爱し君よ 偲ぶ面影よ
My dearest love, your face I miss so much
深愛之人 追憶容颜
My dearest love, your face I miss so much
揺れて 揺れて
Drifting, drifting
飄飄搖搖 飄飄搖搖
Drifting, drifting
In the world's endless sorrows
將千年憂愁 隱藏于世
In the world's endless sorrows

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