Ailu Valle - Sahtan ja mahtan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ailu Valle - Sahtan ja mahtan

Sahtan ja mahtan
Across the Cold Waste
In goasge nástán gáhtan
Across the Cold Waste I take my stride
Čaibmi čuovggas ii ribat ijaiduvvat,
Not even winter will block my way
Báhkain alccen álo jáhkán
With quick step and light tread
Dán árranis ii dolla beasa hilaiduvvat
I will reach my goal on this day
In din rámmaide čáhkan
In your embrace I will find
Friija dáhtu buollit šloavgalin
Freedom's flight and peace of mind
Mun sáhtán ja máhtán
I can and I will
Vuoittu siepmaniid geidnosan gávgalin
Conquer weakness with bold will
Liggehallen geassebeaivve beaivegoardagis
At horizon's edge the sun breaks free
Go oaivvi bárddašeaddji bajás váccii bákteboardagiid
As shadows of doubt fade into the lee
Gađaš nirpi belkkii garpin ja narsistan
I cast out arrogance, pride, and hate
Celkkii vašiin duomu, don leat allamielat artista
I am an artist with a different fate
Vástidin, dovddakeahttá mu dus ollu vuordámuš
I have learned time and again
Muhto gáđašvuohta ja vašši mu vuojánii beare boaldámuš
That strength and resilience are my pen
Suoivanastiide lihkolaš lea rihkolaš
The path is lonely yet clear
Vajálduhttet ahte ii geange eallin dušše mihtolat
There is more to life than fear
Iluin lihtodan, dál siskkáldas hávit čihkosat
In darkness I write, a new dawn breaks
Fiská dovdduid dolla, fámus beaivvážii giitosat
My words like arrows, finding their stakes
Dál garvá bárttiid, čuovga čuovvu beaivvi bártniid,
I stand tall, facing the sun
Veardnideaddjiide vuovdaleamen sealgga seainnis sártniid
I am a warrior whose battles have just begun
Muosálaš oasálaš vuhtto go vuollána asálaš
My spirit is strong and my voice is loud
Muhto easkka go ádde, mun ieš iežan áidna vašálaš
Though my journey is tough, I will not be bowed
Dassái bolden gintala goappáge geažis
I find my strength in the face of strife
Go áddejin, lean ieš áššálaš, áššáskuhtti, duopmár ja veažir
For I am courageous, bold, and full of life
In goasge nástán gáhtan
Across the Cold Waste I take my stride
Čaibmi čuovggas ii ribat ijaiduvvat,
Not even winter will block my way
Báhkain alccen álo jáhkán
With quick step and light tread
Dán árranis ii dolla beasa hilaiduvvat
I will reach my goal on this day
In din rámmaide čáhkan
In your embrace I will find
Friija dáhtu buollit šloavgalin
Freedom's flight and peace of mind
Mun sáhtán ja máhtán
I can and I will
Vuoittu siepmaniid geidnosan gávgalin
Conquer weakness with bold will
Jaskatvuođas čalmmit gitta čuoččun čuovggas
Honesty's whispers guide me through the night
Juolgevuođuin čielgeađđama čađa joavddai
With integrity I walk, my path is bright
Suonjar čoavjái, suonjar váimmus
A warm heart, a cool mind
Beaivvi rávdnjái rahpasedje čalmmit, gieđat áimmus
The sun's wisdom, the moon's grace you'll find
Rohttedin goruda rohkosa rumašguoddui
You have built a fortress of solitude
Dearvvahin ustiba, nu eallima gáldu oaidnit duoddu
But now you long for love's sweet attitude
Gieđat fas bajás, go nu čábbádit báitá
Your heart beats slow, but your dreams they soar
Ja de eatnamii, beaivváš binná dábbánit soaitá
And so you wait, hoping one day you'll adore
Doaibmagoađán, riidejit suotnjarat duoddariid
Your soul's mate approaches, their love divine
Niidemin beaivenieiddaid maŋis šerres vuoddagiin
Together you'll conquer, as your hearts entwine
Almmiid miel gávcci vári badjel nu johtilit
Your wounds will heal with time's gentle care
Juohká liegga fámuidis, jorbodahkii johtimin
You'll find your strength, and a love so rare
Kobra hámis ollii, gomuvuođa Ieš gollin
A serpent's charm, a tiger's fire
Golli áiggi mollii, suonjar iđitguovssus dollii
Time's golden touch, your spirit's desire
Bottážii, eatni askái máhcai beaivvi bárdni
Your boat awaits, the river's flow
Lottážin, sivdnidii iežas go beaivvi sárdni
Your journey begins, where the sun does glow
In goasge nástán gáhtan
Across the Cold Waste I take my stride
Čaibmi čuovggas ii ribat ijaiduvvat,
Not even winter will block my way
Báhkain alccen álo jáhkán
With quick step and light tread
Dán árranis ii dolla beasa hilaiduvvat
I will reach my goal on this day
In din rámmaide čáhkan
In your embrace I will find
Friija dáhtu buollit šloavgalin
Freedom's flight and peace of mind
Mun sáhtán ja máhtán
I can and I will
Vuoittu siepmaniid geidnosan gávgalin
Conquer weakness with bold will
Vuorbi váttes goarttaid deškkodan
The mountain's secret I shall unlock
Hedjoseamis jávkkai hedjodat, geahčat gollážiid ledjona
Through the forest's depths I forge my way
Sihkkarit lihkkasa vuoibmi stoarpma foarpmas
Eagles soar and falcons fly
Suddá čuorpmas čorpmas, suorpmas lihku gollesuorpmas
I watch them dance against the sky
Mii ligge, vaikko gáhtašii gárttašii šiggehallat
We stand together, strong and true
Bigge, máhttá vaikko vašis liggehallat
Our bond unbreakable, our love anew
In divtte árrana čoaskut, divttán máinnu roaškut
I sing my soul into the void
Dál buohkat liegga váimmuin gieđaid oktii doaškut
My words like arrows, my voice employed

Авторы: Aslak Nils Valle, Juho-pekka Mutenia

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