Aitor feat. Norykko - No Volverás - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aitor feat. Norykko - No Volverás

No Volverás
You Won't Come Back
Su nombre es Carlos Herrera, el es un chaval cualquiera
His name is Carlos Herrera, he's just an average guy
Ya lleva la vida entera, muy centrado en su carrera
He's spent his whole life very focused on his career
Hoy es dia de graduación, de discursos y emoción
Today is graduation day, a day of speeches and emotion
Y después de la reunión, toca fiesta y celebración
And after the ceremony, it's time for a party and celebration
Con su gente, sus amigos, el ambiente es emotivo
With his people, his friends, the atmosphere is moving
Ya la fena esta en camino, con unas copas de vino
The party is on its way, with a few glasses of wine
Noche de risas y abrazos, todos se ponen borrachos
A night of laughter and hugs, everyone gets drunk
Ron y Whiskey en sus vasos, lo normal en estos casos
Rum and Whiskey in their glasses, normal in these cases
Carlos nunca suele beber, le presionan y que va a hacer?
Carlos doesn't usually drink, they pressure him and what can he do?
Ha cambiado de parecer y la verdad no parece el
He's changed his mind and he doesn't really look like himself
Su novia Raquel le hace compañía, ella es una buena tia
His girlfriend Raquel keeps him company, she's a good girl
Pero hace un par de días, el pecado le poseía
But a couple of days ago, sin possessed him
Es que Raquel tiene un amante, piensa en el con Carlos delante
Raquel has a lover, she thinks about him with Carlos in front of her
No le gusta pero le miente, se arrepiente y es estresante
She doesn't like it but she lies to him, she regrets it and it's stressful
Y Raquel en un descuido, deja su móvil en el olvido
And Raquel, in a careless moment, leaves her phone behind
Ahora Carlos lo tiene a su alcance y se va a dar cuenta del percance
Now Carlos has it at his fingertips and he's going to realize the mishap
No volveras a soñar despierto
You will not dream awake again
No sentiras la brisa al pasar
You will not feel the breeze as you pass
No encontraras estrellas fugases
You will not find shooting stars
Olvidaras a que huele el mar
You will forget what the sea smells like
No alcansaras el sol con las manos
You will not reach the sun with your hands
Ya no sabras cuando es navidad
You will not know when it is Christmas
No escucharas la lluvia cayendo
You will not hear the rain falling
Nunca jamás, nunca jamás
Never again, never again
Ella ya vuelve del baño pero nota a Carlos extraño
She's back from the bathroom but notices Carlos is acting strange
Que sorpresa para Raquel, su móvil ahora lo tiene el
What a surprise for Raquel, he now has her mobile phone
Y ha leído sus mensajitos
And he's read her messages
Unos eróticos y otros bonitos
Some erotic and some beautiful
Carlos empieza a dar gritos, tiene el corazón hecho añicos
Carlos starts screaming, his heart is shattered
Todo cambia al parecer, el plan inicial no era aquel
Everything seems to change, the initial plan was not that
Ni van a dormir en el hotel, el coche no había que coger
They're not going to sleep in the hotel, the car didn't need to be taken
Pero carlos quiere volver a su casa y desaparecer
But Carlos wants to go back to his house and disappear
El se sube al coche con Raquel, y empieza una guerra sin cuartel
He gets in the car with Raquel, and an all-out war begins
Borracho y en mal estado, arranca su coche aparcado
Drunk and in bad shape, he starts his parked car
Ciego de rabia, enfadado, va por la autovía embalado
Blind with rage, angry, he drives down the highway packed
El la mira decepcionado, la suerte no esta de su lado
He looks at her, disappointed, luck is not on his side
Un descuido y cambia de carril, se pone el corazón a mil
One slip and he changes lanes, his heart skips a beat
Van en dirección opuesta, una situación molesta
They're going in the opposite direction, an annoying situation
Ella grita porque se da cuenta pero carlos no se concentra
She screams because she realizes but Carlos can't concentrate
En la carretera y su borrachera, con estas cosas nunca se juega
On the road and his drunkenness, you don't play with these things
Un coche hace aparición, y sin remedio colision
A car appears, and without remedy, collision
Todos mueren menos el, es como una pesadilla
Everyone dies but him, it's like a nightmare
El recuerdo de Raquel sin aliento y sin vida
The memory of Raquel breathless and lifeless
Le tortura le acribilla, no basta con pedir perdón
Tortures him, riddles him, it's not enough to ask for forgiveness
Aunque no tuvo mala intención, todos le odian y con razón
Although he didn't mean any harm, everyone hates him and rightly so
No hay manera de seguir pa' lante, recuerda cuando estaba al volante
There's no way to keep going, he remembers when he was behind the wheel
Un descuido que fue detonante, y todo repleto de sangre
One slip that was decisive, and everything covered in blood
Es lo que pasa si te la juegas, todo cambia en un momento
That's what happens if you play it, everything changes in a moment
Carlos en silla de ruedas, desearía estar muerto
Carlos in a wheelchair, he wishes he were dead
No volveras a soñar despierto
You will not dream awake again
No sentiras la brisa al pasar
You will not feel the breeze as you pass
No encontraras estrellas fugases
You will not find shooting stars
Olvidaras a que huele el mar
You will forget what the sea smells like
No alcansaras el sol con las manos
You will not reach the sun with your hands
Ya no sabras cuando es navidad
You will not know when it is Christmas
No escucharas la lluvia cayendo
You will not hear the rain falling
Nunca jamás, nunca jamás.
Never again, never again.
Buenas noches
Good evening
Aumenta el numero de muertes en nuestras carreteras
The number of deaths on our roads is increasing
El ultimo accidente ha tenido lugar en la madrugada de este viernes
The latest accident took place in the early hours of this Friday
Un varon de 23 años que conducía bajo los efectos del alcohol
A 23 year old male who was driving under the influence of alcohol
Se encuentra ahora en cuidados intensivos
He is now in intensive care
Con lesiones irreversibles en la columna
With irreversible spinal injuries
Su acompañante una mujer de 22 años falleció en el acto, con esto serian 159 victimas.
His passenger, a 22 year old woman, died instantly, bringing the total number of victims to 159.
No volveraaaas
You won't come back
A soñar despierto
To dream awake
No sentiras nunca
You will never feel
Nunca jamás
Never again

Авторы: Samuel Carlos Diaz Rojas, Nora Jimenez Candanedo, Aitor Herrada Aguilera

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