Ajs Nigrutin feat. Smoke Mardeljano - Conga - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ajs Nigrutin feat. Smoke Mardeljano - Conga

Yeah, Đura mornar
Yeah, Đura the sailor
Vadim vutra, čadim topa, dodam odma
I take out the weed, light the blunt, add some more right away
Upržilo sunce, pocrnô sam Conga
The sun's been blazing, I've turned dark like Conga
Stilovi kung fu-a direktno iz Hong Kong-a
Kung fu styles straight from Hong Kong
Samo masne topine i hitovi iz bonga
Only greasy beats and hits from the bong
Kad porastem hteo sam da budem Đura mornar
When I grow up, I wanted to be Đura the sailor
A na kraju postah isti Pierce Brosnan
But in the end, I became like Pierce Brosnan
U to ime treba da zarolaju se spravlje
In that name, the joints should be rolled
Ko u nesvest padne, nek napusti slavlje
Whoever faints, let them leave the party
Ko nastavi da purnja, telo mu je zdravlje
Whoever continues to smoke, their body is healthy
I postane crnac sa Old Spice reklame
And becomes like the black guy from the Old Spice commercial
Kad nemam za vutra onda stružem čunak
When I don't have weed, I scrape the boat
Za špagete uvek pravim dobar umak
For spaghetti, I always make a good sauce
Nekad gasio sam kreč, sada vozim šljunak
I used to extinguish lime, now I drive gravel
Vozim i trotinet, staza je kružna
I also ride a scooter, the track is circular
Kad me ostavila riba baš je bila tužna
When my girl left me, she was really sad
Dileru za vutru kao Grčka dužan
I owe the weed dealer like Greece is in debt
Da bi urimovô nešto uvek nađem reč
To rhyme something, I always find a word
Nekad mešao sam malter, a sad gasim kreč
I used to mix mortar, now I extinguish lime
Ko nindža mogu da skočim na bedem
Like a ninja, I can jump on a rampart
Jedna mi je riba ponudila badem
One girl offered me an almond
Bademi su bili slani kao nikad
The almonds were salty like never before
Da bi to isprô krno jedan vinjak
To wash that down, a glass of brandy
Četristo sa sirom i lapo litre burtja
400 with cheese and a liter of Burtnja
Na binu skočim, uvatim i repujem do sutra
I jump on stage, grab the mic and rap till morning
Onda s bine siđem, dimim, čadim vutra
Then I get off stage, smoke, puff the weed
Toliko se prepurnjam, odem legnem kuntam
I get so high, I go to bed and doze off
Supa iz kesice mora da proključa
Instant soup has to boil
A najbolje je kada spušim vutre jedan stručak
And it's best when I smoke a bud of weed
Vadim vutra, čadim topa, dodam odma
I take out the weed, light the blunt, add some more right away
Upržilo sunce, pocrnô sam Conga
The sun's been blazing, I've turned dark like Conga
Stilovi kung fu-a direktno iz Hong Kong-a
Kung fu styles straight from Hong Kong
Samo masne topine i hitovi iz bonga
Only greasy beats and hits from the bong
Roberto Carlos hteo sam da budem kao klinja
I wanted to be like Roberto Carlos as a kid
Al' od svega toga mi se ostvarila samo visina i brzina
But all that came true was my height and speed
Ako uzme da me juri plava svinja
If a blue pig starts chasing me
Tad bi dobio aplauz i od crnja iz Brazila
Then I would get applause even from black guys from Brazil
Kad smo kod Brazila, skroz bi rado bio tamo
Speaking of Brazil, I'd gladly be there
Al' u kraj se uvek vratim u favelu Adriano
But I always come back to the hood like Adriano to the favela
Znaju ljudi, kad na majku roka Smoke Mardeljano
People know, when Smoke Mardeljano rocks the mic
Zapevajmo, ajmo Čavo jednog topa da purnjamo
Let's sing, let's smoke a blunt, Čavo
A Čava mi se hvali kako je preplanô
And Čava brags about how tanned he is
Kaže cepa dosta kečega i ustaje rano
He says he sells a lot of weed and gets up early
Strefili nas pubovi s nekom marihuanom
Some guys hit us up with some marijuana
Mi popalili i rekli asta la manjano
We lit it up and said hasta la mañana
Bacili šta imamo jer nas pandur ganja
Threw away what we had because the cops were chasing us
Tako smo u džepovima ostali bez granja
So we were left without weed in our pockets
Od malena uvek sam upadô u sranja
Since I was little, I've always gotten into trouble
Često buksna deblja, retko buksna tanja
Often a thick wallet, rarely a thin one
Često mi za večeru dolaze tartufi
I often have truffles for dinner
A nekada se hasala pavlaka na klupi
And sometimes we used to scrape sour cream on the bench
Devojke me lepe, zovu da ih futim
Beautiful girls call me to fuck them
U teretani krivim šipke i cirkam smuti
I bend bars in the gym and sip smoothies
"Je l' ima nekih vutri?", reče Ajs Nigrutin
"Is there any weed?", said Ajs Nigrutin
Svetlo zeleni hedovi s dlačicama žutim
Light green buds with yellow hairs
Veća količina je završila u vuspri
A larger quantity ended up in the bag
Onda su mi oči otišle u nusmi
Then my eyes went crossed-eyed
Vadim vutra, čadim topa, dodam odma
I take out the weed, light the blunt, add some more right away
Upržilo sunce, pocrnô sam Conga
The sun's been blazing, I've turned dark like Conga
Stilovi kung fu-a direktno iz Hong Kong-a
Kung fu styles straight from Hong Kong
Samo masne topine i hitovi iz bonga
Only greasy beats and hits from the bong
Vadim vutra, čadim topa, dodam odma
I take out the weed, light the blunt, add some more right away
Upržilo sunce, pocrnô sam Conga
The sun's been blazing, I've turned dark like Conga
Stilovi kung fu-a direktno iz Hong Kong-a
Kung fu styles straight from Hong Kong
Samo masne topine i hitovi iz bonga
Only greasy beats and hits from the bong

Авторы: Vladan Aksentijevic, Milos Stojanovic

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