Ajs Nigrutin - Ortak Velja Čava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ajs Nigrutin - Ortak Velja Čava

Ortak Velja Čava
Ortak Velja Čava
Dobro vece, dobro vece, ja sam ortak Velja
My dear, my dear, I am Ortak Velja
Druzim se s Nigrutinom iako je seljak
I hang out with Nigrutin although he is a redneck
Radim u kaficu svaka nocna smena
I work in a café every night shift
Kolega cuva dete pa ne moze me menja
My colleague looks after a child and cannot replace me
Baksis je dobar, ne mogu da kenjam
The tip is good, I cannot complain
Krajcujem pazar da bi uz'o genja
I haggle at the market to get some change
Dos'o sam sa sljake pre pola casa
I came from the village half an hour ago
Cek' da noge operem i plaknem kobasa
Wait for me to wash my feet and rinse the sausage
Sinoc sam oplodio neka krava rasna
Last night I fertilized a thoroughbred cow
Pa mi se usmrdeo od cenje i safta
And I almost died from laughing and cum
Babi na stakama muzika je glasna
Grandma is playing loud music on the speakers
Prijave mi stizu svakih mesec dana
I receive applications every month
Opr'o genitalije sa dzejom stize Ajzak -
With his genitals exposed, Ajzak arrives with a roll
'De si, Veljo tebreks, je l' ima neka sarma
'Where are you, Veljo my dear, is there any cabbage rolls
Nigrutin je zaseo, uz'o rola sprava
Nigrutin has sat down and taken out a joint from his pocket
Odjednom na terasu sleteo je gavran
Suddenly a raven landed on the terrace
Dajte meni dim
Give me a smoke
Uvatio sam gavrana za noge pa o zid
I caught the raven by its legs and slammed it against the wall
Seven je reko -
Seven said -
Mother f shit
Mother f shit
Izvadio sam buksnu i srolao shit
I took out a tobacco pouch and rolled a joint
Na urgentni gavran prebacen je hitno
The raven was transferred to the emergency room urgently
Odmah smo mu poslali izvinjenje pismom
We immediately sent him an apology in writing
U potpisu Velja, Nigrutin i Ajzak
Signed by Velja, Nigrutin and Ajzak
Posle je u ludari zavrsio zbog pajda
And then he ended up in a mental hospital because of his friend
Pazario seme od ludog papagaja
He was buying seeds from a crazy parrot
U poseti su bili Timbe i njegova snaja
Timbe and his daughter-in-law visited
Trebao je onda da vari sa nama
He was supposed to cook with us then
Jer ne bi se desilo ovo sto je sada
Because none of this that has happened now would have
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Chorus 2x
U zooloskom vrtu nastao je haos
At the zoo there was chaos
Valja se vutra, koka, kser i pajdo
Valja is getting fired, along with his friend and his buddy
Zivot ide dalje, palim nova sprava
Life goes on, I light a new joint
Wikler je stavio da se kuva kafa
Wikler has put on the coffee maker
Odjednom na prozor dolazi zirafa
Suddenly a giraffe comes to the window
'Oce da dimi i da vuce sahta
She wants to smoke and take a drag
Brzo sam se popeo i poneo katran
I quickly climbed up and brought some tar
Polio zirafu sa trecega sprata
I doused the giraffe from the third floor
Od katrana nije mogla da gleda na oci
She could not see from the tar
Vuk Bojovic je mor'o kamionom doci
Vuk Bojovic had to come with a truck
Uspavali su zirafu injekcijom u vrat
They put the giraffe to sleep with an injection in the neck
Udarila je glavom u saobracajni znak
She hit her head on a traffic sign
A onda je dosla tu i hitna pomoc
And then the ambulance came
Da bi ukazali zirafi prvu pomoc
To give the giraffe first aid
Ispitali su krv i nasli opijate
They tested her blood and found opiates
Zavrsavala je semu od gavrana, brate
She was finishing off the seed from the raven, man
Kad je gavran prso, pitala se sta ce
When the raven kicked the bucket, she wondered what she would do
Papagaj je pao, nije mogla da ga nadje
The parrot had fallen, she could not find him
Sve sa gajbe prodala, pocela da krade
She sold everything from the cage and started to steal
A gavran je iz ludare prebacen na mardelj
And the raven was transferred from the mental ward to the psychiatric ward
Sad u istoj celiji igraju karte
Now in the same cell they play cards
Ponekad s papagajem opice i basket
Sometimes with the parrot, monkeys and basketball
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

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