I: Eu am ales o stea ce nicicand de pe cer nu cade
I: I chose a star that never falls from the sky
Doar eu o pot vedea, s-ascund as vrea
Only I can see it, I want to hide it away
Si ochii-inchisi de-i am, o simt si-mi orbeste privirea
And even with my eyes closed, I feel it, blinding my sight
Prin pleoape imi patrund mii de raze
Thousands of rays pierce through my eyelids
Si as da orice sa pot fi cu tine-esti steaua din cer
And I would give anything to be with you
- you're the star in the sky
Vreau sa zbor spre iubire... Refren: S-ajung o stea, sa ne-ntalnim candva pe cer
I want to fly towards love... Chorus: To become a star, to meet someday in the sky
Si undeva s-ascundem dragostea pe dupa nori
And somewhere we'll hide our love behind the clouds
Si de s-ar risipi spre soare vom porni
And if it should dissipate, we'll set off towards the sun
Si-n el e s-ar topi tot o vom pastra. II: Pe tine te-am ales, poti sa fii raza mea de luna
And even if it melts within it, we will preserve it. II: I chose you, you can be my moonbeam
In noapte te doresc doar cand te privesc
In the night I desire you, just when I look at you
Pe loc as deveni un val ce-ar ascunde acea raza
I would instantly become a wave that would hide that ray
Si-atunci te voi pastra in adancuri Si asa da orice sa pot fi cu tine-esti steaua din cer
And then I will keep you in the depths And so I would give anything to be with you
- you're the star in the sky
Vreau sa zbor spre iubire... Refren:. -Da? BIne. Tocmai am venit de la studiu, am inregistrat o piesa. Da, ma Raluca, dar stii ca ziua mea a fost...
I want to fly towards love... Chorus:. -Yes? Okay. I just came from the studio, I recorded a song. Yes, Raluca, but you know my day was...
Nici macar nu m-ai sunat sa-mi spui ′La multi ani!' Bine. Cum vrei tu. Pa!-Ce e, mai, Adi? De ce esti suparat?-Cum sa nu fiu suparat, mai Sorine? Uita-te si tu: ii arat dragostea mea si ea vrea pauze...-Super naspa! Nu ma, nu, nu o lua chiar asa. Asa sunt si eu cu Madalina. Sunt asa de nefericit cand stau cu ea, nu pot s-o fac fericita si-o simt ca nu poate sa fie fericita si cand ma despart de ea nu pot sa respir fara ea, nu pot sa...
You didn't even call me to say 'Happy Birthday!' Okay. As you wish. Bye! -What's up, Adi? Why are you upset? -How can I not be upset, Sorine? Look at this: I show her my love and she wants breaks... -Super lame! No, man, don't take it like that. That's how I am with Madalina too. I'm so unhappy when I'm with her, I can't make her happy and I feel like she can't be happy, and when I break up with her I can't breathe without her, I can't...
Innebunesc!-Da, ma, stiu! Asa eram si eu cu Ofelia. Dar acum, cu Lili e super...-Ia uite, ma! A venit si Marius. Ba! Ba! Hai sa nu mai fim asa tristi ca nu are rost...
I'm going crazy! -Yeah, man, I know! That's how I was with Ofelia. But now, with Lili it's super... -Look, man! Marius came too. Hey! Hey! Let's not be so sad, it's no use...
Se rezolva.-Sper!-Salut Marius!-Salut!-Ce faci mai Marius?-Bai, nu fac bine ma! Tocmai am descoperit ca Ramona ma insela de cateva luni. Cred ca si-a gasit unul cu bani. Sunt terminat.-Cum ma?-Si nu inteleg ce nu i-am oferit.
It will be solved. -I hope so! -Hi Marius! -Hi! -What's up, Marius? -Man, I'm not doing well! I just found out that Ramona has been cheating on me for a few months. I think she found someone with money. I'm devastated. -What? -And I don't understand what I didn't offer her.
Pe bune! Si i-am spus de atatea ori ca as da orice... orice... orice... Orice sa pot fi cu tine
Seriously! And I told her so many times that I would give anything... anything... anything... Anything to be with you
Esti steaua din cer
You're the star in the sky
Vreau sa zbor spre iubïre. Refren(x2):.
I want to fly towards love. Chorus(x2):.
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