Akwid - Esta Copa (Instrumental Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Akwid - Esta Copa (Instrumental Version)

Esta Copa (Instrumental Version)
This Cup (Instrumental Version)
Ah, ahi me olle?
Ah, can you hear me there?
Que bueno que me oiga
It's good that you can hear me
Porque quiero aprobechar este momento
Because I want to take this moment
Pa' darle las gracias
To thank you
Porque sin ti
Because without you
No hubiera jardines hechos
There would be no gardens made
No tendriamos techo ni comida ni servicios
We wouldn't have a roof, food, or services
Muchas gracias
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
(Akwid francisco)
(Akwid Francisco)
Te busco porque te necesito
I'm looking for you because I need you
Decirtelo en tu cara
To tell you to your face
Sin ti, no hubiera carne hazada ni nada
Without you, there would be no grilled meat, nothing
Sinceramente te lo digo porque es cierto
I sincerely tell you because it's true
Y brindo a tu salud
And I toast to your health
En cada de mis conciertos
At each of my concerts
A quien me refiero?
Who am I referring to?
Al carnicero al plomero
The butcher, the plumber
A mi compa el elotero
To my buddy, the corn vendor
Me dicen frijolero
They call me a beaner
Sin darse cuenta
Without realizing
Que en cualquier momento
That at any moment
Se me sale lo ranchero
My rancher side comes out
Saludos pa' el taquero
Greetings to the taco maker
El relojero el lechero
The watchmaker, the milkman
Segun el mas mujeriego
According to the most womanizer
Tambien al paletero
Also to the popsicle vendor
Se la rifa dia a dia
He raffles it off day by day
Con mas valor que un callejero
With more courage than a street vendor
Levanta la mano si eres nopalero
Raise your hand if you're a nopal vendor
Y cajero, tamalero, peluquero
And cashier, tamale vendor, barber
El mundo no gira siendo bien sincero
The world wouldn't spin, to be honest
Sin gente como tu con espalda de acero
Without people like you with a back of steel
Esta copa la brindo pa' el jardinero
I raise this cup to the gardener
El pintor el mesero y el cocinero
The painter, the waiter, and the cook
Esta copa la brindo pa' el taquero
I raise this cup to the taco maker
El lava carros el chalan y el carpintero
The car washer, the helper, and the carpenter
Esta copa la brindo pa' el carnicero
I raise this cup to the butcher
El lavaplatos y tambien el camionero
The dishwasher and also the truck driver
Esta copa la brindo pa' el paletero
I raise this cup to the popsicle vendor
El mecanico el costurero y el ranchero
The mechanic, the seamstress, and the rancher
(Akwid sergio)
(Akwid Sergio)
Para pagarles a estos weyes
To pay these guys
Yo no me aprieto
I don't hesitate
Que son buenos chambeadores
They are good workers
No es un secreto
It's not a secret
De restaurantes chinos americanos
From Chinese and American restaurants
Todos los cocineros son mexicanos
All the cooks are Mexican
A toda madre
It's awesome
Estoy orgulloso
I'm proud
De ser uno de ellos desde mocoso
To be one of them since I was a kid
Pa' lo que quieras
For whatever you want
Y lo que ocupes
And whatever you need
Una mica chueca no te preocupes
A little crooked, don't worry
Donde haiga jale
Wherever there's work
Ahi los encuentras
There you find them
Nadamas para papeles no hay muestras
There are no samples just for papers
Sin colegios y sin escuelas
Without colleges and without schools
Puro pinche foot ball y novelas
Just damn football and soap operas
Y si no existiera esta gente
And if these people didn't exist
Como viviera?
How would I live?
Que hiciera? (que hiciera?)
What would I do? (What would I do?)
Quien chingados me atendiera?
Who the hell would take care of me?
Y aqui con ganas todo es posible
And here with desire, everything is possible
Y lo que ustedas hacen
And what you do
Para la gente es increible
For people is incredible
Esta copa la brindo pa' el jardinero
I raise this cup to the gardener
El pintor el mesero y el cocinero
The painter, the waiter, and the cook
Esta copa la brindo pa' el taquero
I raise this cup to the taco maker
El lava carros el chalan y el carpintero
The car washer, the helper, and the carpenter
Esta copa la brindo pa' el carnicero
I raise this cup to the butcher
El lavaplatos y tambien el camionero
The dishwasher and also the truck driver
Esta copa la brindo pa' el paletero
I raise this cup to the popsicle vendor
El mecanico el costurero y el ranchero
The mechanic, the seamstress, and the rancher
(Don cheto)
(Don Cheto)
(Yeah!) a todos los que le andamos hechando ganas por aca
(Yeah!) To all of us who are working hard out here
A los constructores, jardineros, plomeros everybody
To the builders, gardeners, plumbers everybody
Abuelita aca us
Grandma here with us
(Akwid francisco)
(Akwid Francisco)
Me quito el sombrero
I take my hat off
Para mi gente
For my people
Respeto pa' aquel que se la rifa
Respect for those who hustle
Y se la gana diariamente
And earn it daily
Sea lo que sea
Whatever it is
Sea cualquier jale
Whatever the job
Manos a la obra
Hands to work
Y sin sacarle
And without backing down
Soy tu mejor amigo
I'm your best friend
Me dicen paisa
They call me paisa
Contesto con orgullo
I answer with pride
Y te brindo mi casa
And I offer you my home
Asi de chingones
That's how badass
Los mexicanos
Mexicans are
Y todo aquel que lucha
And everyone who fights
Por venir de otro lado
To come from another place
(Akwid sergio)
(Akwid Sergio)
Si no estubiera ustedes
If you weren't here
Que pasaria?
What would happen?
Quien les cortara esa carne
Who would cut that meat for them
Y comprar su loteria
And buy their lottery tickets
Y quien les va a lavar el carro?
And who's going to wash their car?
Ellos mismos?
No creo
I don't think so
Se mueren de un catarro
They'd die of a cold
Y mucha gente no los nota
And many people don't notice them
Nadamas los que estan en la esquina
Just those who are on the corner
Vendiendo mota
Selling weed
De corazon un saludo
From the heart, a greeting
Para ustedes
To you
Chinguenle duro
Keep working hard
Hasta que jalen un mercedez
Until you pull up in a Mercedes
Esta copa la brindo pa' el jardinero
I raise this cup to the gardener
El pintor el mesero y el cocinero
The painter, the waiter, and the cook
Esta copa la brindo pa' el taquero
I raise this cup to the taco maker
El lava carros el chalan y el carpintero
The car washer, the helper, and the carpenter
Esta copa la brindo pa' el carnicero
I raise this cup to the butcher
El lavaplatos y tambien el camionero
The dishwasher and also the truck driver
Esta copa la brindo pa' el paletero
I raise this cup to the popsicle vendor
El mecanico el costurero y el ranchero
The mechanic, the seamstress, and the rancher
(Don cheto hablando)
(Don Cheto speaking)
Hey! y los que venden piedra pues que?
Hey! And what about those who sell rocks?
Tambien cuenten a mi hijo
Count me in too, son

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Sergio Gomez, Francisco Gomez

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