Al Nather feat. Shabjdeed - Dawaween - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Al Nather feat. Shabjdeed - Dawaween

و يا صبّابين الشاي زيدو حلاتو لاتو
You tea pourers, make it more delicious, don't be cheap
و اذا خلّص عندكم صبّوا ، الّي استحوا ماتوا
And when you are finished, keep pouring, those who are too shy, die
حَوَلَي حَوَلَي حَوَلَي
Around and around and around
و يا صبّابين الشاي زيدو حلاتو لاتو
You tea pourers, make it more delicious, don't be cheap
والّي بيخلص كاسو صبّوا الّي استحوا ماتوا
And whoever finishes their cup, pour more, those who are too shy, die
حَوَلَي حَوَلَي حَوَلَي
Around and around and around
انا المُتير
I am the one who gets excited
انا شب جديد
I am a new guy
انا عضو فعّال فالمجتمع
I am an active member in the community
كس اخت البرموا انفسهم عالمداخل فالجُمع
Like a sister's cunt, they push themselves at the entrance of the mosque
وين راح هداك؟
Where did he go?
ذهب إنقلع
He vanished
عندك سرطان؟
Do you have cancer?
روح مُتطلع
Go and get tested
و تجبش البهيم عالتسليم وإن صار جاي...
And don't bring a dumb person to the pharmacy, and if he comes...
رح يِنفَرَ-يِنفَرَ-يِنفَرَط
He will explode, explode, explode
بَلَدي بلا منايك بتنفعش
My country is useless without us
رح لِفّها دورها فِرَّها
Go around it, search for it, escape it
واطي الّي عَ بَلَدنا يخفش
The one who is afraid of our country is a lowlife
تخال محمد زي الدُّرّة
Imagine Muhammad like a pearl
وهل رح ابقى عزيز النفس
So will I remain honorable
ام أنشلِف لاجل الشهرة
Or will I ask for charity for the sake of fame?
و بنفع تزعل بنفعش تلطم
It doesn't matter if you get angry, it doesn't matter if you hit yourself
زي اللي بنيِّك ولابس كُندُم
Like the ones who fuck you and wear a condom
و دَوَوين دَوَوين دَوَوين دَوَوين دَوَوين
And Dawaween, Dawaween, Dawaween, Dawaween, Dawaween
حد مَنخلِّص خالي
A border that will never end
بجوز لو ننقرِض نضل نداوِن
Maybe if we borrow, we will continue to treat
نروح على اربِد و نِرجع بشاحِنة
We go to Irbid and return with a truck
و ملايين ملايين ملايين ملايين ملايين
And millions, millions, millions, millions, millions
بس بشوف باحلامي
But I only see in my dreams
يكون شب جديد الراعي الرسمي
A new guy as the official sponsor
إن تِدفع اكثر تفضّل خالي
If you pay more, come forward, my friend
كل يوم جريدة اخبار صفحة موتى لا ما بكريش
Every day, the newspaper, the news, the obituary page, no, I'm not kidding
صار مقدِّم هجرة هاظ
He became a leader of immigration
لحاله بدّه يعيش
He wanted to live alone
هل هاد رح يبقى عزيز النفس
Will he remain honorable?
ام راح بسرعة بسرعة يندم
Or will he quickly, quickly regret it?
يصير يقول انا ليش اعيش
He will say to himself, why do I live?
لفلوس لشو لفلوس لايش
For money, for what? For money, for what?
يا مالي الشام
O my money in Damascus
اصلي جلجامش
I am originally Gilgamesh
يا مالي الشام
O my money in Damascus
اصلي جلجامش
I am originally Gilgamesh
مرّات بحب اخفف دم...
Sometimes I like to be a little more mellow...
مرات بحب اكثِّر شطِة...
Sometimes I like to be a little more spicy...
باصور خرا
هل هاد مخدِّر ام هاد سَم؟
Is this a drug or is this poison?
يا هل ترى
I wonder
هاد فن ام هاد مرض
Is this art or is this a disease?
فالجزدان فالبي ام ورا
In the wallet, in the BMW, and back
دَوَوين دَوَوين دَوَوين دَوَوين دَوَوين
Dawaween, Dawaween, Dawaween, Dawaween, Dawaween
حد مَنخلِّص خالي
A border that will never end
بجوز لو ننقرِض نضل نداوِن
Maybe if we borrow, we will continue to treat
نروح على اربِد و نِرجع بشاحِنة
We go to Irbid and return with a truck
و ملايين ملايين ملايين ملايين ملايين
And millions, millions, millions, millions, millions
بس بشوف باحلامي
But I only see in my dreams
يكون شب جديد الراعي الرسمي
A new guy as the official sponsor
إن تِدفع اكثر تفضّل خالي
If you pay more, come forward, my friend
و يا صبّابين الشاي زيدو حلاتو لاتو
You tea pourers, make it more delicious, don't be cheap
و اذا خلّص عندكم صبّوا ، الّي استحوا ماتوا
And when you are finished, keep pouring, those who are too shy, die
حَوَلَي حَوَلَي حَوَلَي
Around and around and around
و يا صبّابين الشاي زيدو حلاتو لاتو
You tea pourers, make it more delicious, don't be cheap
والّي بيخلص كاسو صبّوا الّي استحوا ماتوا
And whoever finishes their cup, pour more, those who are too shy, die
حَوَلَي حَوَلَي حَوَلَي
Around and around and around
فتكان، فتكان فتكان فتكا نفتكان
Successful, successful, successful success, we succeed
احنا اللي سوينا البلاغان
We are the ones who made the reports
في تنظيم بس في فلتان
In organization, but in chaos
We are used to it
عرابيد عرابيد ناقصين دين و عقل
Bedouins, Bedouins, lacking in religion and reason
حولي حولي
Around and around

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