Al2 El Aldeano - Diles Que No - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Al2 El Aldeano - Diles Que No

Diles Que No
Tell Them No
Let's go!
El Club de los Poetas del Barrio
The Neighborhood Poets Club
La Cueva
The Cave
Ando oculto
I walk hidden
Como un monstro subterráneo
Like an underground monster
Que sale en las noches sobre un ritmo
That comes out at night over a rhythm
A romper cráneos
To break skulls
Tu miedo es inmenso
Your fear is immense
Como el mar Mediterráneo
Like the Mediterranean Sea
Tu arte forzado y malo
Your art is forced and bad
El mío es libre y espontáneo
Mine is free and spontaneous
Ah caramba, coño ah caramba
Oh man, damn, oh man
Desde el Barbaran vengo con mi rebambaramba
From Barbaran I come with my rebambaramba
Tengo a los Mc′s brincando pa' la zamba
I have the MCs jumping to the zamba
Te hace falta más escaleras
You need more stairs
Pa′ bailar mi Bamba
To dance my Bamba
God Damnit, men no me quemes
God Damnit, man, don't burn me
No si son reales o son Memes
I don't know if they're real or Memes
Solamente pido por favor un micro denme
I only ask, please, give me a mic
Pa' echarles a perder la fiesta
To ruin the party for them
A todos estos habla semen
All these talking semen
Remen, que el Chira pa' ripearse vino
Row, that the Chira came to party
No es la cara ni el cuerpo Mami
It's not the face or the body, baby
Es este flow divino
It's this divine flow
Si crees que conmigo
If you think that with me
Vas a ganarte unos puntos
You're going to earn some points
estás más prendido que
You're more lit than
Snoop Dogg y Bob Marley juntos
Snoop Dogg and Bob Marley together
Ja, ja, Aldo nunca se relaja, ni la guardia baja
Ha, ha, Aldo never relaxes, never lets his guard down
Deja de hablar y trabaja
Stop talking and work
Tanto trapo en vano
So much cloth in vain
A mi en el cuerpo no me encaja
It doesn't fit my body
Al final yo nací
In the end I was born
Más desnudo que la Maja
More naked than the Maja
Mi raíz es Celia Cruz, Bola de Nieve
My root is Celia Cruz, Bola de Nieve
Soy de los que pasa por tu casa y masas mueve
I'm one of those who pass by your house and move masses
No frenan mis musas ni bajo el nivel, never
My muses don't brake, not even under the level, never
Soy 24 horas igual que el 7-Eleven
I'm 24 hours, just like 7-Eleven
Diles que no, diles que no se comparen
Tell them no, tell them not to compare themselves
Y que pa′ lo que viene se preparen
And to be prepared for what's coming
Yo no freno, no ha nacido quien me pare
I don't brake, no one has been born who can stop me
Permíteme que eso te aclare
Let me clarify that for you
Diles que no, diles que no se comparen
Tell them no, tell them not to compare themselves
Y que pa′ lo que viene se preparen
And to be prepared for what's coming
Yo no freno, no ha nacido quien me pare
I don't brake, no one has been born who can stop me
Permíteme que eso te aclare
Let me clarify that for you
Soy yo
It's me
No vengo con finta ni farol
I don't come with feints or bluffs
Soy yo
It's me
sabes que caliento más que el sol
You know I'm hotter than the sun
Chamaco soy yo
Kid, it's me
El que no merma con la tinta
The one who doesn't diminish with ink
Conmigo la cosa si es distinta
With me things are different
Aquí hay que rapear
Here you have to rap
No es por la pinta, no comas ...
It's not about the looks, don't eat ...
O sea, rima en lata
I mean, rhyme in a can
La libra de flow barata
The pound of cheap flow
El hijo de Ades la mulata los maltrata
The son of Ades the mulatto mistreats them
Demasiada carretera
Too much road
Ni matándome me empatan
They won't match me even if they kill me
Yo escribo 3 veces al día
I write 3 times a day
estas todo el día en 4 patas
You are on all fours all day
La piñata de versos se rompió
The piñata of verses broke
El loco se soltó, a correr o a volar, qué yo
The madman let loose, to run or fly, I don't know
Mi abuelo desde el cielo le dice a mi abuela ñió
My grandfather from heaven tells my grandmother, wow
Tenemos un nieto abusador con cojones no?
We have an abusive grandson with balls, right?
No especulo, rapeo dulo
I don't speculate, I rap duel
Como una moneda por las calles hoy circulo
Like a coin, I circulate through the streets today
Sin dar el extra en la palestra te estrangulo
Without giving the extra, I strangle you in the arena
Poncha base pa' meterte el micro entero por el culo
Turn on the base to put the whole microphone in your ass
Deambulo en el Olimpo del asfalto
I wander the Olympus of asphalt
Busco más llegar profundo que tocar lo alto
I seek to go deeper than to touch the top
Algunos dicen que entre los demás rappers resalto
Some say that I stand out among other rappers
Mis fiestas no, pero mis flavors si es por todo lo alto
My parties no, but my flavors, if it's for everything high
Alto, mi estilo huele a hojas de tabaco
Stop, my style smells like tobacco leaves
Yo escribo dos temas diario
I write two songs a day
Al mes no cuántos saco
I don't know how many I release per month
Te bajo la mano de peso
I'll take you down with the weight of my hand
Te suelto todos los dedos to′ flacos
I let go of all your fingers, all flaccid
Chamaco ya no des más muela y prende el taco
Kid, don't give me any more trouble and light the taco
Cuando menos se lo esperan los ataco
When they least expect it, I attack them
Haciendo arte por la libre empresa me destaco
Making art through free enterprise, I stand out
Nenes a correr que llegó el rapero en saco
Kids, run, the rapper in a sack has arrived
Los tengo con fiebre y con dos termómetros por sobaco
I have them with a fever and with two thermometers per armpit
No es nada especial, igual que todos lucho
It's nothing special, just like everyone else, I fight
Pero no te creas cosas que tu disco no lo escucho
But don't believe things that you, I don't listen to your record
Tremendo chucho pa' esta pila de raperuchos
Tremendous dog for this pile of little rappers
Dicen que me, lo que pasa es que ellos sueñan mucho
They say that me, what happens is that they dream a lot
Diles que no, diles que no se comparen
Tell them no, tell them not to compare themselves
Y que pa′ lo que viene se preparen
And to be prepared for what's coming
Yo no freno, no ha nacido quien me pare
I don't brake, no one has been born who can stop me
Permíteme que eso te aclare
Let me clarify that for you
Diles que no, diles que no se comparen
Tell them no, tell them not to compare themselves
Y que pa' lo que viene se preparen
And to be prepared for what's coming
Yo no freno, no ha nacido quien me pare
I don't brake, no one has been born who can stop me
Permíteme que eso te aclare
Let me clarify that for you
Soy yo
It's me
No vengo con finta ni farol
I don't come with feints or bluffs
Soy yo
It's me
sabes que caliento más que el sol
You know I'm hotter than the sun
Chamaco soy yo
Kid, it's me
El que no merma con la tinta
The one who doesn't diminish with ink
Conmigo la cosa si es distinta
With me things are different
Aquí hay que rapear
Here you have to rap
No es por la pinta, no comas ...
It's not about the looks, don't eat ...
Diles que no, diles que no
Tell them no, tell them no
Diles que conmigo no se comparen
Tell them not to compare themselves to me
Y que apunten para otros lugares
And to aim for other places
Diles que no, diles que no
Tell them no, tell them no
Diles que conmigo no se comparen
Tell them not to compare themselves to me
Y que pa′ lo que viene se preparen
And to be prepared for what's coming

Авторы: Aldo Roberto Rodriguez Baquero

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