Al2 El Aldeano - La Aldea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Al2 El Aldeano - La Aldea

La Aldea
The Village
Dijo alberth eistein!!
Alberth Einstein is said to have said!!
Lee cuento a tus hijos si quieres que sean inteligentes
Read stories to your child if you want him to be intelligent
Si tambien deseas q sean feliz y valientes alejalos de playstation q gozen del medio ambiente
If you also want them to be happy and brave, keep them away from PlayStation and let them enjoy the environment
Q sientan q tienen quien lo entiende y le de cariño, de los niños igual se aprende caballero
Let them feel that they have someone who understands them and cares for them, you can learn from children too, my friend
Si teme a la oscuridad se tu quien la luz le prendé
If they are afraid of the dark, be the one who turns on the light for them
Y si se orina igual se tu q le cambie el culero
And if he needs a diaper change, be the one
Guialo por el mundo y por cada semdero y en dia q te vea solo o sola te dira te quiero
Guide him through the world and every step of the way, and on the day that you see him alone or alone he will tell you I love you
Hay comprenderas q tengas o no dinero siempre habrá una criatura q te muestre amor sinceró
There you will understand that whether or not you have money there will always be a creature that shows you sincere love
Y cuando corregirlo necesites has q vea y rectifique sus errores sin necesidad q grites
And when you need to correct him, make him see and rectify his mistakes without the need for you to shout
No pierdas la paciencia no seas torpe para educar existen métodos mas efectivos q el golpe
Don't lose your patience, don't be clumsy, there are methods of education that are more effective than hitting
Dejalo q corra q juegue no este triste no preguntes como te portaste si no q aprendiste
Let him run, let him play, don't be sad, don't ask how you behaved, but what you learned
El valor no está en sus sueños ni en la ropita q visten mas q una autoridad ser su amigo me entendiste
The value is not in his dreams or in the clothes he wears, more than being an authority, be his friend, do you understand?
Se eficaz sin replicas ellos tienen mas energia q la luz del dia en una termoeléctrica
Be effective without arguments, they have more energy than the light of day in a thermoelectric power station
Pon en práctica tactica de unir los lazos
Practice the tactic of uniting bonds
Es mejor darle un beso q un cocotazo!!
It's better to give him a kiss than a slap!!
No justifiques cada error
Don't justify every mistake
No garantize su dolor si no su amor, su amor, su amor, su amor...
Do not guarantee his pain but his love, his love, his love, his love...
Si ve a su mama y si ve a su papa peleando y discutiendo todo el tiempo
If he sees his mother and if he sees his father fighting and arguing all the time
Seguro sera otro niño mas q crecerá en un ambiente violento lo niños son algo diferente toda la atención del mundo y para ellos todavía no es suficiente
He will surely be another child who will grow up in a violent environment. Children are something different. All the attention in the world is not enough for them
Ni de la mama ni de lo papa pq se desvían si les mientes!!
Not from the mother nor from the father because they are misled if you lie to them!!
Es bueno contra malo cuando se le caiga un diente bajo su almohada dejale un regalo
It's good against bad when a tooth falls out, leave a gift under his pillow
Q puede ser un dibujo, una pelota, o una postal lo q vale es la sorpresa lo demas a ellos le da igual
It could be a drawing, a ball, or a postcard, what matters is the surprise, the rest does not matter to them
Muestrale la realidad sin herir sus fantasias educalos sin maldad disfruta su compañía recuerdale q el amor no cabe en una alcancia y q lo mas importante es convivir en armonía
Show him reality without hurting his fantasies, educate him without malice, enjoy his company, remind him that love does not fit in a piggy bank and that the most important thing is to live in harmony
Dejale saber sin egoismo q los tiempos podrán cambiar pero tu siempre vas a ser el mismo q estar a su lado con la convicion mas plena q compartirlo todo en las malas y en las buenas
Let him know without selfishness that times may change but you will always be the same, that you are by his side with the fullest conviction to share everything in good times and bad
Q con sus ojos te reflejes cuando necesite saber q alguien fuerte lo protege cuentale una historia siempre q el tiempo te deje para q las nubes grises de azul cielo se alejen
Let him know with your eyes that you will reflect when he needs to know that someone strong is protecting him, tell him a story whenever time permits so that the gray clouds of blue sky go away

Авторы: Aldo Roberto Rodriguez Baquero, Raymond Daniel

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