Alan - Marrakech - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alan - Marrakech

Bine-ai dat play, poate-ai gresit piesa
You hit play, maybe you got the wrong track
E muzica d-aia care-ti strica freza
It's that kind of music that messes up your hair
Ce faci tu, sincer, no me interesa
What you do, honestly, no me interesa
Eu servesc cerveza pan' se-nvarte cabesa
I'm serving cerveza till my head spins
Cand iti bag pula-n gat, ma doare-n pula, simte-te
When I stick my dick in your throat, I don't give a fuck, feel it
Ma pis pe ce spui daca citesti pe litere
I piss on what you say if you're reading it letter by letter
Stiu cum sta treaba, ne-o spun cifrele
I know how things are, the numbers tell us
Pe noi ne-asculta golanii, nu ne-asculta pizdele
The gangsters listen to us, not the bitches
Te curentez prin text des
I'm electrifying you through text, often
Sper ca s-a-nteles ca nu-mi devii frate dupa doua vorbe pe mess
I hope you understand you don't become my brother after two words on messenger
Vezi, colectionez rime fine, in fine, le dresez
See, I collect fine rhymes, well, I train them
Eu sustin miscarea - prinde-mi duma din mers!
I support the movement - catch my flow on the go!
Pac Pac e numele ce rupe
Pac Pac is the name that breaks
De mai bine de-o decada bag rap pe diverse rute
For more than a decade I've been rapping on various routes
Da' cand piesa ta-i degeaba si nici vocea nu ma rupe
But when your song is pointless and your voice doesn't break me
Parca nimic nu se pupa - ca la curve!
It's like nothing fits - like with whores!
Bârfe, vorbe, povești
Gossip, talk, stories
Târfe ca-n Marrakech
Whores like in Marrakech
Viața te fute și tot tu plătești
Life fucks you and you still pay
Când banii vorbesc - ne spun cine ești!
When money talks - it tells us who you are!
Bârfe, vorbe, povești
Gossip, talk, stories
Târfe ca-n Marrakech
Whores like in Marrakech
Viața te fute și tot tu plătești
Life fucks you and you still pay
Când banii vorbesc - ne spun cine ești!
When money talks - it tells us who you are!
Bârfe, vorbe, povești
Gossip, talk, stories
Târfe ca-n Marrakech
Whores like in Marrakech
Viața te fute și tot tu plătești
Life fucks you and you still pay
Când banii vorbesc - ne spun cine ești!
When money talks - it tells us who you are!
Yavez ce zic, cum o dai sa fie bine
You know what I'm saying, how do you make it good
Nu prea conteaza ce spui atata timp cat suna bine
It doesn't really matter what you say as long as it sounds good
Unele vedete, vere, parca dispar de la sine
Some celebrities, bro, seem to disappear on their own
Asa cum banii si pizdele scot curva din tine, fine!
Just like money and bitches bring out the whore in you, fine!
Ia-o cum vine, ba, nu ma lua tu cu "oky doky"
Take it as it comes, man, don't give me that "oky doky"
Tu degeaba te dai de top ca dumele's vechi ca walkie talkie
You're just pretending to be top, your rhymes are as old as a walkie talkie
Daca te iau la ochi, te-am ochit da' n-o dau doar sa-ti ochii
If I have my eye on you, I've targeted you, but I'm not just aiming for your eyes
O dau de dai in balbaiala ca Porky
I'm aiming to make you stutter like Porky
Nu duc vorba de colo colo, zi ca-n muzica-s Apolo
I'm not talking nonsense, say I'm like Apollo in music
Stii ca raman lipit de beat, in apele mele ca la polo
You know I stay glued to the beat, in my element like in water polo
Fara comert ca Marco Polo, am bagat rap pro-bono, soro
Without commerce like Marco Polo, I rapped pro-bono, sis
Pasionat de ce fac ca de fotbal Manolo!
Passionate about what I do like Manolo about football!
Romania ma stie - bag rap intruna
Romania knows me - I rap all the time
Stiu trapperi mai pizde decat Maluma
I know trappers more bitchy than Maluma
Ai nostri fac sa rasara luna
Ours make the moon rise
Eu vin cu saru'mana sa-mi bag pula!
I come with a kiss on your hand to stick my dick in!
Bârfe, vorbe, povești
Gossip, talk, stories
Târfe ca-n Marrakech
Whores like in Marrakech
Viața te fute și tot tu plătești
Life fucks you and you still pay
Când banii vorbesc - ne spun cine ești!
When money talks - it tells us who you are!
Bârfe, vorbe, povești
Gossip, talk, stories
Târfe ca-n Marrakech
Whores like in Marrakech
Viața te fute și tot tu plătești
Life fucks you and you still pay
Când banii vorbesc - ne spun cine ești!
When money talks - it tells us who you are!

Авторы: Alan Anghel

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