Alan - Lumea lu' Scorsese - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alan - Lumea lu' Scorsese

Lumea lu' Scorsese
Scorsese's world
Fara regie eu fac tot ce fac
Without directing I do everything I do
Nu m-am dezis de tot ce-am zis am zis demult unde-o s-ajungem
I haven't let go of everything I've said I've said a long time ago where we're going to end up
Acu' toti sunt credinciosi - cand vad ce vad, isi fac cruce
Now they are all faithful - when they see what they see, they make a cross
Daca-ntrebi, nimeni n-asculta ce-i in top 3 trending
If you ask, no one listens to what's in the top 3 trending
Ii vezi pe unii pe ajutoare sociale si toale Fendi!
You see some of them on welfare and Fendi toilets!
Ce se-ntampla nimeni n-aude - si nu-i de la gain
What happens nobody hears-and it's not from gain
S-a bagat net in toate satele, acum toti au Philip Plein
He got net in all the villages, now they all Philip Plein
"Ete" haine de firma falsa, e o tara frumoasa
"It's" fake company clothes, it's a beautiful country
Cu o gramada de adevarati mari cocalari la baza
With a bunch of real big cocks at the base
Zic "lasa, nu-mi pasa" da'i groasa treaba cu cloaca
I say "leave, I don't care" but it's the thick thing with the cloaca
Dai de genu' ce "te pupa si-apoi pregateste groapa"
You're like, " Kiss You and then make the pit."
Tine fratii deoparte de frica sa nu-i rupa craca
Keep the brothers apart for fear of breaking their branch
Se-mparte greu treaba cand e vorba de papa, zic gata!
When it comes to the pope, I say done!
Eu fac haz de necaz, nu caut prosti sa ma perie
I make fun of trouble, I'm not looking for fools to brush me
Imi vad de treaba, in niciun caz nu ma scald in mizerie
Mind my own business, in no case do I bathe in misery
Ca dumnezeu vede tot frate si asta ma cam sperie
That God sees everything brother and that kind of scares me
D-aia cand e de dat muie ma implic cu sfintenie!
That's why when it comes to giving a blowjob I get involved with holiness!
Parca e lumea lu' scorseze
It's like scorseze's world
Filme, regie, sa pompeze
Movies, directing, pumping
Putini fac ceva sa conteze
Few do anything to matter
100% sa dureze
100% to last
Parca e lumea lu' scorseze
It's like scorseze's world
Filme, regie, sa pompeze
Movies, directing, pumping
Putini fac ceva sa conteze
Few do anything to matter
100% sa dureze
100% to last
S-a fumat filmu' 2pac acum "ma nigga"-i mulat
2Pac movie smoking now "ma nigga" is mulatto
Toti reprezinta pana foamea-si baga pula-n el de rap
They all represent hunger until they put their cock in it to rap
Esti invatat sa fii baiat cat mai corect cu toata lumea
You are taught to be a boy as fair as possible to everyone
Si sa nu-l superi pe Bunul Dumnezeu c-ai belit pula!
And don't upset The Good Lord for fucking your dick!
Toti se vor personaje - deja ma simt ca la Disney
Everyone wants characters-I already feel like Disney
E vorba de-"artisticaraie", de ce faci din vise
It's about - "artisticaraie", what do you make of dreams
Nu zic de rau si nu c-ar fi subiecte interzise
I'm not saying bad and not that there are forbidden topics
Doar ca mama ma-nvatat sa nu vorbesc urat de pizde!
It's just that my mom taught me not to talk dirty about pussies!
E moda "minti deschise, jos discriminarea"
It's "open minds, down discrimination"fashion
Daca esti prost, esti prost, chiar nu conteaza culoarea!
If you're stupid, you're stupid, it really doesn't matter the color!
Hai, fii bun da' pan-ajungi in Rai te omoara asteptarea
Come on, be good but' pan-you get to Heaven it kills you waiting
Nu exista smecheri mai tari decat foamea!
There are no better tricks than hunger!
Daca-i de bani promovam orice scursura
If it's money we promote any scum
Orice zi de munca e motiv de bautura
Every day is a drink
Daca se cere cacat, cacat sa se faca
If you ask for shit, shit to be done
Oricum ultimu' fraier n-o sa moara niciodata!
The last sucker will never die anyway!
Parca e lumea lu' scorseze
It's like scorseze's world
Filme, regie, sa pompeze
Movies, directing, pumping
Putini fac ceva sa conteze
Few do anything to matter
100% sa dureze
100% to last
Parca e lumea lu' scorseze
It's like scorseze's world
Filme, regie, sa pompeze
Movies, directing, pumping
Putini fac ceva sa conteze
Few do anything to matter
100% sa dureze
100% to last

Авторы: Anghel Alan

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